A popular Greek restaurant in Astoria has come under fire from local residents for illegally using street parking spaces for its private valet service.
Local officials have received numerous complaints from residents over the past six months about Telly's Taverna on 23rd Ave., saying the restaurant's valets use orange cones to reserve metered parking spots, a source said.
"It bothers me that they feel like this is okay," said local resident Manuel Yetam, 47. "You look for parking for 45 minutes around here."
"It's a congested area. We need those spots," Yetam said.
But Telly's owner said she didn't realize her valets were causing a nuisance.
The Daily News observed a valet worker for the restaurant a recent busy Saturday night. The worker placed a cone in empty spaces on 23rd Ave. as cars left and replaced them with customer vehicles as they arrived.
The practice of reserving a public parking space with any type of device is illegal, according to the city Department of Transportation. The Police Department can enforce the law and ticket anyone officers find to be breaking it.
The News observed another restaurant down the block, Stamatis Restaurant, reserving spaces with the traffic cones as well.
Photo from Off the Broiler
Don't mess with those valet parking guys. They have a reputation for violence.
Greeks.... hooray for diversity.
Butcher Bill where art thou
So what is the difference - take a look at Omonia Cafe that - starting from getting a permit for an outdoor cafe, - has built a permanent extention over a public sidewalk?
To say nothing about cafe after cafe that makes a practice of air conditioning the sidewalk by removing windows on a hot day, to the hookah bars that allow smoking in doors.
The cafe scene in Astoria seems to be out of control.
The local [developer] 'community' board, which takes away public streets for private use, regularly clutters their agenda with outdoor cafe applications while it routinely ignores complaints about them, or indeed, most of the business of the community.
CB1 the community board from hell
Did you see what goes on at trattoria neo on the service road of the Cross Island Parkway and 149th street? Thses guys have the whole block closed off with cones.
Too bad,move to somewhere in the suburbs where there are no restaurants for miles.Jerks.
Besides Greeks own all the Real Estate in Astoria anways,so you people have no say at all.
typical arrognant Malakas - same group probably that built the ugly church in Whitestone and owned the druggie joint on Bell Blvd.
Very funny,,the ugly church in whitestone is almost as ugly as that gay cathedral called st.pats.
They ALL do it, Barosa & Maurya on Woodhaven Boulevard are guilty. Barosa more so than any other restaurant. Their "Valets" deliberately disable the meters on the block so the "Valets" don't have to feed them before 7:00PM.
Malakas, Gay churches, move to the suburbs where there are no restaurants? What a wonderful dialogue here. Crappy good for you allowing all a say on this board, reminds us of the ignorance that continues in our city. It also explains the constant deterioration of our communities.
When are we going to stop accepting this childish vulgar display of humanity. Take responsability people, and take a stand for what is right.
"Malakas, Gay churches, move to the suburbs where there are no restaurants? What a wonderful dialogue here. Crappy good for you allowing all a say on this board, reminds us of the ignorance that continues in our city."
Great comment. I think many of these comments are written by the same handful of people.
St. Pats is GORGEOUS as are many of New York churches - no - face it - the church in Whitestone is a friggin' mess - are the architects cokeheads per chance?
St. Pats is GORGEOUS as are many of New York churches - no - face it - the church in Whitestone is a friggin' mess - are the architects cokeheads per chance?
No but I reckon your the same type of person that cries over a dead tree in forest hills or something.
and was skeletor the architect of st.pats?just asking...
Not sure what the point here is. This has been going on for 30 years now. Complaining is never going to change what's going on. You think the local politicians are going to do anything about this because a few yuppie transplants from Pennsylvania can't park their Mercedes Benz's now?
Get used to it. You're in Astoria now. Better yet, move back to Manhattan and pay $400.00 / month for a space. You are the ones that are causing the congestion and lack of parking spots now.
Dear Deputy Inspector Stephen Cirabisi (Commanding Officer of the 114th Precinct):
Would you please explain to our readers why your patrol car which passes these restaurants with quite obviously illegally-placed traffic cones does not issue a summons to the establishments?
Thanks for your attention. Respectfully awaiting your reply.
what law prohibits these restaurants from placing these cones? Local Law???
Steal the cones or call the precinct.
NYC Traffic Rules page 38, Section 4-08 Parking, Stopping, Standing
(n)(7) Unofficial reserving of parking space. It shall be unlawful for any person to reserve or attempt to reserve a parking space, or prevent any vehicle from parking on a public street through his/her presence in the roadway, the use of hand signals, or by placing any box, can, crate, hand-cart, dolly, or any other device, including unauthorized pavement, curb or street markings or signs in the roadway.
NYC Traffic Rules page 38, Section 4-08 Parking, Stopping, Standing
(n)(7) Unofficial reserving of parking space. It shall be unlawful for any person to reserve or attempt to reserve a parking space, or prevent any vehicle from parking on a public street through his/her presence in the roadway, the use of hand signals, or by placing any box, can, crate, hand-cart, dolly, or any other device, including unauthorized pavement, curb or street markings or signs in the roadway.
Yea exactly, "ANY PERSON" not an authorized by the state valet agency/business. Stupid.
Valets are not authorized by the state to break municipal parking laws.
Visit The Mercer Hotel in Soho. The manager Michael Rawson calls the NYPD constantly on the Veteran Vendors many that are handicapped and artist vendors and he demands the NYPD not ticket all the illegally parked cars in the "loading and unloading for Mercer Hotel". He has the doormen provide valet parking as well even taking the cars keys but no tickets for these cars illegally parked. Rawson is a super creep who when the NYPD refused to ticket the Vet Vendors, had water thrown on them from the windows of the hotel on Prince St. and Mercer St.
"and was skeletor the architect of st.pats?just asking..."
taste up your azz I see . . . just saying . . .
taste up your azz I see . . . just saying .
Your mom said the same thing...just saying:)
It must truly be awful living near these people -
Susan - start filming the abusive treatment the veterans and artists are receiving. I realize it is easier said than done - but, I think you and others have to start protecting yourselves in case this escalates. Also, with a video - the NYPD would not be able to take Rawson/the hotel's side.
"Your mom said the same thing...just saying:)"
what's with the Greeks and anal sex anyway?
We're talking about laws, codes and violations here. Need I remind anyone this IS NYC?
The last time I looked, there were 5 illegal basements rented on my block, 4 illegal driveways, 4 illegal curb cuts, several commercial vehicles parked outside overnight, and an overhead street light that's been out for 4 months.
It's Bloomberg's Quality Of Life. You voted for him. Not me.
"what's with the Greeks and anal sex anyway?"
It's on their ancient vases. Thank goodness there were no traffic cones then. Now gedatta here before I give you a ticket.
Anonymous said...
Not sure what the point here is. This has been going on for 30 years now. Complaining is never going to change what's going on. You think the local politicians are going to do anything about this because a few yuppie transplants from Pennsylvania can't park their Mercedes Benz's now?
No I think your wrong there completely since the Mercedes and BMW's are owned
by the restaurant owners and thugs who cant afford the payments for long anyways. Most transplants if they have a car would be some small cheap car.
The Greek owners would scream at the traffic police anyways.
Of course the Greek guys have no regard for anyone else. Their arrogance compliments their Neanderthal behavior. The shady brokers have not just been on the news once this year.
ONeills does it all the time. How come they are listed here?
Hey folks, it's hit trendy Manhattan...
Don't even think of parking here
They have a reputation for violence.
and because most of them dont have papers, dont fear any punishment.
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