Comptroller John Liu has turned to his top political adviser, Chung Seto, for more than just campaign advice — he has actually let her run much of his office, even though she is not a city employee, The Post has learned.
Seto, who orchestrated Liu’s political ascent, has been dealing with everything from redecorating to communications with the White House — and has even referred financial advisers to the city’s pension czar, according to e-mails between Seto and Comptroller’s Office staffers obtained by The Post through a freedom- of-information request.
Correspondence between Seto — a former chief of the state Democratic Party — and the Comptroller’s Office shows that there was no division between Liu’s political operation and the office of the city’s fiscal watchdog.
The e-mails show there were no details too small for Seto, such as including a recycling symbol on business cards, getting an extra key for a secretary, deciding where individual staffers would work and what Liu would say in an economic speech.
And the documents show Seto had use of staff and space at the comptroller’s downtown offices, where she held sway like a chief of staff or operations director.
“Nothing important happens without Chung’s approval,” one insider said, echoing the e-mails. “She is basically co-comptroller.”
Doesn't even deserve the usual snide comments found here!
What does that mean?
this just gets better and better. Resign already John.
I'm using snide in a positive connotation. He's not even worthy of note anymore he's most likely going to be indicted any day now.
Is it just me, or does Johnny like to fill his office with ladies? Wonder how the wife feels about that.
Seto is not worth commenting on as she will be history very soon.
But this is worth commenting on:
1. No one in the comptroller's office called this out ON DAY ONE as they should have.
2. The arrogance of this speaks to the confidence they have they will not be exposed.
So it's been proven that there's always direct contact (with no division) between Liu and Seto.
Hubba, hubba...
what a "hot" little chubby faced
pork dumpling...
if you like that type.
Does one of her duties include giving Johnny his "happy ending"?
NYC residents will get their happy ending when Liu and his associates finally all get convicted!
That's why Johnny's good friend Gary Ackerman has already decided not to run again.
If he gets convicted while in office, doesn't he lose his Congressional perks and pension?
The FBI will eventually tie Dem chief Joe Crowley to the illegal overseas Chinese money that's been flowing into his party's coffers.
Then some other dynastic figures (like the Staviskys) will take their tumble.
What can you say about the current state of our City. It's pathetic!
"What can you say about the current state of our City. It's pathetic"
And how exactly did we get these wunderkinds of politics? We chose them. to quote Walt Kelly of Pogo fame. I have met the enemy and he is us. As long as we keep electing swine like these people we're going to be condemned to taking it on the chin. Wake up, People get the government they deserve. The solution is Everybody goes, if you're an incumbent you're out if office i.e. you're fired.
But that won't happen, politicians buy the elections with our money.
Ladies filling Johnny's office?
Isn't Liu really an Taiwanese closet queen...with his wife and (borrowed?) son acting as his "beard"?
Check out "The Wedding Banquet" film, to see how "rice queens" cover up their tracks..
I knew somebody was running the Controller's office. It couldn't have been Liu, he's still clueless.
Isn't Liu really an Taiwanese closet queen...with his wife and (borrowed?) son acting as his "beard"?
Who needs a beard nowadays? Being gay has become trendy and a political asset. And if Johnny "comes out", he can claim both anti-Asian and anti-gay bias.
What about an anti toilet bowl bias? Johnny's in the Liu, Johnny's in the Liu, hi, ho , hillario, Johnny's in the Liu.
All of this is inexplicable. Just like Tommy -- he is protected. No one gets away with what they get away with, unless they have a GODFATHER. We need to get to the protector.
Must go high high up.
Any speculations on who it is?
It's the same thing as Mike Reich running the courthouse. He's "just" a lawyer in private practice, right? But he has a key to the proverbial "executive" (judicial) bathroom. How'd he get that? Just asking.
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