A Rego Park man is dreading the start of allergy season, but it's not the pollen or ragweed that torments Kang Yuen, a 63-year-old real estate agent.
It's the noise from the massive heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system perched above his neighbor's home.
"It's so loud, we can't sleep," said Yuen, who lives with his wife and two children in the rowhouse.
But neighbor Leonard Shirman said his family needs the system to properly ventilate the house and ease his asthma.
"We have five people living in this house and we would like to keep different zones at different temperatures," said Shirman, a businessman, who dismissed Yuen's noise complaints. "It's not a commercial unit. It's a regular unit."
Buildings Department inspections have not given Yuen any relief. After some initial violations, city officials said the unit conforms to building codes.
Yuen's case highlights a citywide issue of the Buildings Department sometimes sanctioning construction plans that it originally deemed problematic.
These units can make a lot of noise, throw off heat and vibrate. When you live next door to this and you have your window open - it;s horrible. The city should have a permit system to inspect the work before turning on a unot.
Really, now...a real estate agent who maybe has sold out somebody else's neighborhood to noisy over development...we are asked to sympathize with?
In Mr. Yuen's case, maybe this is a poetic justice...what goes around, comes around.
Move back to Taiwan (?)
if you don't like your conditions here!
DEP regulates noise levels. Exceeding current decibal limits is a violation. Call 311. Queens Hall of Science currently has an app for measuring noise levels - they've rolled it out locally. Not sure who to contact there, but it's a start.
Love it or leave it. I hear it's real quiet in Taiwan. You and your family can always go home.
That's not cool!
He'll move back to Taiwan when you move back to Europe!!
Leonard Shirams comments of having different temperature zones in thehome for the 5 people living there means nothing for his asthma. Its a crap argument and he knows it.
Let the battle ensue between the Jew and the Asian.
Sounds like Joltin' Joe's a gook troll posin' as uh real American.
The Taiwanese have crapped all over NYC for decades.
So it's time for "king" Kang to taste some of his own bitter medicine.
My money's on the Jewish dude.
They've got better lawyers (LOL) than the Chinese.
Hey Joe...I was born here not in Europe.
So that makes me a native American as well as a lifetime New Yorker.
These are attached row houses which are not located in one of the better residential blocks.
What does Kang expect, the quiet of a Douglas Manor lifestyle?
Let him move there if he's dissatisfied with his current, living conditions.
I'll bet Yuen didn't live as good as he does now in Taiwan.
I'll bet if it were the other way around...and Leonard Shirman complained about Kang Yuen's noisy air conditioner...Yuen would say that Shirman is "anti Asian" and make a very big stink about it.
The Chinese are always pulling that kind of crap...especially when they're fined or jailed for breaking the law.
"You're an anti Asian racist. I no break American law".
tsk, tsk, tsk...shame on you.
China is an important US trading partner and a major outlet for "big tobacco"!
President Obama doesn't want us to offend the Asians...neither does CB#7.
That's why they're always giving express service in approving Asian over development plans.
This happens alot in the city. For all you AHoles who thing this is funny. Maybe one day you will own your own home and have this happen to you. Then maybe you will understand the frustration this guy is dealing with.GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY MR YUEN.
Let the battle ensue between the Jew and the Asian.
It would rhyme better if you said:
Let the battle ensue/
between the Asian and the Jew.
Hey Joe...I was born here not in Europe.
So that makes me a native American as well as a lifetime New Yorker.
So is Mr. Yuen. He was born here and not in Taiwan.
So that makes him a native American as well as a lifetime new yorker. So what is your point smarta-s
I completly understand! My neighbors have a unit and they vibrate and make a lot of noise. It became so bad that I was literally dozing off while driving....very scary. Everyone says that you should ignore it and block it out but it is just not that simple! People deserve the right to sleep and rest anytime of the day they please, especially in thier own home!
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