An Ozone Park bicycle manufacturer whose business has been in New York City for over 100 years says the mayor's office snubbed him in favor of manufacturers who use out of country labor.
Here's more bicycle fun for the week:
Bike lanes, bike lies NY Post
Biking Queens Plaza Restless
just what is needed in a midtown office. a smelly/stinking workplace employee sitting nearby, who has just biked in 85 degree heat.
Oh Crappy, so predictable!
for the city,by the city, ?????
the internationalists are on the move.
more of n.y.c. taxpayers money leaves America.
where is the city council and the progressive caucus on this proposal.who voted for this ? lets see a rollcall?
BEWARE: a motorist will no longer be able to make a right turn to access local streets, north of bridge plaza.
if you cross jackson ave./northern blvd,expecting to detour to the right ,from the plaza. FORGET IT,YOU HAVE TO CROSS THE BRIDGE TO MANHATTAN.
btw:after calling 311 twice and two poor asphalt attempts by the d.o.t./d.o. highways at 49th avenue ,north to jackson ave.on 21st.street, they finally really did a permanent repair of the two block pot hole disaster in L.I.C.
thanks to Q.C.for enabling my comments on this subject. some city official is reading your website.
"Michael J said...
for the city,by the city, ?????
the internationalists are on the move.
more of n.y.c. taxpayers money leaves America"
Yep, just like the major international corporations who even get tax breaks for moving production offshore and shelter their profits from taxes there as well. GOP perfidy at work.
Oh please, it's worksman. Their bikes are totally outdated. We need the best for the city, something comparable to other cities that already have bikeshare.
Worksman bikes are not comparable to any other bikes. Their bikes weigh 45lbs +, no ones gonna ride that. It's part of the reason they have a hard time selling to the average american in the first place.
"Yep, just like the major international corporations who even get tax breaks for moving production offshore and shelter their profits from taxes there as well. GOP perfidy at work."
You mean like GE which has Bambi in it's hip pocket? The same GE that paid no taxes on a few billion of profits? The same GE whose CEO, Immelt, that Bambi has named as his next top outside economic adviser. The same GE that has contributed more to Dems then Repubs since Immelt has become CEO? (2.4 mill to 1.6 mill)
The myth of Republicans being owned by corporations is just that a myth. The data does not support the myth.
Worksman Cycles are fabricated in CHINA they are merely assembled in Ozone Park.
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