Friday, January 23, 2009

Tale of the racist Village baker

From Gothamist:

At at a time when any decent baker should have been selling racially harmonious black and white cookies by the truckload, one Greenwich Village bakery popular with celebrities and shows like Sex and the City has outraged neighbors by selling a "Drunken Negro Face" cookie in, um, "honor" of President Obama. A shocked customer tells My Fox NY that Ted Kefalinos, proprietor of Lafayette French Pastry, asked her, "Would you like some drunken negro heads to go with your coffee? They're in honor of our new president. He's following in the same path of Abraham Lincoln; he will get his."

Looks like Archie Bunker moved to Greenwich Village!


Anonymous said...

I bet they're good tho'.

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, some of you Crapper people are muttering out loud to yourselves (as opposed to the usual grumbling to yourselves) "HEY! That's more like it!!!" Admit it!

Anonymous said...

No, I think the word "Negro" went out of style in the 1960s.

Anonymous said...

I, like Crapper, am proud to see Archie Bunkerism spread throughout the land.

Queens Crapper said...

Who said I was proud of this? I think it's disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Rick Wingnut is an asshole.

Anonymous said...

Colored people cookies so what ?
My Mom been making Santa & Easter bunny cookies. Gorilla cookies, green Irish cookies on St.Patricks day since she was a kid (shes 72)

She even makes this Italian cookie called an Annisette toast with Sambuca

Nobody complains now suddenly in 2008 its racist ??

Anonymous said...

I think this guy is one of the mods on

You know, the crowd that goes apeshit when a taco truck shows up on the block and fancies a multiple choice of Mexican, Columbian, Equidorian, Brazilian, and Bangledeshi restaurants as a sign of an upscale community.

Anonymous said...

Calling a Queens resident Archie Bunker is like calling an African-American a nigger.

Enough already.

Both images were imposed unfairly on a people by outsiders.

Anonymous said...

Colored people cookies so what ?
"My Mom been making Santa & Easter bunny cookies. Gorilla cookies, green Irish cookies on St.Patricks day since she was a kid (shes 72)

She even makes this Italian cookie called an Annisette toast with Sambuca

Nobody complains now suddenly in 2008 its racist ??"

Tell me that's a good mix of sarcasm and irony, please...somebody....tell me.

Anonymous said...

"Calling a Queens resident Archie Bunker is like calling an African-American a nigger.

Enough already.

Both images were imposed unfairly on a people by outsiders."

Except that real Archie Bunker-types are too stupid to know they are being insulted. A black man knows all too well he is being insulted...unless the "er" at the end is an "a" and is being uttered by a fellow black man.

Anonymous said...

The Greeks & Bukharans are notorious for bad taste.
They collaborate building crap all over the city the news does nothing?

Now 1 Greek diner owner bakes a sheet cookies and it’s the French Inquisition?

The comment was bad taste but that not a crime

Last I knew we had something called the 1st Amendment backed by the 2nd Amendment.
Id people like Arnold Diaz, FOX and Rupert Murdoch don’t know or like that that should GTF out of the country and move to N Korea.
Bank fists like little brats with field cameras there and see what happens.

What the hell is wrong with Italian Girl she never heard stuff like that before ?
If she only heard my Uncle Joe in Bushwick go off in the late 70's

Anonymous said...

Exactly. The late 70's. Who the hell says "negro" anymore?

Anonymous said...

Just bad, all bad

Anonymous said...

hahaha...these cookies look like a 5 year old decorated them! let the hipsters eat them.

Anonymous said...

Im playing in the Villiage tonight (Bass).
Called that Deli ran a credit card order to PU and bring a Doz bunch out to Mattituck tomorrow.
The locals will love it.

I was out there election night, it was pretty funny when Obama went on TV with Hillary.
(The towns 98% 3rd+ generation Polish, German and Italian)
I'll spare the details ---Dont want The Broken Down Valise or Queens Crap closed down !!

You never know the way things are going these days

Anonymous said...

freedom of speech and expression... gone.

Anonymous said...

More important than an uneducated baker selling what he calls "drunken negro cookies" is the fact that most people accept calling Obama the first black president.

Why does everyone still accept the 19th century racist tradition- when a human being has some black blood he/she is labeled as "black?"

Obama is half black and half white, why then is he labeled black?

Anonymous said...

Because blacks want you to forget that he's half white?

Anonymous said...

Now 1 Greek diner owner bakes a sheet cookies and it’s the French Inquisition?

It is in bad taste, irregardless of who the baker is.

But, let's face it - if someone such as Spike Lee baked these same cookies, the Village Voice and the NY Times would fall over themselves proclaiming how "edgy", "brilliant", and "artistic!" these baked goods are! White liberals would line up outside the door to buy dozens of them.

Is this baker the same guy who was putting the chairs in the subway in Queens?

Why does everyone still accept the 19th century racist tradition- when a human being has some black blood he/she is labeled as "black?"

Excellent point. I had to sit through a dull elective Black studies class in college, where it was taught that the "one drop rule" was indicative of white racism.

Yet now these same yahoos who called the "one drop rule" racism are the very same people using it to proclaim Obama as black!

There's a reason why the truly smart people major in physics, and the dullards major in sociology or "ethnic" studies.

Anonymous said...

If he's selling cookies in honor of Obama, shouldn't they be Black & White cookies?

I'm just sayin.

Anonymous said...

"Obama is half black and half white, why then is he labeled black?"

I've been asking this question for months. He's half-white, raised by his white mother and white grandparents and had nothing to do with his black father. But yet we all call him black. Hmmmm.

It goes back to colonial times. I drop of black blood meant you were black. And that wasn't a good thing and with some it still isn't. People better start accepting the fact that this country is changing demographically and there's nothing anyone can do to change it. It's even happening in Europe much to their horror. Whites will be a minority in a few decades. So we might as well stop the hate.

Anonymous said...

For Saint Patrick's day he'll do a drunken Irish cookie to make it up. Let's face it, some people believe all publicity is good publicity. The quicker the silliness is over, the better.

Anonymous said...

"freedom of speech and expression... gone."

Who the fuck are you kidding? Freedom of speech isn't gone. But you know what is on the rise? The number of people responding to racist, extreme right wing and extreme left wing nuttiness. Of couse this sets off your whole sense of your speech being squashed, especially since you are in the wrong.

Anonymous said...

Whites will be a minority in a few decades. So we might as well stop the hate.

Why is it always presented that only whites hate?

by thw way Wade irregardless isn't a word. it's just regardless

Anonymous said...

by thw [sic] way Wade irregardless isn't a word. it's just regardless

Here's what Merriam Webster dictionary says:

Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that “there is no such word.” There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

I'll split the difference with you on this one. In my defense, most of my writings on Queens Crap are indeed edited prose, hence the usage. My unedited prose is available for sale at fine literary establishments near you.

But no use debating over how many angels fit on the head of a pin, I've got bigger fish to fry.

Anonymous said...

by thw [sic] way Wade irregardless isn't a word. it's just regardless

Here's what Merriam Webster dictionary says:

Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that “there is no such word.” There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

I'll split the difference with you on this one. In my defense, most of my writings on Queens Crap are indeed edited prose, hence the usage. My unedited prose is available for sale at fine literary establishments near you.

But no use debating over how many angels fit on the head of a pin, I've got bigger fish to fry.

Anonymous said...

"It's even happening in Europe,
much to their horror."
Not in Eastern Europe. This is only a thing relative to rich and prosperous Western European countries such as Germany, England, or France.

Anonymous said...

But, let's face it - if someone such as Spike Lee baked these same cookies, the Village Voice and the NY Times would fall over themselves proclaiming how "edgy", "brilliant", and "artistic!" these baked goods are! White liberals would line up outside the door to buy dozens of them.

How wrong you are wade.You guys(some of you on here)are just frothing at the mouth to rip on A political folks and connect them to Obama etc.This is one dumb baker and there is no connection to real liberal people who actually criticize both sides even their own,unlike many on here.
Now its just becoming a self unknowing parody of political observation on this site.
Wade why the hell would Spike Lee make cookies like that?And no people wouldnt buy them.One idiot out of many million.Keep up the fantasy land connections because Wade you give us all a laugh.Getter done Wade.
But with other news, Obama is dismantling every authoritarian, unconstitutional fascist bush law and deregulation for corporations and personal rights so sit back and scream your heads off while people get their civil rights back possibly.Remember it was your bush cheney Arnold Ken Lay crew who destroyed the economy.But your biased so you wouldnt understand.

Anonymous said...

"why the hell would Spike Lee make cookies like that?"

Why did he make Do the Right Thing, which reinforced negative black stereotypes and where the only person in the movie who had a job was the one making pizza (whose store got trashed at the end)?

Anonymous said...

What a gross dung cookie.The guy is a right wing moron who has a right wing Cuban Batista Meyer Lansky Alpha 66 friend.
Does Wade work here?Freedom of speech?Freedom to be a redneck loser.

Anonymous said...

>She even makes this Italian cookie called an Annisette toast with Sambuca

Nobody complains now suddenly in 2008 its racist ??"

Wow.Bad analogy there.That cookie by this bigot loser is the same as a Ainnisette with Sambuca cookie.Dont think so.Keep reaching there buddy with the sad justification.

Anonymous said...

"Of couse this sets off your whole sense of your speech being squashed, especially since you are in the wrong."

And who decides what is "wrong" speech?

Anonymous said...

You guys(some of you on here)are just frothing at the mouth to rip on A political folks and connect them to Obama etc.
Remember it was your bush cheney Arnold Ken Lay crew who destroyed the economy.But your biased so you wouldnt understand.

So, who's playing "connect the dots" here - me or YOU?

As for blaming the economy SOLELY on Bush/Cheney, you're showing us who the simpleton is here. I don't think anyone from economists such as Paul Krugman or Joseph Stiglitz on the left, to Gregory Mankiw or Tyler Cowen on the right would even make the leap and blame the economy SOLELY on Bush. Bush sure as hell contributed much to the present situation, but it's much more complex then what you allege. But your biased, so you wouldn't understand.

This is one dumb baker and there is no connection to real liberal people who actually criticize both sides even their own,unlike many on here.

Let's put it this way - almost ALL so-called "rap musicians" are ALL left-wing. What is "rap music" other then a modern day minstrel show? If this baker was black, he'd be a successful rapper.

Keep up your pathological screeds, your writings are helping the adult diaper industry, because I wet my pants after I read your deluded diatribes!

Does Wade work here?

No, but I've done some tax shelter work for some well known rappers who shall remain nameless.

Anonymous said...

- almost ALL so-called "rap musicians" are ALL left-wing. What is "rap music" other then a modern day minstrel show? If this baker was black, he'd be a successful rapper.

Keep up your pathological screeds, your writings are helping the adult diaper industry, because I wet my pants after I read your deluded diatribes!

Strange thinking there Wade.You must of thought of diapers because your rants are always righteous reactionary and questionable just like the baker who pretends to not be racist.
Read some newspapers from around the world:The Independent UK
Under this George Bush, the Republicans who had been regarded as the guardians of fiscal probity have become identified with high spending, and across-the-board tax cuts not matched by an equivalent cut in government spending.

As a result, the $200bn surplus inherited by Mr Bush when he took office in 2001 has turned into a projected deficit of almost $500bn for fiscal 2004-05. The worsening has prompted even fellow Republican John McCain to accuse the White House of spending "like a drunken sailor". Thus far, Mr Bush has used the tried-and-true Republican gambit against Mr Kerry, accusing his Democrat challenger of trying to raise taxes by $900bn over 10 years to pay for campaign promises.

"He asks, 'Haven't we already given money to rich people? This second tax cut's gonna do it again,'" says Suskind.

"He says, 'Didnt we already, why are we doing it again?' Now, his advisers, they say, 'Well Mr. President, the upper class, they're the entrepreneurs. That's the standard response.' And the president kind of goes, 'OK.' That's their response. And then, he comes back to it again. 'Well, shouldn't we be giving money to the middle, won't people be able to say, 'You did it once, and then you did it twice, and what was it good for?'"

But according to the transcript, White House political advisor Karl Rove jumped in.

"Karl Rove is saying to the president, a kind of mantra. 'Stick to principle. Stick to principle.' He says it over and over again," says Suskind. "Dont waver"

In the end, the president didn't. And nine days after that meeting in which O'Neill made it clear he could not publicly support another tax cut, the vice president called and asked him to resign.

With the deficit now climbing towards $400 billion, O'Neill maintains he was in the right. -

Anonymous said...

But, let's face it - if someone such as Spike Lee baked these same cookies, the Village Voice and the NY Times would fall over themselves proclaiming how "edgy", "brilliant", and "artistic!" these baked goods are!

Seriously doubt it.
Just 'cause you said it, and you think it's "ironic," doesn't make it so, Wade.
Bad taste is bad taste.

There's a reason why the truly smart people major in physics, and the dullards major in sociology or "ethnic" studies.

So what do we call people like you who can't even hack basic sociological theory? Sub-dullard?

Anonymous said...

The crappy cookie was done in poor taste. The comments by the baker made it much worse. If you dont like BHO, I voted against him, there are better ways to get your point across. Looking at that cookie, I question his talent.

To talk about it as a 'free speech issue' is absurd. He expressed his opinion in a disturbing looking cookie, and people are critical of it. That is free speech working.

But is there a racial double standard? OF COURSE. To say that white men cant dance or jump is so very mediacute, but talking about blacks liking watermelon or fried chicken is akin to wearin a KKK hood. Whatever.


Stop citing drivel like this:

"Under this George Bush, the Republicans who had been regarded as the guardians of fiscal probity have become identified with high spending, and across-the-board tax cuts not matched by an equivalent cut in government spending."

To say that tax cuts need to be met with equivalent government spending cuts is abject economic stupidity. While I think the current 'stimulus' package is ridiculous, you match its proponents with your own brand of nitwitism.

Anonymous said...

Remember the Erotic Baker in the same neighborhood? NOBODY complained about his products. They were delicious and fierce.

Anonymous said...

The Erotic Baker? Now THERE was a loaf of bread you couldn't beat.

Anonymous said...

To say that tax cuts need to be met with equivalent government spending cuts is abject economic stupidity. While I think the current 'stimulus' package is ridiculous, you match its proponents with your own brand of nitwitism.

Well then genius explain spending 10 billion a month in Iraq for 7 years, but not having the reserve or money in the bank to pay for.Name calling?Yawn.It doesnt need to cost or plunder the country that much. A $117 billion spent (as of mid-2008) on Iraq reconstruction a sinkhole of corruption, cronyism, incompetence and outright theft that epitomized Bush management at home and abroad.
As of January 4, 2009,U.S. SPENDING IN IRAQ. Spent & Approved War-Spending - About $800 billion of US taxpayers.Remember when it cost just 5 million to wage a war but there wasnt private contractor buddies getting millions in kick backs?Waste, not accountability.What do have to offer as facts?Playground antics and bad analogies.

Anonymous said...

Is this simply something about nothing made up story? I bet it is sour grapes about the bakery or owner.!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
freedom of speech and expression... gone.

No, I think what's really gone is dignity. As it pertains to ourselves and how we treat others.
Or maybe it wasn't really there to begin with.

Anonymous said...

To say that tax cuts need to be met with equivalent government spending cuts is abject economic stupidity.

What planet are you visiting from?

Anonymous said...

Clown #1: Obama is half black and half white, why then is he labeled black?
Sub-dullard Clown #2: Yet now these same yahoos who called the "one drop rule" racism are the very same people using it to proclaim Obama as black!
Even you, italian girl?: I've been asking this question for months... But yet we all call him black.

Hold on just a moment.
We've got the first black president of the U.S., and now you guys wanna MAKE HIM WHITE?? Pigs. Are you THAT insecure with this state of affairs?
Simply unacceptable.

Nevermind the fact that he *looks* more black than white. Nevermind that he plays basketball well and bowls poorly, and looks uncomfortable when Garth Brooks is rockin' the stage.

The man - Obama himself - SELF-IDENTIFIES as black! Is that not enough for you people???

Let our first Black President be black, goddammit!

Anonymous said...

But hold on there anonymous, he IS half-black and half-white. Isn't he? Doesn't matter what he looks like. I could look like I'm from Northern Europe. Still doesn't change the fact that I'm(I should say my grandparents) are from Italy.

He's technically our first half-black president. He plays basketball better than he bowls. Not enough proof. And maybe he's uncomfortable when Garth Brooks is singing because well.... he sucks.

Face it, our president is an Oreo.

Anonymous said...

I understand that mom was pink and dad was dark brown.

But let me repeat: "The man - Obama himself - SELF-IDENTIFIES as black! Is that not enough for you people???"

And I apologize for referring to you all as pigs. That was harsh, and uncalled-for.
What I meant was more like "yahoos" or "nincompoops." ; )

Anonymous said...

"But let me repeat: "The man - Obama himself - SELF-IDENTIFIES as black! Is that not enough for you people???""

Maybe Michelle Obama forces him to. He looks like he's afraid of her.

Anonymous said...

Hold on just a moment.
We've got the first black president of the U.S., and now you guys wanna MAKE HIM WHITE?? Pigs. Are you THAT insecure with this state of affairs?
Simply unacceptable.

Ultimately, Obama can identify as whatever he desires. But if he ever needs an organ transplant, that's when his problems start. Where would he have a greater probability of finding a match? From blacks? Whites? Or "mixed race" persons such as himself?

Mother Nature doesn't care for anyone's silly race naming games.

And I apologize for referring to you all as pigs. That was harsh, and uncalled-for.
What I meant was more like "yahoos" or "nincompoops."

I won't apologize for anything I call you, Anonym-ASS. You're also insulting pigs - they're much more intelligent animals than you are.

Anonymous said...

I won't apologize for anything I call you, Anonym-ASS. You're also insulting pigs - they're much more intelligent animals than you are.

You get six points for blunt force, and zero for style.

With so many hammers in your toolbox and no needle-nose pliers, you're never gonna locate your manhood, little Wade.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Michelle Obama forces him to. He looks like he's afraid of her.

As he should be.
That is the key to a successful marriage.

Anonymous said...

"Well then genius explain spending 10 billion a month in Iraq for 7 years, but not having the reserve or money in the bank to pay for"

I didnt support the war in Iraq. A wasted yawn.

"A $117 billion spent (as of mid-2008) on Iraq reconstruction a sinkhole of corruption, cronyism, incompetence and outright theft that epitomized Bush management at home and abroad."

So lets let the Obama team put a cherry on top with a $1 TRILLION stimulus package ripe with liberal fluff.

"The man - Obama himself - SELF-IDENTIFIES as black! Is that not enough for you people???"

What does 'you people' mean? If I said it to a black person, I'd lose my job.

If BHO has a white mother and was raised by whites, but calls himself black, sounds like he has self-identification issues. He obviously isnt 'white'. But isnt it darker skinned blacks that are usually offended by lighter skinned compadres? Glad they are so forgiving to the new Prez.

JFK said he was a Berliner. Was he? No, just the spawn of Irish moonshiners. And he was a very talented eavesdropper of MLK.

Anonymous said...

"As he should be.
That is the key to a successful marriage."

Brilliant response anonymous.

Anonymous said...

If BHO has a white mother and was raised by whites, but calls himself black, sounds like he has self-identification issues.

And he has a black father and married a black woman and attended a black church. He must not know himself very well.

But obviously you're fit to pass judgment. So carry on.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant response anonymous.

Just a hard-learned lesson.

Anonymous said...


It's 2009 folks.

How many years after the end of the American Civil War or the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Judging by the number and "quality" of some of these comments here...
RACISM still seems to be alive and doing quite well in Queens U.S.A.
(the Archie Bunker slurs as well as
the anti "Negro, Black, African American", etc. variety).

Time to grow up
before you get too old to do so.

10-4. Over and out.
Don't bother responding!

Anonymous said...

Whadda ya expect from a G(r)eek
baker....the wisdom of Socates?

They're one of the most bigoted
groups around accepting nobody but their own kind!

Anonymous said...

how do u get worked up by a cookie??
i mean honestly now chocolate chips are mixed and sugar cookies are white? WTF IS OATMEAL COOKIES?? honestly i think the cookies should go on strike!!! no but on a serious note etha way our pres. is black and when he is out of office he will still e black when he dies guess what??.....hell get over it bitches cuz so am i!!!