You think one of the things our “elected leaders” of Jamaica would do is get more trash cans on the streets or have more garbage pick-ups, but that would require the incomparable ability to have common sense.

Especially considering that our leaders allowed a very nice 1 family home to be torn down in 2005, sit as a garbage strewn lot for years while the owner did nothing, then allowed the 2 lots that it sat on to be subdivided into 4 lots and then all of a sudden mysteriously subdivided into 5 lots, so that now Five 3 story 2 family homes (which will all be connected like the typical shitting looking third world apartment buildings) can be built.
These will hold 10 families, although you know the low class sleazebag owner will make a few illegal apartments in the basements and other parts of the houses, which will bring the total of families up to about 14-15. And knowing the type of families that will go into these shithole type of places, they will cram about 12 illegal family members into one place, so the entire place will have at least 80-100 people living on a lot that once held a nice beautiful 1 family home. Of course, there will be only about 4 garbage cans for the entire building, no lids of course, and garbage piled up all over the place and of course they will have to take their household garbage and dump it into a public overflowing garbage can like above, unless they just decide to dump the chicken bones and baby diapers right on the sidewalk of the building…………………and………………………… there goes the neighborhood AGAIN, down the low class third world ghetto shitter.
Does this look like the beginning of a two family house (as on the permit) or the beginnings of the typical shitty third world looking apartment building?
Joe Moretti
Jamaica, NY 11432
Especially considering that our leaders allowed a very nice 1 family home to be torn down in 2005, sit as a garbage strewn lot for years while the owner did nothing, then allowed the 2 lots that it sat on to be subdivided into 4 lots and then all of a sudden mysteriously subdivided into 5 lots, so that now Five 3 story 2 family homes (which will all be connected like the typical shitting looking third world apartment buildings) can be built.
the view from Vallonia:
But you see, if the area was zoned for 6 stories, then they zoned it for 3, and pull a stunt off like this in Astoria, its called a 'downzone' and the residents will stand with their local councilman with signs that say 'Astoria Saved.'
It is built under the Quality housing program. The Perimeter Wall Height 26' does not comply with 40' minimum base height.
Teach residents the law. Mail flyers to every homeowner and renter in a variety of languages. If you break the law, then you pay a fine.
Is there such a thing as an illegal family? (Not counting residency status) Presuming the unit itself is legal, if the tenants are related by blood or marriage they're a family, and they can ALL live in the unit, unless there's lease language stating otherwise. These are two-family homes... presumably individually owned.
I'm sure Deblasio will fix this.
These properties are zoned R6A....need a zoning specialist to examine the plans. Quality Assurance Program is mandatory in this zoning category.
All applications for building permits in Jamaica Plan are required to be audited by DOB.
Go to the press!
It doesn't matter how many garbage cans you have. If people don't care about their neighborhood and treat it as a garbage dump, it will look like one.
Absolutely false about all members of a family, no matter how many, being allowed to live in a dwelling. Read Sec 27-2075 maximum permitted occupancy code. It's how they got rid of tenements.
Anon stated: "Is there such a thing as an illegal family?"
I said illegal family members!
Anon stated: " These are two-family homes... presumably individually owned."
Not if it is zoned for R6A. R6A, is for apartment buildings, not separate homes with separate addresses as shown in the plans.
The whole thing just sounds extremely shady. Considering that there was already a stop work order in place previously and about 5-6 years ago the owner had to stop construction due to a lawsuit encroaching on my co-op building's property, this property owner should be watched very carefully.
We have all seen this type of shit before.
The hypocrisy here is almost too funny.
Mr. Moretti appears to live in a neighboring high-rise Co-Op -but objects to several three story homes, all of which will probably be built of modern materials and have safer wiring than "beautiful nice" house they replaced.
BTW: Did the owner of that "beautiful nice" house make ANY effort to sell it to a family who would actually live there?...Or did he just go for a killing and "F" the rest of you.
The lot appears to have changed hands several times since it was first sold, so who knows? Furthermore, who cares? It's shitty zoning that allows this to happen more than greedy sellers.
ANON stated "Mr. Moretti appears to live in a neighboring high-rise Co-Op -but objects to several three story homes, all of which will probably be built of modern materials and have safer wiring than "beautiful nice" house they replaced. "
What hyprocrisy, I wish it would be several nice homes with modern materials and safe wiring, but instead, it will be a shitty looking third world apartment building (not houses) with 5 separate entrances and built cheaply with bad wiring like several of the shit places in Jamaica and other parts of Queens and more than likely the owner Gouranga Kunda, who for several years let the empty lot turn into a garbage dump with broken sidewalks and never taking care of it, will be the typical absentee slumlord who will let any slob live there, never take care of the building and more than likely will attempt to create some illegal apartments. His track record has not been good so far, including going against the permit working hours of weekdays between 7am and 6pm.
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