Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Doorman not so smart about Smart Meters

Councilman Eric Gioia calls on Con Edison to add Smart Meters
By Erin Durkin

A Queens pol called on Con Ed on Sunday to install technology that could save New Yorkers millions on their electric bills - and blasted the utility for squandering cash they could use to pay for it.

Councilman Eric Gioia (D-Queens) said installing Smart Meters, which provide real-time info on electric rates and use, would save the average consumer 10% on electric costs.

"Con Ed has the money," he said, noting the utility made a $1.2 billion profit last year. "They've been sitting on the money and not investing a penny in what New Yorkers really need."

He said Con Ed instead paid "exorbitant" salaries to executives and upped dividends to investors for the 35th straight year.

In a statement, Con Ed called Smart Meters "the wave of the future" and said it would install them - when it could secure tens of millions of dollars in public funding to make it happen.

I guess Eric hasn't changed his position on these things, which will end up costing the consumer more in the long run. Why bother troubling yourself with closing hospitals, overdevelopment and crime when you can waste everyone's time bitching about the MTA, Costco and Con Ed?


Anonymous said...

I don't get why you are incensed about a meter that would let consumers switch some of their usage, like drying clothes, to times of day (night) when it would save them money. Sorry but I can't get too upset about that. The Yankees, yes, Con Ed executive salaries, sure, but smart meters? No, not at all.

Anonymous said...

Gioia has spent so much time being the clubhouse's doorman that his gray matter is rotting (if he ever had any to begin with).

Yo....Eric....if Con Ed has a surpslus then why not cut customers' rate...huh?

To think that some of you jerk/voters out there allowed this man to represent you!

Smarten up.
He really works for the developers!

Queens Crapper said...

Maybe you should read what is posted at the 2nd link first.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone believe Con Ed would do this to save us money? Hello?

Anonymous said...

"Everyone agreed that not only had the program not shown any energy savings, but people were being hurt financially, and big time, at that."

'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Please, this guys' treatment of his community is nothing short of scandelous.

Already looking to move on after leaving a hollow shell.

Slamming Con Ed because he encouraged overdevelopment, spending all his face time with Queensbridge to keep them happy over the inpending development that will eventually push them out, and everyone's favorite - the most pressing issue of the community - hunger.