Rep. Gary Ackerman said Thursday he won’t seek re-election — a surprise announcement made two hours after a possible challenger vowed not to run against the veteran Democratic congressman.
The Queens political icon, who is in his 15th term, gave no reason for his decision in an early evening press release. He just thanked Queens and Long Island voters for their support in a career that saw him elected to the state Senate in 1978, followed five years later by a successful run for a seat in the House.
“I’ve been truly privileged to have had the opportunity to fight for the beliefs of my neighbors in both the state Capitol and in the halls of Congress,” Ackerman’s statement said.
Later, in a speech to Democratic club members in Queens that Ackerman, 69, said would be his last as a candidate, the congressional stalwart and staunch supporter of Israel said he looks forward to spending more time with family, a source at the meeting said.
His out-of-nowhere press release, sent at about 7:30 p.m. Thursday, caught supporters and politicos off guard — none more so than state Assemblyman Rory Lancman, who had announced at 5:30 p.m. Thursday that he wouldn’t run against Ackerman.
Other political pigs are already lining up at the trough.
Maybe the federal hounds...who are currently nipping at John Liu's ass...have found some connections to Ackerman and his prior laundered Taiwanese campaign contributions.
The notorious Tommy Huang did sponsor an overseas fundraiser for Gary back in the early 80s.
Retirement sure beats a prison term and losing your congressional benefits.
"Happy days are here again",
and I'm glad I'm here to see it!
Did I hear that
this dude is only 69 years old?
He looks at least 80 and
presents a perfect picture of Dorian Gray wrecked by a life of corruption.
Gary's florist is sure gonna be disappointed...no more white carnation orders.
Maybe the congressman can use that silver lapel vase of his as a butt plug.
We've all had enough of his shit!
Nnot to worry...Gary will become a lobbyist for Chinese interests.
Hasn't he been representing them all along in exchange for payoffs?
"Beware the ides of March!
Beware the Ides of March!"
Shakespeare's soothsayer got it right and Caesar got "his" on the steps of the Senate.
Too bad the feds didn't get Gary in handcuffs on the steps of the House.
What a photo op that would have been.
maybe Ackerman cut a deal with the FBI.
Turning "state's evidence" in the John Liu case in exchange for being incarcerated.
Retirement from Congress was part of that agreement.
I'm going to sit back with a nice Jack Daniels and watch the house of cards start to tumble.
The old guard are beginning to meet their end of days.
Smart move. I guess he's one step ahead of the Feds.
His out-of-nowhere press release, sent at about 7:30 p.m. Thursday, caught supporters and politicos off guard —
Someone probably has something on him and he sees the writing on the wall not like some of the other retards in office who stay till they get dragged out.
And he wants to spend time with his family? He's 69 how much more time does this slug really have?
Too bad the feds didn't get Gary in handcuffs on the steps of the House.
That would have been the only thing better than finding out he's going away. Buh-bye.
The Queens political icon, who is in his 15th term, gave no reason for his decision in an early evening press release.
Did the Queens Crap blogsite have anything to do with his demise? Wasn't it here that links to the Zises family were first revealed? The Xenonics connection? Remember? I hope more details are now revealed! Maybe there's hope for the people of Queens yet!
Probably not!
Kudos to Queens Crap:
Did his dead guru Sri Chinmoy tell him to step down? Him & James Gennarro hang out in the private tennis court on Normal Road where the dead guru is buried. thanks to Gary Ackerman.
Long live Queens Crap. You and your readers called it, for sure! This is where the media gets its leads!
There's been a long circulating story that Ackerman began his shady career when he stole money from his student organization at Queens College while he was its treasurer.
Is it a wild rumor?
Let's just say the money was gone when he left.
A nice beginning for a shady career...huh?
Both Manes and Ackerman had the same chief of staff in common...Alan Gershuny!
does anyone have the details of the connection between U.S.Naval employee JONATHON POLLARD,the TRAITOR/SPY,who , sold U.S.government secret military tech. secrets to Israel ,and Cong. Gary Ackerman ?
Ackerman was the student body president at Queens College; he graduated in June 1967. As an incoming freshman in September 1967 and active in student government, I was told that he used student government money to take "junkets" to various locations around the country. The joke was that this was his practice for the "real thing" which he engaged in by getting elected not too many years after that. I'm sure he is at the cusp of some corruption investigation and is wisely getting out before the sh** hits the fan.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
It'll be fun to watch the other political piggies lined up to run to become a Washington, D.C. Fat Cat, like Crowley and Velazquez.
Rep. Joe Crowley "kingmaker" of Queens just loves the DC suburb of Virginia.
Maybe "the little empress" Grace Meng thinks she can run Gary's seat.
Daddy Meng (a reputed gangster) can bring in plenty of $$$$$$ to support her run as he did for his.
"Ye Olde" Democratic machine isn't running as smoothly as it used to.
The big fly wheel is off balance.
Let's all enjoy watching
the "door-buster" rush for Ackerman's seat.
So that's how
our crooked congressman did it.
Thank you "Ms. Tsouris"
for your most enlightening info.
Keep on following
all the hot tips offered here on Queens Crap...
you bright FBI guys and gals.
We hope you're well stocked with a good supply of handcuffs.
There are many more crooked fish swimming in the waters...yet to be netted.
try focusing your investigation
on the elusive Wellington Z. Chen.
That's all for now.
Hey Gary!!!
The FBI called.
They want their wire back.
PS They said you did well.
Everybody wants Gary's seat.
I'll settle for his ass in prison!
"Phony" Avella just supported Grace Meng for Congress.
Toby Stavisky must have sat on his face until he cried "uncle".
He's got no balls
but she's got a steel pair for sure!
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