Friday, January 23, 2009

Latin Kings in Queens

Latin King collared in stab death of Met singer Maria Donaldi's son
By Alison Gendar and Nicole Bode

Cops caught the thug who stabbed the son of a Metropolitan Opera singer in a simmering Queens gang feud, police sources said Wednesday.

Nicholas Donaldi-Subero, the 18-year-old son of Metropolitan Opera chorus alto Maria Donaldi, was stabbed to death Monday night by revenge-seeking Latin Kings, sources said.

Police arrested the Latin King gang member who knifed Donaldi-Subero, as well as three others, Wednesday, sources said. Additional arrests are expected.

Donaldi-Subero, a rival gang member, was stabbed once in the chest by crew of Latin Kings in retaliation for one of their own being stabbed earlier in the day in the same Elmhurst neighborhood, police sources said.

Donaldi-Subero's friends said the teen hung around with members of ABK - Always Banging Kings - but was actually a member of another Latin King rival, La Familia.

Donaldi-Subero's death triggered at least two other gang-retribution shootings, sources said.

Gangs: another great part of the vibrant, diverse Queens mosaic!


Anonymous said...

Gangs: another great part of the vibrant, diverse Queens mosaic!

Section 8 housing found in the over suppy of new fedders crap?

Unknown said...


pls don't move to Forest Hills.

Other wise Im going to L.I., back to N.J. or the city.

Anonymous said...

This points out the problems of police stats in "7 major categories." The illusion we live under is that the city is safe, and Ray Kelly has it all under control. We go to community meetings and are told by the precinct commanders that all is OK with an occasional spike here and a dip there. The reality is that gangs are strong in Queens, and they are getting stronger.Crime permeates life in many neighborhoods, and spreads out from there. It escapes the official counts. We need to face ourselves honestly and cut through denial on this.

Anonymous said...

Hell my block has four Latin Kings tags. Only the one on the owner occupied home was removed, the others with absentee landlords (full of illegals) remains.

We are one block from a high school.

Used to clean the light poles on my block.

No more.

Anonymous said...

Got a new word for you:

Gang tags: Ugly Bettys.

Anonymous said...

Yo Snake, good work!

You saw if first on Crappie!

Anonymous said...

I just hope that they keep their shootings and stabings isolated towards each other. If they start shooting and stabbing more innocents, then we are completely screwed!

georgetheatheist said...

Bring me the score; bring me the libretto - Leonard Bernstein

Anonymous said...

Mothers, don't let your kids grow up to be gang members~!

Anonymous said...

Other wise Im going to L.I., back to N.J. or the city.

Who cares? Run away if you wanna run away.
Think anyone will miss you?

Anonymous said...

gangs are everywhere...MS13 has a presence in Flushing and all over LI

Anonymous said...

Cant wait when this element starts to infiltrate Queens West once the hot money starts to buy the empty condo stock and putting anyone in.

Harlem 1907 here we come!

Tweeding newspapers and pols will not say a thing.

Anonymous said...

I just hope that they keep their shootings and stabings isolated towards each other. If they start shooting and stabbing more innocents, then we are completely screwed!

Agreed. The human gene pool is better off if these schmucks simply kill each other. No loss.

Once they start firing stray bullets and killing innocent bystanders, then WE have a problem.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as "isolated gang violence"...echos the same delusion that folks had in the '50s, '60s, and '70s regarding the mob...and to slick-you're a little the elevator car walls in the "good" buildings, lamp posts, read the graffiti a little closer...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MS13 gang tags are in
evidence even in posh, leafy green northeast Queens!

So much for keepin' it all
in the ghetto!

Your casa....their casa!

Stick together all you scattered
and (clubhouse) divided civic associations.

A little quote from the
American Revolutionary period
long gone by but still extremely applicable for today:

"If we don't hang together,
we shall all hang separately".

Anonymous said...

a yo nick and i went to school together and he didnt deserve to die like that he was an amazing kid and my life will never be the same without him...I love you Subero!!!! <3
well always remember you...never forget you!

Anonymous said...

If they turn on civilians I'm buying a Gun and am Gonna Boondock Saint any of these worthless motherfuckers i come across. that's a promise.