Illegal signage is being erected throughout the Sunnyside neighborhood by psychics and auto buyers.
Three signs in the heart of the business district have been nailed to trees/lampposts by a psychic named Christina. The signs read: “Psychic Tarot Card & Palm Readings” and provide a phone number. However, the cellular number provided was not in order; it had been disconnected.
Local resident Jimmy Woods was perturbed by the advertising. “I don’t believe anyone has the right to drive nails in trees.” Furthermore, Woods said, “This is advertising overload…when will people stop.”
The signs are more than 8 feet high – and most likely require a ladder to be erected. The three are located in the following spots: 46thStreet (between Queens Blvd and Greenpoint Ave); 46thStreet (between Greenpoint Ave. and 47thAve.— across from Bank of America); and Greenpoint Ave (between 46th and 47th Streets—next to Rite Aid).
Christina was tracked down because of a billboard that was placed at the entrance to the 46th Street subway stop, which provided a different phone number. She said she had not done anything wrong by putting up the signs. “Everyone else is putting them up.”
I take down all those damn signs in my neighborhood. I try to take them down the same day as they put them up. The most signs I took down in one day war about 25 signs from a crooked mortgage company. If they don't work they will stop putting them up. If they're not there they won't work.
I do too - although many times in the past I have called 311 in the hopes of them getting a fine. In that case they have to be left up temporarily. Unfortunately, I do not know if they indeed did get a fine.
Notice she stated the prevailing idiot mantra of "everyone's doing it". Everyone is definitely NOT doing it!!!! AND driving a nail or staple into a tree could weaken the tree over the long haul which is why it is not allowed - in addition to it making the nab look like sh*t!
Psychic Christina couldn't predict the signs being taken DOWN!!? Bad move for business!
Can someone please find out what the law says about these illegal signs and what one can do to pursue legal action against them?
She is right - and if you want to see where this is heading cross Northern Boulevard. They have been doing this in Astoria for the better part of a decade.
Not only signs, but labels are slapped on everthing. Add to the general dirty condition of the streets, overflowing corner garbage cans and every alcove doorway with tags and you can see Sunnyside in about 5 years.
But then, again, since we don't complain and reelect the same people over and over again, you will just have to settle for bike lanes and ugly new development, something else in your cards for the future now that you have rezoned.
Maybe your community will be 'saved' as Astoria is 'saved' ... for the developers.
Maspeth Mom says...
A couple of months ago Dept of Sanitation was around my block cutting down the signs- he put them in his car trunk - I asked if they would get fined - He said - he would try to ticket some of them if he could find them, but not the lost dog/cat signs.
I agree, they bring the neighboorhood down and make it look junky.
Call the numbers and pretend to solicit business from them. Drive them crazy. Make appoitnments and don't keep them. Find their street addresses and dump the signs on their property. Call the lost cat and dog owners and tell them their beloved animal companion is dead and that you ate it for dinner.
Here's an idea for concerned citizens-- tear them down. Do you really think this is a priority for city government?
"i haven't don't anything wrong"?
Really???? Deport this bitch back to Romania.
this person can take a picture, but can't take them down? take some responsibility for your neighborhood.
(1) "Everyone is putting up signs." Well, yes, some signs on private property are authorized and legal. Check your local law.
(2) Putting up signs with a disconnected phone number? How dumb is that?
"Lost Pet" signs are the ONLY signs I tolerate in my nab, AND they should be on poles NOT ON TREES.
ALL signs - such as garage sale signs - should be hung with string - you just punch holes in the corners - then string it up by wrapping it and tying around the pole - easy to do and easy to remove.
BUT - there should be enforcement of our signage laws.
Can someone please provide a link to the signage laws?
"everybody else is doing it". child-like response. proof positive the infantilization of the country is complete
""Lost Pet" signs are the ONLY signs I tolerate in my nab, AND they should be on poles NOT ON TREES."
That's what Craigslist is for. We need to end our addiction to printed materials.
Some years ago I put up some signs helping to retrieve a neighbor's stolen dog.
After the dog was returned (with the incentive of a $100 reward), I went around to all the locations that I posted the signs and took them down.
shoulda coulda etc
if you take the sign down you could get someone yelling at you.
this is the repsonsibilty of the city and your electeds for turning a blind eye. no one can, or should go out day after day taking this down - and a lot of it - is in the case of tags and labels, are impossible to remove.
you need a lot of nasty phone calls to your elected officials (take a gander at the weeklies to see how they waste their time), letters to the editor to embaressing them (yes, believe it or not, this is possible) and when one of their goons say 'if you dont like it you should leave' tell 'em to *uck off.
i hope that our local environmentalists are removing the "ELECT GARY ACKERMAN " signs stuck in the ground at
public sidewalks and parkway entrances.
The Dept. of Sanitation is resposible for taking down the signs & for ticketing. They have to go after the business or politicans who deface property with illegal signs. I think the fine is $ 75.00 per sign.
Then we should do a little investigating - when we report a sign to the Agency (through 311 I believe) then we should do a followup. I haven't done that mayself - I have made reports, but did not find out what the outcome was.
The friggin' pig the DOT lays in wait for us like a black widow spider - how come the immigrants get away with littering our nabs and harming our trees with their stupid signs? Ticket THEM for a change -
Because that's like getting blood from a stone.
I called in signs before, they ask me what the number is on the sign, they call it and tell them to take it down. No other agency that I know of gives warnings.
ackerman is even putting signs on public school buildings. Shame on you.
Woodhaven has been similarly plagued by these signs. We have a zero tolerance policy and a crew of "Sign Warriors" that tear them down as soon as they are put up. And we call the numbers on the signs and let them know we took down all of their signs. Sometimes we giggle.
We're ruthless ;-)
The Woodhaven Residents' Block Association has had some discussions with the Department of Sanitation and have some ideas on how to stop this crap. We'd love to hear from other civics.
Ed Wendell
Woodhaven Residents'Block Association
didn't you know that gary ackerman and the democrat/liberal U.F.T. own the obama public school buildings that the citizen's $21,000,000,000,.00 in taxes pay for.
Maspeth Mom says...
And what about all those business cards for construction servies taxicabs and other nonsense that get stuffed into the mail box and fences and on the car windsheilds. Thats another thing I am just fed up with!!!
GREEEEAT JOB Woodhaven Warriors!
I had no idea your nab was so plagued with this problem!
The illegality of the posting of signs should be made more public - announced on TV - in local newspapers. MAYBE that would help the situation too.
Speaking of signs has anyone seen that Damn Verizon Billboard on 162 st and Northen Blvd? The only thing on there I can read is VERIZON everything else is either in Chinese or Korean :( WTF I thought this was America???? So I cancelled my Verizon :) and explained to them when I called why I cancelled :( What about the rest of us:( Assholes!!
"She said she had not done anything wrong by putting up the signs. “Everyone else is putting them up"
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