From the Huffington Post:
New York City Comptroller John Liu – a Democrat who had been widely viewed as a potential successor to Mayor Michael Bloomberg – said he plans to reassess whether to run for office in 2013 following the arrest of his campaign treasurer on Tuesday.
"We're going to sort through all this stuff and figure out what the next course of action will be," he said during an appearance hours after the arrest of the campaign worker.
He said he would continue to serve as the city's comptroller. "I have vigorously followed through on my responsibilities, and will continue to do so," he said.
He said he believed his campaign had acted properly at all times.
"But I am aware that the complaint suggests that there are instances where it's otherwise," he said, adding that both he and his office were cooperating with prosecutors.
does "tony" have "thoughts" about announcing a n.y.c.mayoral campaign soon ?
will he get "johnny" to pay his poster fines ? stay tuned....
the documents, held back from the F.B.I.,will soon show up on a desk in the hall way outside the comptroller's office ????? ala H.R.C, during the Starr probe of the Whitewater Realestate scandal in Arkansas ,about 1993.
He's got that kim jong il haircut.......
Boy, does this creep have to go. He cannot be trusted!
I think that this "arrogant pup"...as former NYC council member Harrison so accurately referred to him...is about to be taken for his last walk!
Bye, bye...Commie Johnnie!
Wait until the feds uncover that laundered money trail from Beijing.
It'll make the old "Silk Road" look like a country lane.
Keep on shaking that tree and watch a whole new bunch of Lychees fall to the ground before this investigation is concluded.
Knock, knock!
There are some agents here to speak with you Congressman Ackerman!
Uh, where's Wellington Chen these days...in hiding?
The voters are at fault.
They elected the son of a bank robber to office...
"daddy" Joseph Liu...convicted for the Great Eastern bank job.
Wise up next time you go to the polls.
at least Tommy Huang's cousin Johnny boy might be dealing with Bubba real soon!
I think that Oriental candidates will no longer be trusted thanks to Liu.
"Golden Boy" just sandbagged a lot of their political aspirations.
The last "emperor"!
now where will American political candidates get their overseas money to run their campaigns now that the Asiatic pipeline could soon be shut down?
He could always run for mayor of Levenworth.
Bubba will surely "back" him.
Look at his eyes.
He doesn't have that cocky look anymore.
He's now wearing the expression of a beaten man.
He will easily get elected in his own district if he run for city council after koo steps down, or for assembly if meng run for borough pres.
He will easily get elected in his own district if he run for city council after koo steps down, or for assembly if meng run for borough pres.
The drugs kicked in, eh?
I think that Oriental candidates will no longer be trusted thanks to Liu.
Only if they blindly support him out of ethnic or political loyalty. As we know, one crooked Jewish or Black politician doesn't mean there are no honest Jewish or Black candidates. If Grace Meng, or Peter Koo, or whomever has the guts to stand up and criticize John Liu for his improprieties now, they might be able to shed a little of their tainted Liu baggage. Crooks come in all colors, religions, and ethnic groups.
He should be removed from office ASAP.
If Grace Meng, or Peter Koo, or whomever has the guts to stand up and criticize John Liu for his improprieties now, they might be able to shed a little of their tainted Liu baggage. Crooks come in all colors, religions, and ethnic groups.
Snort. Giggle. Are you kidding? Grace Meng and Peter Koo??
Peter Koo was identified as "one of Liu's biggest fundraisers" (read: bundler) a few days ago.
Grace Meng's father, Jimmy, is basically a gangster.
I agree that there are lousy pols of all stripes, colors and political parties. We just happen to have a whole mess of them in Queens.
John Liu needs to resign now, but it doesn't matter because I'm certain that he'll be charged and arrested in time (and then do time).
I agree 100% with the earlier poster who blames the voters, that's true. It was the 3% of New Yorkers who voted him in who are mostly just greedy people who wanted stuff for themselves and don't care a whit about the greater good, and it was the 97% who never voted against him who are to blame at the end of the day.
Everyone knew what type of person John Liu was and those who voted for him are really despicable, they knew then, they know now and they just don’t care.
It’s a disgrace that John’s Bank robbing father named him after John F. Kennedy. JFK said “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”. Those who supported John Liu have always asked what this country can do for them and don’t intend to do anything for their country.
Where's the dragon lady, Chung Seto, these days? Letting everyone else take the fall I suppose.
I hate to bust your bubble bub...but everybody's distancing themselves from Liu...lest a glance of suspicion be directed toward them.
He couldn't get elected in his own district for anything.
Neither the Dem nor Rep party will have him.
He's what's know as "burnt goods" in the trade.
The feds will get to Chung Seto in good time unless she's already occupying a can of Chun King chow mein.
You know those secret Chinese societies would like her to remain absent and silent permanently.
She knows too much to be on the loose.
Asian money in American politics is nothing new.
BJ Clinton really got the ball rolling.
Used to be illegal for non-citizens to contribute money to a US political campaign. The idea was to reduce foreign influence over us.
O'Bamma raised it to a new level, by not taking government funds for his campaign, which meant the government could not check his election financial books.
Sadly we no longer really make sure our elections are clean.
Otherwise we might actually require what I need to get a library card in my town, proof of residence.
Foreign money is ALWAYS illegal in any American election, National, State, or local. If it’s proven that John Liu took foreign money he’s in BIG EFFIN trouble.
The fact that President Obama elected not to accept Federal matching funds (which would have limited his limit) did not mean his campaign donations and expenditures were private.
He was required to disclose all.
look at the fear in his face, he may have to get a real job soon!
He almost has lil puppy eyes ;-) lol Smell it !!! Lol F E A R !!!!!
Liu getting a real job soon?
He's going to be giving some "jobs" soon....BJs to cellmate "Bubba"!
Luv his boyish bubble butt!
Failing to produce documents.
That must be a family trait.
Tommy Huang fails to produce documents. These people really think that they are above the law.
Perhaps, Hou is somehow related to these two. At 25 yrs of age, she has the audacity to engage in obstructing justice in a Federal investigation.
Who was it that said she was SMART?
She is going to have to sing LOUD.
These guys have more chutzpah than the Jewish people.
He is having second thoughts - stick a fork in him. Mr. Comptroller lay down you are done!
He is looking a little piqued. Ackerman, Liu, Huang . . . . . .
Perhaps he and Tommy will wind up roommates.
The DOB is letting Tommy finish his illegal job in Bayside.
It never ends. The DOB is still corrupt and dysfuntional.
The DOI -- it seems won't go after him. Even when they can?
in the last city council race in N.E Queens ,democrat K.Kim had many donations from China and Korea, listed on his nyc campaign data sheet? illegal ?
some did not list locations ?
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