In 1961, Jane Jacobs, author of “The Death and Life of Great American Cities,” called city planning “a pseudo-science” that had “arisen on a foundation of nonsense.”
Jacobs argued for an end to gigantic plans that relied on “catastrophic money” and “centralized processes” and “standardized solutions.” All that, she argued, just created “dead places” — like today’s Hudson Yards.
More recently, Sam Stein, in his book “Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State,” chastised planners for serving the interest of Big Real Estate rather than the public good.
It is true that for all their talk of serving the public good, planners do appear to dislike citizens. For one, they are trained to think of citizens as generic NIMBYs standing in the way of their ideas. Moreover, as a profession, they tend to overly admire Robert Moses, the man who imposed his will on New York City in a way that was top-down, cruel and racist — not to mention plain destructive.
Moses’ defenders always respond, “At least he got something done,” and argue for more central planning power, skirting the issue of whether better plans might have been made in another way.
These issues have returned anew with the announcement of a proposed planning law that City Council Speaker Corey Johnson is promoting. The law is a very bad one. Citizens should definitely object to it, and stop this law before the city puts a new Robert Moses into power.
The purpose of the law is, to quote from it: “to prioritize population growth, where applicable, in areas that have high access to opportunity and low risk for displacement.”
“High opportunity,” “amenity rich” and “well-resourced” are code words among planners for overdeveloped neighborhoods in the historic core of the city — Manhattan south of 125th St., Downtown Brooklyn, Brownstone Brooklyn around Prospect Park and the East River. (See Vicki Been’s report “Where We Live.”)
These are high-density, overdeveloped, often historic places with lots of subways, good schools, good parks, good grocery stores and short commutes to Midtown and the Financial District.
Oddly, these areas are also places where Big Real Estate profits are highest and where most of the new development since 2010 has already been built. Why then is the planning law so laser-focussed on driving growth to the already denser parts of the city, before the planning is even conducted? Why does a new all-powerful Director get to assign housing targets based on this high-opportunity theory? The law has planning exactly backwards.
We are supposed to use planning to figure out and debate where to put people (a.k.a. “density”) and infrastructure, not to do end runs around communities and drive new density to predetermined areas of the city!
Here are nine things wrong with the proposed “comprehensive planning” law:
1.) It fails to address the elephant in the room: the revolving door between Big Real Estate and government, thus undermining the legitimacy of the process. Big Real Estate has already captured many of the land-use regulatory agencies of the city; it thus imposes its vision upon us through its people who run the Department of City Planning, the Economic Development Corporation and the Board of Standards and Appeals. See, for example, my op-ed “Fox Guarding the Henhouse at City Planning.”
2.) The proposed law presupposes that the only way to deal with high housing prices is to obsessively build hyper-dense (and tall) near transit, which is what we have already been doing, based on a discredited trickle-down housing-supply theory. It’s a planning approach arising from a bad theory.
3.) It presupposes that the only way to deal with displacement risk is to build like crazy when, in fact, displacement risk needs to be managed in the first instance through legislation. Universal rent stabilization and the Good Cause Eviction Act would largely solve most of the displacement problem. Incremental building of more public-social housing units at the low end of the market would deal with the rest.
4.) It imposes Soviet-style housing targets on “low risk for displacement” neighborhoods, without having had binding public policy discussion about the upper limits or lower bounds of density. What kind of city do we want and how should we spread the benefits and burdens of density? The law presupposes that density can be infinite.
5.) The legislation presumes the scientific legitimacy of a dubious “index of displacement risk” that gets coded into law. This is just not credible. Such indices are built on a host of assumptions and not valid. Displacement risk is a political phenomenon as much as a market one.
6.) Also, the planning law ignores key questions for public debate. For example, when are we too dense to have a livable city? When are we not dense enough? How should density be distributed? Should it be distributed more evenly, like peanut butter on a slice of bread, or all piled up in the historic core? And who should decide these questions, the Director or the citizens of the city? All this is simply ignored, even though these questions are the very heart of planning!
7.) At no point can neighborhoods, residents, taxpayers and citizens vote on any plans at any time. There is no voting, no referenda, no democracy. In other words, the proposed law is profoundly anti-democratic.
8.) Under the proposed law, the housing targets for each neighborhood rely on a bad theory that Big Real Estate loves: New population growth should be targeted to existing “high-opportunity” areas. That’s an invitation for selective overdevelopment, leaving the historic parts of our city vulnerable to more demolition while ignoring the investment needs of currently “low opportunity” neighborhoods.
There is also this troubling fact: Residents of low-amenity neighborhoods have clearly said they don’t want to move. (See the city report “Where We Live.”) They want their existing neighborhoods to have amenities every bit as good as the neighborhoods in the core. They just don’t want to be gentrified out — or, rather, displaced.
9.) The law strengthens an already king-like mayor and recreates a too-powerful Robert Moses figure in the form of “The Director.” Citizens would not be able to reject this person.
Procedurally, here’s how the planning system would work: The mayor
would appoint a Robert Moses-like figure called “The Director.” The
Director would produce research reports on a lot of topics, all required
by the new law — which is O.K. Trouble arises when the Director is told
by law to create housing targets (Soviet-style) for how much new
housing each neighborhood (in high-opportunity/low-displacement areas)
must produce.
The Director would create three scenarios for each neighborhood to accommodate their assigned housing targets. The City Council would pick one of the scenarios. If they said, “None of the above,” the Director would then pick a scenario for them. The scenarios would get bundled into a “comprehensive” 10-year plan for the entire city, approved by the City Council to become law.
Developers would have to convince the Director that a new development was consistent with the plan. If it was, they could avoid public review, citizen outcry or deference to the local councilmember for the particular project. A few public hearings are built into the process, but they are just advisory white noise, like they are today. Citizens and taxpayers never get to vote on the plan.
While this procedure sounds plausible for things like roads, schools, transit, parks, trash disposal, libraries, sewage treatment and tunnels, this plan is not really about those things. It’s really about requiring each neighborhood to fill those assigned housing targets.
The law creates new committees to work with the Director, with trivial, advisory roles. For example, the mayor, borough presidents and the City Council would appoint a 13-member “long-term planning steering committee” made up of demographically diverse “experts.” Their role would be to give advice to the Director — who could ignore it. The steering committee would also appoint five borough committees, which would provide borough-specific feedback at various points in the planning process. Their advice would also just be white noise. Community boards would do nothing different than what they do now.
You can sign up to testify in person or submit written testimony here.
Is it legal to build a log cabin in NYC? A geodesic dome?
A unique view of federal or centralized urban planning as ethnic cleansing (very successful by the way) can be read in Slaughter of Cities (a quote from Seneca) by E Michael Jones.
While Queens is going after the Community Boards Friends of the Upper East Side sent this:
"More coordinated and equitable planning is a worthy goal, but CENTRAILIZING MUCH OF THE PLANNING PROCESS TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE AND C I T Y C O U N C I L will further entrench the top-down planning process that limits true community engagement, and further complicate planning in New York City."
The caps and spacing is done for emphasis. Queens is doomed. No one in Queens ever says a bad word about City Council collectively. Your representatives that you elect, and whom you pay salaries, are doing this to your community. And you will find every excuse to look elsewhere.
Here are some questions and concerns of the Historic Districts Council:
A full public engagement process has not taken place with all the City’s Community Boards.
Will the Community Boards be provided adequate resources to properly engage with this additional work?
With the final adoption of the Comprehensive Long-Term Plan, the Mayor & the City Council explicitly have the authority to overrule community planning.
How does layering another level of bureaucracy which sidelines community input improve planning?
How does the reduced public review of proposals which align with the Comprehensive Long-Term Plan benefit the communities it is meant to serve?
What role does the Department of City Planning play in all this planning?
The focus on areas of rich opportunity within our city’s core, many of which are designated historic districts, could have unforeseen consequences. It will do nothing to improve the comparatively less-advantaged areas but further starves them, displacing residents to statistically “better” neighborhoods.
How does this plan guard against the consequences of new development which might meet growth goals but damages neighborhoods?
Why are growth goals a priority for this bill?
Here are my questions: where is the city council now on these issues - you know the people that load junk email several times a day during the election cycle and are now MIA - and why has no civic or media outlet in Queens (or AOC for that matter) named names at least publically challenge city council to answer questions before they vote?
In order for your Council Member to understand what is at stake, the constituents must get loud and forceful... and let those electeds know that they are paying attention. Ignoring problems in the community will never get you anywhere if you don't examine the things happening around you.
Do you also realize that the State has a bill to allow accessory buildings currently being considered?
Now go and watch today's Council hearing in the Governmental Ops Committee.
In order for your Council Member to understand what is at stake, the constituents must get loud and forceful...
Naw, ever go out with a local - obsessed with entertainment, food, and sports.
Never learned civics and for most of them, their parent culture is alien to the spirit that founded this country.
This is why the Dems want to get rid of it. Their view of America is to cement an elite over the masses, not unlike the 3rd world countries they admire.
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