Landmarks Commission Snubs Hotel Pennsylvania Again
Really? This is the criteria:
The Landmarks Law requires that, to be designated, a potential landmark must be at least 30 years old and must possess "a special character or special historical or aesthetic interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the city, state, or nation."
This hotel is historic and was built by McKim, Mead & White who also built the original Penn Station, the demolition of which was responsible for the creation of the LPC. Pretty ironic that the LPC is rubber stamping the destruction of this building, which was named after Penn Station, in order to allow the building of a new Penn Station, which actually looks like it may be dead.
Photo from NY Observer
Give Tierney another doggie biscuit
for wagging his tail in support
of Bloomberg and his real estate industry buddies.
And....uh....for Mary Beth Betts....
better make that a whole box for that ugly souled dog!
Glenn Miler is turning over in his grave by now!
"Pennsylvania 6-5000" soon to
be just a big band era song memory!
Given the volume of surface traffic in that neck of the woods, the first thing that springs to my mind at the thought of this project actually becoming a reality is, "who will be assigned the task of gridlock management?"
these LPC-ers seem so out of it that they might've rejected landmarking the hotel in the assumption that it was located in Pennsylvania.
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