George Orwell put it well in his sardonic book, “Animal Farm.” He wrote:
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
And now Mayor Michael Bloomberg has shown us that Orwell wasn’t far off the mark. In 2009, Bloomberg, through his superiority in power and money, strong-armed the City Council to pass a law overturning the ban on more than two terms as mayor. Now, the Mayor has reversed himself. He will vote for a two-term limit for everyone else — even as he continues in his third term.
He has affirmed that, in the political jungle of New York, he is the one animal more equal than others.
Professor Douglas Muzzio at Baruch College bristled. He told me: “The Mayor represents total expediency. He’s Louis the XVI. He has a monopoly on the truth and doing right.
“Term limits is a sordid saga—no one could be proud of it.”
Something needs to be done about this asshole.
Crapper will you post something about your thoughts on the term limit questions? I will probably vote "No" for anything that Bloomberg endorses. Question 1 and 2 seems innocuous until you start reading the fine print. There is no point in voting Yes if it doesn't apply to the crooks who ignored the people's mandate. Question 2 seems to give even more power to the mayor.
He's supposed to be an economic genius and was supposed to save the city. If that's true why have my real estate taxes doubled since he first took office. What an ASS!
King? More like Emperor Bloomberg he is the worst - no sorry Dinkens and Crotch are neck in neck for the title.
Notice how Obama give us the same polarizing results as Dinkins performance?
Those who's race obtains an office for the first time classically ruin the reality that race does not matter, it doesn't. It just appears the first person to break the ceiling goes straight for the power & perks forgetting that they need to work it and work it for everyone as they represent everyone.
It's a shame because the perception is poor and that where they came from cannot perform at a mainstream level, yet the youngsters or others behind can and would but will be prevented much longer because of perception that they need time to mature to the mainstream.
I will be voting "YES" again for term limits. I'm sure a future Bloomturd will just ignore this vote too.
I will be voting "YES" again for term limits. I'm sure a future Bloomturd will just ignore this vote too.
To "anonymous" voting yes on term limits. Term limits already exist. Last year, Bloomberg changed it from two term to three terms so that he could run again. He promised Ron Perelman that he would change it back to two after he was elected. Bloomberg and his billionaire friends believe that only Bloomberg should be allowed the extra term. By voting yes on term limits, you would be helping Bloomberg to finish the final stage of his grand plan. Vote No! Show Bloomberg we will not be pawns in the billionaires' games.
What's the difference between voting "yes" or "no?"
If we vote "no," wouldn't the law as it now exists (two terms) still be in effect?
The law as it now exists says they get 3 terms.
As I understand it, if you vote "yes" to the first question it will revert to two terms but it would only apply to officials elected 2010 and forward. The two term limit would not apply to any official elected before 2010. So any council member who helped Bloomberg steal our vote will be protected from term limits. Voting "no" on the first question means it would remain at three terms and all officials are limited to three consecutive terms. .
There is also a question 2 but it seems more like four questions, so it is hard to simplify the pros and cons.
"It's good to be the king!"
Live and learn. I thought Bloomturd was a QUEEN!!!
I have absolutely no respect for this man. It is what he says....my way or the highway. No compassion, out of touch, probably one of the worst mayors to go down in our history books. He has his own agenda. And lets get into some of the ASSHO##$ he has working under him. Like Parks Commissioner Benepe. Great idea you idiot....pave the boardwalk at Coney Island. And by the way, Cedar Grove Beach Club on Staten Island, boy oh boy....should see the money the city is spending putting up fences and parks police. Really would make a taxpayers blood boil.
I have two new YouTubes slamming Mike Bloomberg and it is stunning how the cover-up by the media, a black-out of Bloomberg breaking campaign laws and more is being blocked out. Haggerty is innocent, at least as innocent as Mike Bloomberg. Mike refuses to turn over 62 emails and even Haggerty's lawyer has not served Mike with a subpoena which would mean bringing Bloomberg and gang down = jail time. Oh yeah guys like him and Steve Rattner don't go to jail.
http://www.youtube.com/user/Suzannahartist#p/a/u/1/yi2eEqgO0qs For Tues. bring reading glasses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtKRFJOnPtk and a magnify glass.
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