“We look forward to uniting the Democratic Party and winning in November,” said [Vallone] campaign spokesman Austin Finan.
A victory in November would continue a venerable New York tradition of having a Vallone in the City Council, a practice that goes back to 1974, when Vallone Sr. was elected.
Political dynasties are venerable? I've always thought them quite disgusting: Imagine the Staviskys, Crowleys and Vallone in a daisy chain...because that appears to be what's happening here.
From Capital New York:
Austin Shafran, a former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, has conceded his City Council race against Paul Vallone, after falling behind by more than 190 votes.
Shafran's concession ends one of the more hotly contested Council races, which took nearly a week to resolve after last Tuesday's primary.
"We're very proud of the campaign we ran to improve the quality of life for our community," Shafran said in a statement to Capital. "I'm honored by the support we received and will continue to be a strong voice and relentless advocate for working families across the city."
It certainly doesn't look like Vallone has united Austin behind him. Graziano and Voskerichian certainly aren't uniting behind him. If he's talking about having sold his soul to County in return for their endorsement, then fine. But this still is nothing like this week's DeBlasio-Thompson-Quinn lovefest.
Quite frankly, the general consensus among the roughly 70% of CD19 Democrats who didn't vote for Paul V. is: Anybody but Vallone.
I think Joe Moretti summed it up best on the Queens Courier's website: "There goes the neighborhood. You might want to vote Republican come November. One Vallone down, one more to go."
It's just stupid. How the hell can someone win an election with thirtysomething percent of the vote, where seven out of 10 voters went against you? This system is out of whack and, yeah, that's the understatement of the century.
Lol you dummies
Of course Shafran is going to endorse him. He's a hack like the rest of them.
In my opinion, that stuck up pretentious prick is worst of the crop. Shafran is the WORST type of politician, absolute WORST.
And I certainly wont be voting for the Republican... I saw him at an event a few days ago, what an embarrassment to public speaking.
If you don't like PV, then move? Why people still believe Vallone will be shitting in his backyard is beyond all of us...
Lastly, I can't see a Republican winning this seat after the whole Halloran debacle. If some more information about his case starts to get out as we get closer to Nov 5th, it's over for Saffran.
Here's another option, if PV is 4 years of bad, vote him out!
Oh no! Not Stinky!
The ducks line up! Give him time.
Sorry but it doesn't matter what party you belong to, when you set your opponent on fire,bring the innocent dead children from Newtown, CT to appear in your flyers and tell people to Vote their faith... IT'S TIME TO GO. Look out Dennis Saffran who knows what Stinky and Jobs for NY have in store for you.
I know Austin Shafran quite well and I can tell you that he WILL NOT be endorsing Paul Vallone. Call the opponents all the names you want, but don't be surprised when none of them endorse Vallone. It's really hard to bring yourself to endorse someone who is unqualified for the position and will stoop so low as to make up crime statistics about the neighborhoods he wants to represent in an attempt to fearmonger for votes. I also don't see anyone shaking his hand in a photo op after he used dead children in another fear mongering tactic. The fact is, he has absolutely NO public safety record, and no record at all except as a lobbyist, so he has to use his father's name and his brother's record to run on.
Yada, yada, yada! All nice words but you have only one party in NYC. Everyone will line up. You all know you cant trust those nasty old republicans.
Of course Shafran is going to endorse him. He's a hack like the rest of them.
You must have Shafran confused with someone named Stavisky, Weprin, or Vallone. There's no way that any of the four Dems in that race will endorse Vallone. He stands alone, with just his "family". I will either write-in Shafran's name, or vote for the Republican, Saffran.
Oh no! Not Stinky.
This Democrat is voting Republican. I am going to tell everyone I know to vote Republican.
This is clearly a case of anybody but Vallone and I will do my part to see to it.
If you don't like PV, then move? Why people still believe Vallone will be shitting in his backyard is beyond all of us..
Go over to Astoria knucklehead.
Next Question.
Lastly, I can't see a Republican winning this seat after the whole Halloran debacle..
My friend, if that be the case my scorecard for the borough is
Republicans 1 Democrats 12.
So what do we do - vote Green?
Here's another option, if PV is 4 years of bad, vote him out!
Lol you dummies...... You're the only dummy in town. Did you forget to take your meds? Shafran is not the one who evaded every question, hid behind Jobs for NY and LIED.
I don't like Stinky and I'm not moving, he is, after he loses to Saffron.
Just because Dan the heathen Halloran turned out to be a big criminal doesn't mean every republican is tainted. Stop being so ignorant. That's the problem with you democratic machine, stinky supporters, you judge people by their political party.
Start judging people by what they do and who they hide behind and stop making such stupid comments on Queenscrap.
Mr. Vallone
Knowing people in Newton and being involved with public safety, I can tell you, your name is known in Neeton and those people are upset. Their is a group looking to take legal action against you and your PAC.
You are a disgusting and vile human being. You hid behind daddy when you got arrested and now you are hiding behind jobs for New York. Shame on you
Too many dirty flyers under the bridge.... Go Saffron!
Anyone but Vallone! Many, many Democrats I have spoken with in the past week will be putting their support behind Dennis Saffran, despite what the Vallone trolls on this site say! Remember--Saffran lost to Avella by less than 1% of the vote. Saffran never supported Halloran and was never aligned with Halloran. I think it is likely he will garner Graziano's and Chrissy's support. Vallone is a hack lobbyist , who has no real positions--he says whatever his audience wants to hear!
What they might do is just not endorse anyone, which is the same thing as endorsing Saffran. Vallone, errr.... I mean Jobs for New York did too much damage with those leaflets. The victims of a negative campaign will remember. Halloran aside, this is an area that has elected Republicans through the years.
The stupidity and lies spouted on this blog (which up until a few months ago did not censor comments, but now does) is comical.
It's amazing that the same group of losers on this blog recycle the same old BS and eat it up time and time again. It's the sorriest circle jerk on the internet!
But Paul Graziano and his band of whiners continue to complain that it was Paul Vallone who "set Graziano on fire" and brought the Newtown victims into the race.
He didn't. You know it. I know it. Stop lying.
Or are your arguments so weak and your hatred for a guy (who has never done anything to harm you or cross you) so blind and baseless that you have to hide behind your lies to make yourself feel better?
Paul Vallone has never lobbied a day in his life. But let's not tell the truth about that! That would be honest!
Bring it on, Crappy, you pathetic loser. I will pummel you, just as I have been ever since you publicly began to support the likes of Steve Behar, Vince Tabone (crook!) and now Paul Graziano - all oh whom the voters rejected!
Oh, and I love the clueless idiots who don't think Shafran will endorse Vallone. It's so funny to watch the same mid-life crisis losers on this blog repeatedly get proven wrong and repeatedly see their candidates lose! LOL!
Sound like you're a hack yourself, saying Saffran is an embarrassment to public speaking but Vallone isn't and that's your basis for not voting Saffran. Seriously, anytime Vallone speaks it's GOD, FAMILY, LOVE, MY KID SAID HE LOVED ME AND IT NEARLY BROUGHT ME TO TEARS. Never anything of substance.
And yeah, Shafran is among the worst, his lifetime of "public service" has been nothing more than being a spin doctor, which despite that, and having REBNY spend over 350K for Vallone, Austin still nearly beat PV.
Vallone is an embarrassment to public service, he's a lobbyist first THEN runs for office? His speaking is nothing but ra-ra-ra rally up the crowd, for nothing. Saffran may have a real shot here if he plays his cards right. Vallone is sleazy, and way too overpolished, like his head.
You pummelled me? When? Where? Is this Adam Lombardi? I have been censoring stupid comments from the beginning of this blog. If yours weren't previously censored, it must mean you were on your meds back then and making sense. I dont recall publicly supporting Behar or Tabone, please provide blog links that support this assertion. I certainly never supported the county machine, and Adm used to rail against them before his boy became one of them. Funny how that works....
If Paul Vallone lobbied or not makes no difference.
He is a Vallone and has never distanced himself from the others.
As to being stupid and clueless and out of touch I guess you never attended a meeting with daddy's club - you know the one that have 50 members and 40 vice presidents and the average age is well north of 70.
Went to one of their functions years ago and left at 11 PM waiting for the meal to be served. They kept on giving each other meaningless little awards while in the background their kids were putting up buildings so hideous it spawned its own website: Astoria Ugly.
Shafran is definitely not endorsing Vallone. Why would he? If the Republican wins, Shafran can run against him in 4 years.
This Lombardi character calls himself a political expert?
Funny! The links are gone!
You supported Behar against Braunstein and later Tabone against Braunstein. Fact.
Don't worry. Alvin himself can confirm that. Stevie Chipmunk surely trolls this blog, no?
Haha, Dennis Saffran!?!
I'd love to live a day in the life of some of the lunatics on this blog. How much does it suck when you all wake up the day after election day, year after year?
Please don't call me Adam Lombardi. That's insulting.
No need to move out of CD19. Don't you guys know that CD22 has plenty of livable areas especially north of the Grand Central Parkway
Why is it that Paul Vallone didn't denounce Jobs 4 New York until the Newtown flier came out? Because he thinks dirty politics is fine. Reason enough to go with the GOP candidate. And if this blog is so stupid, then why keep coming here to comment? How stupid does that make you look?
The links are gone? Are you sure you weren't just imagining them? I don't delete blog postings. Nice try, but you lied. Again...
Here's the Behar mentions: Behar
And here's the Tabone mentions: Tabone
No endorsements.
Vallone will be term-limited in eight years, and this year's Dem Primary losers, hoping to get the party nod when Vallone won't run again, are forced to play along this year, and will eventually endorse him over the Republican candidate before November. This has always been the rule, with only rare exceptions.
None of the other candidates interviewed for the party line except Shafran, and he is not endorsing Vallone. So this is a faulty assumption. County has a bad history in CD 19. I know for a FACT that Graziano and Chrissy won't be on the Vallone bandwagon and have it on pretty good authority that Shafran won't, either. In fact, if you really knew what was going on behind the scenes, thos wouldn't even be mentioned.
Joe Crowley must be promised a chunk of the Vallone lobbying dough for him to have picked Paul. There's no other explanation for the choice. This doofus represents absolutely zero of what the Dems stand for.
So Paul Vallone had both County and the PACs spending on his behalf, as well as campaign experience, and the Vallone name, and he almost got beaten by a newbie without those advantages? What does that say about the quality of Vallone as a candidate?
The stupidity and lies spouted on this blog.....
The truth must hurt you. Stinky Vallone REFUSED to condemn the repulsive flyers sent by a group who endorsed him. That's the same as him sending those fliers. He took their money didn't he??
You are the one who is lying and clearly in need of therapy. No one hates stinky we just don't want him as our councilman, he's lied too many times and never gives a straight answer. He is not coucilman material. Perhaps lobbyist but not councilman.
I think you are upset that people go on this website and hear the truth instead of your stupid biased queens politics website. What a waste of time. Haven't been on it in months and by the sounds of things, nothing's changed.
Don't post on this website until Shafran endorses Stinky.
....and take you meds.
70 percent of primary voters came out and voted for anyone but Stinky. What does that tell you adam?
Why are people still upset over the negative mailers? I can understand the Newtown one, but everything those flyers said about shafran, Chrissy and graziano was real? The graziano one was pretty stupid, but Chrissy was Dan's top aid and shafran did with for Malcolm? Where's the problem
Shafran worked for the state Dems long before the Wilson Pakula embarrassment with Smith and Dan did that outside of his office at a steakhouse without involving his staff, that's why. If associating with the accused makes one not trustworthy, then Paul Vallone should have been disqualified for his after hours meetings with Halloran where a deal was being worked between the two of them.
Anyone who thinks Shafran is endorsing Vallone must be drunk.
Hey Adam. I noticed you stopped attacking the staviskys and their park side group around the time mr. Vallone declared his candidacy.
Then I notice a lovely picture on mr. Vallones website o the lobbyist posing with mama Stavisky. How does that work? Were you given orders to cease?
You're nothing but a little wannabe political mobster. You're a hack and not a very good one. Did the new spokesman that ran your BFF 's candidacy give you the orders or was it rug head?
Nice pic of Paul and Toby by the way. Did you take it?
Hey crappy don't you have that pic of Vallone and Stavisky I think Adams BFF ( you know the assemblyman that Finan worked for).
You should post it here.
Let me channel the voice of the great Adam: Anyone who associated with Dan Halloran is a crook and a bum. Woops, except me or my boss.
And anyone who consorts with a Stavisky or the Parkside Group is a crook and a bum. Er, except me or my boss. That's almost as bad as consorting with John Liu.
John Liu
Acwoss the stweet neighbor
There's no place I'd rather be than between two Vallones. I'm the meat on a Valloney sandwich.
Adam's head is disgusting! Stop fantasizing about valloney's balloney.
Vallone will not be term limited in 8 years as he won't be elected in Nov. Seventy per cent of his own party don't want him, don't trust him, are outraged by the vile and nasty campaign he ran! these Democrats should unite and vote for Dennis Saffran, a moderate Republican who could trounce Paul Vallone in a substantive debate. Paul Vallone cannot speak with any sincereness or clarity on any of the important issues in our District.
He can only talk about how wonderful he and his family are. A write in for Austin Shafran would be a waste. Let's send a message to the SOB Vallone and make sure Dennis Saffran carries the District by over sixty percent. This is very doable. Saffran got forty nine per cent plus in 2001 against Avella who had run twice before and was well known in the District. Spread the message to family , friends, neighbors to vote for Dennis Saffran who is smart, honest, raised two kids in the Dist who went to NYC schools. BTW- when was Vallone arrested? For what? What other skeletons are in his closet?
Smoking pot
Astoria park
Daddy made it go away
Daddy had the 114 crack down on everyone in da park because his Paul was a good boy and must have been forced to smoka da papagna ( pot)
If you dig deep enough you shall find
BTW- when was Vallone arrested? For what? What other skeletons are in his closet?
If you have concrete information, let's hear it. But let's not sink to Vallone's level and make wild accusations unless there's proof - this is not "Jobs for New York." Let Saffran debate Vallone, and the people can then decide. Beat Vallone on the issues - 70% can't be wrong.
COMPLETELY AGREE THAT ONLY VALIDATED FACTS CAN BE USED. We had heard that Paul Vallone was arrested at some point and Paul Sr. made it go away. Also---Paul is such a liar that he will be a full-time Councilman "like my brother and Dad". Check their tax filings/ campaign finance filingss--both Peter Sr. and Peter Jr. derive income from the law firm, as will Paul Vallone. He will not deign to live on a City Councilman salary---but Dennis Saffran will be full-time plus!!!! Vallone is such a liar!!1
No write-ins. No bull-crap Al Centola nonsense. It's time we showed these punks what we are about. Never done it before, but this time around I vote Republican. If halloran could win here, then Saffran can win here.
Had I not wasted my vote on a slim chance unelectable contender, Shafran might have won over Vallone.
Now this registered Democrat is going to vote Republican, for sure!
I think that a lot of Democratic voters, who supported other candidates, are coming to that exact same conclusion.
I'd even take that odd ball, goof ball Halloran again.
At least he's not malignant.
COMPLETELY AGREE THAT ONLY VALIDATED FACTS CAN BE USED. We had heard that Paul Vallone was arrested at some point and Paul Sr. made it go away. Also---Paul is such a liar that he will be a full-time Councilman "like my brother and Dad". Check their tax filings/ campaign finance filingss--both Peter Sr. and Peter Jr. derive income from the law firm, as will Paul Vallone. He will not deign to live on a City Councilman salary---but Dennis Saffran will be full-time plus!!!! Vallone is such a liar!!1
How much did Paul Vallone make last year? I heard that his tax return was filed with the conflict of interest board this summer
Sounds like a question for the first debate: "Were either of you ever arrested, even if the charges were later dropped?
But be careful - lots of people did foolish things in their youth. Saffran could very well have something in his past that he's not proud of. We already know enough about Vallone's character, or lack of character, and being picked up for smoking pot 30 years ago is not going to change our minds. I'd rather stick to the issues.
Feudal casuists like Vallone perpetuate the un-American canard of the mom and pop farm/deli/dega to seclude their sedition and illegal acts. Tocqueville 1848 ii.ii,19 debunks the notion of the hereditary family farm. Milton Friedman J Eco Lit v 30 n 9 p 2129-32 shows success of small business is indeterminate because of survivor bias. McKinsey's Manyika WP Feb 7 2010 B2 shows large firms produce jobs more quickly. Even the Economist says (The small-business canard, Oct 5th 2010) only a small fraction of smaller enterprises are capable of generating sustained growth of very many jobs.
I thought the Libs all liked pot smokers anyways. Think any of those other lefty leaners running for office ever tried ganga weed. That question should be in the next debate. "I tried it once but I never inhaled" Bwahahahahaha
Anon no. 54:
We do?
Anyway, read Anon no. 53. Sounds like he or she was doing a little of the weed while typing that post.
The Place is sooo educational.
Dennis Safron will now beat Paul Valium
Saffran is out there daily talking about issues with the voters. He will likely get Graziano's and Chrissy's support (and remember they got close to 30% of the vote).Saffran has a position on issues, unlike Vallone, who merely talks about his family tradition in the political world. VOTE FOR SAFFRAN--the clear choice in this election!
He will likely get Graziano's and Chrissy's support
Will any of the Dems (Chrissy, Graziano, Shafran, Duane) actually endorse Dennis Saffran? How about Tony Avella? Although keeping quiet and not endorsing Vallone will say a great deal, I'd like to see someone actually say that Saffran will be a better Councilmember and rep for the district than Vallone. That would carry a lot of weight.
Duane endorsed Vallone. (He's looking for a judgeship.) One or both of the other 2 will endorse Saffran. Mark my words.
Frank, of course they are. Paul is likely to be our next councilman, if they want any future in politics they'll endorse him
Don't think either Chrissy or Graziano are looking for a future in politics. It's kind of funny that hacks always think that of other people.
Neither Graziano nor Chrissy nor Shafran are going to endorse the scumbag Vallone! Vallone slandered all of them and refused to denounce the Jobs 4 NY campaign pieces. Remember folks--Toby Stavisky's son, Evan, who heads up Parkside is producing the Jobs 4 NY campaign pieces. Are they fools to think the voters believe there is no collusion between Vallone and Parkside---of course there is! I have talked to many voters in the District who personally witnessed a canvasser carrying both Vallone literature and Jobs 4 NY literature. Trust me--Paul Vallone is in bed with JOBS 4 NY big time--and it will be exposed. Moreover--he is a poker buddy with Halloran---he is so corrupt!
UNBELIEVABLE--that Anonymous suggests that Graziano and Chrissy are going to endorse Vallone. Clearly--this was posted by a Vallone troll--who is clueless about how Vallone is sinking fast. Folks are on to his links to real estate developers/ phoniness/failure to take a stand on any issues/ ties to Jobs 4 NY. He is a fraud! He will never be a full-time City Councilman--just like his brother and father, who always earned most of their income from their law firm. How could Peter Jr drive around in an expensive red sports car on a City Councilman's salary? Paul Vallone is a fake--who will be exposed and lose this race.
How could Peter Jr drive around in an expensive red sports car on a City Councilman's salary? Paul Vallone is a fake--who will be exposed and lose this race.
You do realize that the council makes 115k right?
And this is your argument? That he drives a 40k caddie? That's some Sherlock detective work
- And a nice a mortgage.
- Tuition to a really expensive. private college for 2 girls.
- Don't forget the motorcycle, which has already been upgraded.
- Oh, and the beach house in Long Branch.
- and the European vacations.
I guess all that can be bought on a $115K salary, with no outside income. LOL!
Maybe he shouldn't be flaunting his wealth for the world to see if he wants to be regarded as "the common man". Not enough voters identified with him to send him to borough hall.
Mid-life crises are expensive.
Well, at least soon he'll be able to go back to dealing with his mid-life crisis on a full time basis.
Its unbelievable how the Queens Crapper can say that he/she has it on pretty good authority that Shafran won't be endorsing Vallone when he/she didn't know that Shafran wasn't given the Working Family Party's line and was only given their endorsement.
Actually, I did know, I just forgot. It was reported months ago. I was up late on election night and running on fumes, so I messed up. At least I admit when I do.
BTW, the WFP didn't give Shafran their line so they wouldn't have to give it to Vallone should he have won the Dem line. Looks like they made the right decision.
I'm really, really, disappointed that John Duane has endorsed Vallone, after how Duane condemned the "Jobs for NY" ads. I feel betrayed. I hope Shafran refuses.
Shafran has said that he will not endorse Paul Vallone, after the malicious, mean-spirited campaign Vallone ran against his fellow Democrats. Everyone---Democrats, Independents----now need to support DENNIS SAFFRAN on the REFORM LINE! We need to defeat Paul Vallone big time---for his nasty/malicious cmpaign and total failure to discuss/ commit to any issues---other than--my family has been involved in politics for years--and I am owed this seat. NO--YOU ARE NOT--YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING FOR THIS COMMUNITY and are in bed with big real estate devlopers. VOTE NO for Paul Vallone on Nov. 5th. VOTE YES FOR DENNIS SAFFRAN--the only honest candidate who will work 200% for our community!
Vallone has done some job (or NOT) of "UNITING" his party! Duane alone has endorsed him, and from what I understand it was at best a luke-warm endorsement. Duane does not ntend to go out and campaign for Vallone! Who would? Vallone continues to skirt the campaign finance rules---running his campaign office out of his law firm for less than market rates; impermissably using law firm staff. And I understand there is a complaint pending against him from the Sandy Hook/Newtown, Ct community over his vile campaign piece trying to use that tragedy to say--I'll protect Queens from such an atrocity! How vile! No class! DO NOT VOTE FOR PAUL VALLONE! He will destroy our community. VOTE FOR DENNIS SAFFRAN---the only honest, ethical candidate!
Is it true that Adam Lombardi announced that he was now neutral in the City Council race?? Heard that he was working for/ endorsing Joe Lhota for Mayor and now is conflicted in the City Council race... In the primary, he campaigned for sleazy Vallone; will he now switch to the credible/honest/better candidate--Dennis Saffran? Any intelligence???
Where is Paul Vallone?? Missing in action this weekend! We saw Dennis Saffran at multiple events this weekend--Poppenhausen; block parties; cicken barbecue; Bayside BID Bell Boulevard event. No show for Vallone. Is his heart in this race? Or is he so arrogant that he thinks his name alone will carry him?? What an arrogant SOB! Say NO to Paul Vallone, whom none of his Democratic opponents, except John Duane have endorsed. He is history!
Paul Vallone thinks that he is owed this election due to his family ties. Let's prove him wrong BIG TIME. As I talk to folks in the district, all seem to vehemently dislike Paul Vallone. spread the message that he is not owed this election! Paul Vallone is aligned with real estate developers and will ruin our neighborhoods. vote NO to Paul Vallone. vote for Dennis Saffran!
Is Paul really rallying in the streets against a HS being built in Whitestone?
WHAT AN ASSHOLE!!! HE CO-OPTED THE CIVICS in that annoying, bravado manner of his! FOLKS WERE PISSED! HE IS A GONER!!!!!!
So much for Vallone uniting the Democratic party! Of his 4 opponents, only Duane has endorsed him!
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