When I think about Marge Markey the word "blogger" doesn't come to mind, so I can almost understand why the entry where she shares her thoughts is blank.

But why you would leave
this up for an extended period of time is something only the publisher of the Queens Ledge can answer.
Publisher ony has eyes for Marge Markey?
Empty head, empty thoughts, understood clearly only by the moronic publisher.
Where did he find the letter "R"?
Markey's empty thoughts are the reason Maspeth is going down hill. She should be formulating ideas on how to improve our town. If that's the best press coverage she can get, she should fire her press secretary. The Ledger is a rag that contains useless information and countless grammar and spelling errors. Can't understand why it is still being published. The Editor should concentrate his efforts on proofreading it once in a while.
Markey's empty thoughts are the reason Maspeth is going down hill. She should be formulating ideas on how to improve our town. If that's the best press coverage she can get, she should fire her press secretary. The Ledger is a rag that contains useless information and countless grammar and spelling errors. Can't understand why it is still being published. The Editor should concentrate his efforts on proofreading it once in a while.
The Ledgers editors likley didnt like what she said then snipped it.
Perhaps Rupert Merdoch does not like bloggers....
Bloggers are not only competition but a thawn in the foot to his friends (all the NYC politicians)
Bloggers publish last minute public mettings, refaranndoms, knock the crap out of illegel alians & polititions.
It was blogger Matt Drudge who busted Bill Clinton and Monica with his laptop and crappy Manhatten apt.
Thats stuffs off limits to the mainstream media.
I worked in a TV studio (General Electric-NBC) the sh*t that went on between the big conglomerates, suites and politician was unbelievable.
These assh*les would all sit around in the big meeting rooms with hands in each others laps figuring out how they can get rid of people, change things, get the public to "buy it" and make more $$ at the same time.
---When you an engineer working at night you can sneak around and listen behind the door.
There is NO MORE NEWS in this country its all 3 big infermertials.
I can't believe this paper has been around since 1873. That makes it older than the Daily News by 46 years, and only 22 years younger than the NY Times!
The quality of the Queens Ledge makes it appear only a few weeks old! Some things do not improve over time.
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