"It appears that the filming was done yesterday after school. I believe this is Cambria Heights but am not 100% sure. Maybe one of the other Queens Crap readers will have a better idea of exactly where this took place." - anonymous
Actually, it's Spring Recess, so this wasn't taken after school. But it looks like it was filmed in front of a school.
Click here for video.
The only school in Cambria Heights that's on 208th Street is Campus Magnet High, the school formerly known as Andrew Jackson. Nice to know peeps are using spring break well. LOL
eh, just kids having fun. I don't know why you posted this.
Jeezus, use a tripod next time.
Looks like former Andrew Jackson High School, now home to four smaller schools: Humanities and the Arts, Law; Government and Community Service; Business, Computer Applications and Entrepreneurship; and Mathematics, Science Research and Technology.
Jerry Springer!
Stupid kids with too much time on their hands
"the school formerly known as Andrew Jackson"
May have changed the name, but it sure looks the same as 40 years ago.
"Government and Community Service;"
Great so this is where they find all those wonderful people to work at the DMV.
The future of America...so UGLY!
I have the sudden urge to visit the Bronx Zoo.
Nothing new. There have always been fights in school and there will be until the end of time. The only reason you hear about them so much now is because of the prevalence of cell phones with video capabilities.
if these are "students" from Campus Magnet (in 1975 formerly A.Jackson ) H.S.,this is the school that most Queens democrat legislators voted to "force bus" the N.Queens ,8th - 12th grade caucasian residents to.
great idea,corrupt liberal/democrats....
That issue was 36 years ago, and the issue of "forced busing" is over and done with. Beyond that, with the "no child Left Behind" legislation in effect (Gee. Whose idea was that?). Children are being bussed all over the place anyway.
As such, your raising of this isse is irrelevant.
send them all to Rikers!!!
Beyond that, with the "no child Left Behind" legislation in effect (Gee. Whose idea was that?).
It was Bush's idea. We get the point. The liberal democrats got us into this mess and all politicians today, democrat AND republican, are too pussified to do anything about it, now that the great experiment has blown up in our face. Can we now leave politics out of this and dump BOTH political parties so we can begin removing this cancer from our country?
And that cancer being?
I think the new schools chancellor has the right idea.
Cathie Black had it 100% right.....BIRTH CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would have disagreed with that years ago, Crapper. But now that my kids are of high school age, I'm looking at things differently.
forced busing for integration did take place in U.S.cities,from 1965-1980.but the misguided left-wing politicians and their siblings are still in government and prison.today.
read the font page of the N.Y.POST today. Hevesi is "today",and being jailed for crimes against the n.y.c. and nys citizens ,
during past years .
it is sad that he can not be held criminally guilty for the damage that his votes for forced busing did to our communities.
we parents will never forget. he and his dem/lib pols upended our lives,when our kids would not take part in their "social engineering" experiment.
"the chickens have come home to roost"
Who knew the AP Calculus class had so much time on their hands?
These folks are GENIUSES! They finish their homework early, and have time for fightin'!
why do coed, private and parochial ,schools have high graduation and college admission rates?
Mr. Walcott better go back to the drawing board. his idea is too simple a solution to the "social engineering" mess,caused by the educational progressives ,for the past sixty years in n.y.c.
at the ballgame,while seated behind the homeplate , did a foul ball penetrate the screen and hit you in the head ?
you are really out of touch with reality .
"The future of America...so UGLY"
This is why the radical Islamists will not win because of the spunk of African-Americans. "Cut my head off, Mr. Mohammed? You had better think twice."
See the movies "Apocalypse Now" and "Glory".
Now if only these people would stop attacking each other and think about who the real enemy is.
Those guys could do a great service putting some of that anger & energy into booting the hooting drunken and urinating wetback TRESPASSERS off our parks & street corners.
The mayor has the cops hands tied so tight and frustrated I'm sure they (the cops) wont mind if some trash they cant touch got cleaned up
No shit George it just may be the African-Americans who may clean up this city.
They just aren't fed up enough, wait till the whore sellout Mayor starts giving all the wetbacks all the new HUD housing right under their noses. .....Remember the The Alamo.
Didn't "Fat" Nick Minucci go to prison for using some of the same language?
I think George may be joking about African Americans rejecting radical Islam.
Joe said..."No shit George it just may be the African-Americans who may clean up this city. "
Blacks? thay can't even keep their ugly sagging pants up long enough to walk straight.
Blacks are leaving this City at an accelerating rate, over 30.000 in the last ten years.
They is headin' "Souf" -to clean up that nest of GOP scum.
"Anonymous said...
why do coed, private and parochial ,schools have high graduation and college admission rates?"
Easy Gramps: They throw out anyone that causes trouble or just doesn't "fit".
listen you stupid schmuck,there is a great difference between Voluntary and "FORCED BUSING FOR RACIAL INTEGRATION.
One is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ,in 2011.thanks to Americans like me ,in the 1970's to the present. Americans in cities such as boston,los angelos,denver,louisville,dallas,austin,charlotte, etc. fought the pro-forced busing gangsters with their own tactics and we eventually won.
but hundreds of millions of tax dollars were wasted by your liberal social engineers,that you support.
you were protected by your parents in private school,you phony. your parents would never allow you to take part in "the experiment".
your liberal heroes ,who safeguarded their children in private schools,were criminal hypocrites.
the kennedy's,the carters,the clintons,the bidens etc ,etc.
Real garbage.
Anon No. 25:
What are you talking about, Gramps? The game I was going to is on May 1st. You were responding to someone else.
why are you giving space to
World Star Hip Hop who solicits these hateful video's from people?
they PAY people to cause altercations and film them.
someone is making money because you are posting this stupid video.
I am no longer shocked by or interested these videos.
made by the stupid for the stupid.
Actually, the video was removed by YouTube and was never labeled as a World Star Hip Hop video. Time to go outside and enjoy the spring weather.
you were right to post this video,Q.C.
"a picture is worth a thousand words".
it expresses the results of sixty years of wasted money and social engineering policies ,by the educational progressives in the government.
the left cannot stand seeing the "fruits of their delusional actions.
do not ever quit, the citizens need your input and the ability to challenge failure in the liberal system ,forced upon us.
It was never labeled as a World Star Hip Hop video because if it was no one would post it. they get paid by how many main stream news media pick it up.
by posting it on Queens Crap.
you're wrong on this Crapper.
I have no idea how you can deduce that this was made for the purpose of making money. The filming began after the fight had already started.
I am not going to use "this might be a World Star Hip Hop video" as a filter for whether or not I post something. If I think it's a hoax, I won't post it.
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