A wild brawl at a Woodside bodega saw combatants pelt each other with beer bottles, produce and floral bouquets, cops said.
Marcos Juela and Segundo Lopez, both 29, along with friends Cesar Juela, 21, and Oscar Montalbo, 29, allegedly threw the wares at a man after getting into a midnight argument Sunday outside Brothers Grocery on Roosevelt Avenue.
The elder Juela and Lopez lobbed beer bottles that shattered and cut a victim's face and body, police said.
Then the quartet allegedly fired off various fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers at the man.
Lucha libre!
Nothing good ever happens at midnight or past that hour. They should go into details as to what type of produce was involved in the brouhaha.
I would have gone straight for the sunkist oranges, brown pears and red grapefruits...
Illegals celebrating their freedom! Police do nothing to these untouchables! Bloomberg say we need these folks. (The rich love $2hr slaves who don't talk back)!
This is New York City, people are lucky that shootouts aren't occuring regurlarly or at least as regurlarly as they were back in 88-93.
Then the quartet allegedly fired off various fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers at the man.
"Undocumented guest worker" food fights!
Doing the jobs that white frat boys are no longer willing to do!
Vibrant!! Diverse!!!
There was some kind of Mexican fest in that area all day yesterday (Sunday).
Perhaps 100,000 of these turd world vermin were drunk and peeing is the street.
Yes not one cop, INS or ICE agent was in sight a friend of mine was afraid t go outside her apartment. People were using the buildings lobby (by the doorbells) as a toilet the cops wouldn't come help them
This happens every weekend night on Roosie, and some weeknights too. Why is this news?
Food Fight! How do you say that in Spanish? Oh, yeah, Vibrant and Diverse.
that grocery store is a filthy dump.
please close it down.
The discarded fruit, vegetables, and flowers were collected from the streets and sidewalk and sold the next day. Do you think they would let anything go to waste?
yet another lovely front for racist comments. nice work crappy.
Don't thank me, thank the NY Post.
yet another lovely front for racist comments. nice work crappy.
Au contraire!
It's postings such as this that bring out the limp-wristed, effeminate, fey, sanctimonious white liberal douche bangs such as yourself!
Funny how some innocuous comments on an incident involving a bunch of Tweeded, "Vibrant!" Queens residents actually upsets YOU more than the actual incident!
But that's the state of current political discourse today. You don't win points among effete white liberals by noticing patterns involving terrorists, or inner city crime.
Nah!!! That's too obvious!
White libtards win points by knocking Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh!
That's the height of sanctimonious white liberal sophistication!!
Diversity my ass ---Bunch of Animals.
8 shot each other in Los Angelos and that's exactly where Queens is going to be in 10 years.
and that's exactly where Queens is going to be in 10 years.
after Vallone 'saved' Astoria with a 'downzone' that encourages a wall of 6 or 8 story buidlings on 31st Street this will be Astoria in 10 years.
31st Street: Rosie II
This is New York City, people are lucky that shootouts aren't occuring regurlarly or at least as regurlarly as they were back in 88-93.
Well, history repeats itself.. (Bell Bottoms was in for a while in the 90s if I recalled among teens..but it fad away quick)
If this continues, you will bet history will repeat itself and Queens will be Crap for real..and then maybe a wipeout of it will occur just like how 42nd was changed...that's wishful thinking.
I meant that's how 42nd street was changed in manhattan
This kind of thing happens all the time in Yakson Heights.
re: .-1 Not with fruits, vegetables, and flowers as a garnish it doesn't. Bottles and knives alone don't make it blog-worthy.
Crappy's nose for news is accurate on this one.
All boroughs are going third world get used to it!
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