From CBS 2:
The traffic agent under investigation for acting above the law was still on full duty Friday, even as complaints continued to pour in.
CBS 2 HD has learned that the agent's use of flashing red lights to buy coffee is just the tip of the iceberg.
Traffic agent Daniel Chu is a bona fide legend in certain parts of Queens, and not in a good way.
Since the incident people have been coming out of the woodwork to rat Chu out, but the agent is apparently so intimidating that many told CBS 2 HD they were afraid to go on camera.
One man told CBS 2 HD he was parked outside a McDonald's with one minute to go on the parking meter. Agent Chu came and blocked his car in and when the meter ran out he gave the man a ticket.
Anthony Carollo, a former NYPD cop, has watched Chu's aggressive ticketing for years. He said Chu puts others in danger.
"Just to run in front of a vehicle that's about to pull out of a metered spot and use his body as a shield to stop cars and then can write the summons, that's very problematic," Carollo said.
Hairdresser Kara Tosiello said Chu yelled at her in a way that was unnecessarily abusive.
"I just remember him telling me not to talk to him. He said he could do whatever he wanted," Tosiello said.
Business owner Vince Paladino filed a complaint with the NYPD against agent Chu for harassing his customers.
"We'd see him here. We'd see him flying up and down the block, making a u-turn to come to block somebody in," Paladino said.
When you run a system based on ticket quotas, you get traffic agents like this who will do whatever they can to keep their numbers up. It's apparent that he thinks he's above the law, if not the law itself. Why not transfer him to a neighborhood that has real parking issues, like Chinatown, and see how he handles that.
I 2nd that - send him to Chinatown or better yet Jamaica, St. Albans and see how he does there.
In Chinatown, he'll have his choice of:
One from carum "A"
Two from carum "B"
He can even check out the fortune cookies to see if he gets it right.
In Chinatown he'll have his choice:
One from carum "A"
One from carum "B"
The fortune cookies will tell him if he's right or wrong.
Sounds about right. Traffic agents are usually lowlives who finally get a taste of authority and then like to abuse it.
People if you're thinking of getting a job as a traffic agent, DONT! Do something meaningful with your lives!!
Crappy, why do you allow purely bigoted comments on this board so frequently?
What can residents do to get this ahole OUT of the nab?
WHO is he being reported to?
Fox News has reported abuses from the traffic ticket agents before - how about a good sting operation?
Something similar happened to a good friend of mine - but in Manhattan this week!
People if you're thinking of getting a job as a traffic agent, DONT! Do something meaningful with your lives!!
NO! Do the opposite! If you're looking for work right now - go to the walk-in testing center and take the civil service test. You should flood the system with applicants from all walks of life - out of work people with masters degrees - law degrees - all you need is a HS diploma and a NYS driver's license - you could takeover and high-jack the agency. That would be hysterical - and then your could make real $$$ selling your story to Hollywood as a sitcom. "Joe Schmoe, Phd, TEA!"
I hate to tell you this - but, the people with the Masters degrees are just as stupid - and in some cases more stupid - than those without.
your comment actually is the proof.
Traffic agents in Bayside/Whitestone area are out of control. I have witnessed them box people in to ticket them as described in the report and it is very dangerous. Even worse these vultures have started circling neighborhood schools at drop off and pick up times to do the same thing. Complaints to the city about it are completely ignored because they want the money.
How can i file a complaint against a traffic officer?
Yup and they talk on there Cellphones while directing traffic.Just go to the Corner of Waverly Place and University Place..the Bald headed white guy is always on his Cellphone..i was nearly killed by a truck..because he was on his phone!!
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