Serving in the state Legislature isn't just a part-time job: Lawmakers get to be their own bosses, too.
That became apparent this week as legislators decided -- just like that -- to extend their April recess by an extra two days, giving them two full weeks off.
Lawmakers were originally scheduled to take off the week of April 18, off and then return on Wednesday and Thursday of the following week for a two-day session.
But they decided to blow off April 27 and 28, and will instead resume on May 2 following their break.
is not April 18, tax return filing last day ?
they probably need the extra time to divide our taxpayer revenues, that they will eventually give away to the public unions and then get reelected again.
have a happy day,working and paying into the political money laundering scam.
C'mon Crappy, don't they deserve two extra days off for actually passing the budget on time this year? And a nice raise too - do I smell a raise in legislature salaries this year?
Let them take off the entire year - -we'd be better off without them in Albany.
"do I smell a raise in legislature salaries this year?"
Not likely. Not until they give judges their long-over due raises, which they won't. It's too bad that they don't give themselves raises, but take away ALL outside employment, activities and interests. That's a budget and ethics plan I could live with.
It feels good to be a gangster...
from wikipedia ,May 1.
International Worker's Day: a day of political demonstrations and celebrations organized by UNIONS,COMMUNISTS, ANARCHISTS AND SOCIALIST groups.
where else would moscow on the hudson progressives be on May 1.?
pay your taxes and finance the political/union money laundering scam.
Going to a baseball game, gramps.
you said you were sitting behind home plate,because of the GOOD VIEW!!!
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