Two convicted sex traffickers -- who entombed a deceased infant in concrete and kept it for 11 months in the house with their children -- were hit yesterday with manslaughter and child-endangerment charges.
Domingo Salazar and Norma Mendez, both illegal aliens, pleaded guilty in July to federal charges of smuggling women from Mexico and putting them on the street as prostitutes.
Salazar fathered the baby with a teenager he forced into prostitution, Assistant DA Jacqueline Kagan said in Brooklyn Supreme Court. The tot, Carlos Santillana, died of battered-child syndrome.
The pair allegedly put the body into a container and filled it with concrete. They kept the container in the house with their three young kids, Kagan said.
"They allowed them [the children] to live in the house with the decomposing body of their step-brother," she said.
Mendez's lawyer, Amanda Scioscia, said her client did not commit an "overt act" of violence -- she only failed to get medical attention for the tot.
Disgusting. Their lawyer must be debarred and they must be deported and never allowed to step foot onto United States soil for as long as they live.
But somehow, I think they will weasel their way out of this in Bloomberg's Sanctuary City.
Scumbags. I worked with the det in the photo,i'm glad there are some real cops left in the nypd.Goodjob,Louie!
Deport them! Hell! Let them rot in a good old American prison for the rest of their lives.
May the Mexican Government deal and try these folks in a Mexican court, deport these monsters and find those girls they made into prostitutes and deport them too.
Maspeth Mom says...
Bloomberg has had no real dealing with crime - he has so much money not much can affect him. He is totally oblivious to the crimes committed by illegal aliens. This is just a drip in the bucket of the tidal wave that is enveloping NYC. Horrible people - they are not too afraid to cross the desert down in Texas/Arizona but they are too afraid to take their sick kid to a Emergency Room. Savages!! I say we put Americans to work by building a giant wall across the border!!!
Liberal pussy delivering, "ignorant, Archie Bunker, zenpohobe" comment in 5...4...3...2....
You spelled "xenophobe" wrong.
These are illegal aliens exploiting illegal aliens. The police are handcuffed by this "sanctuary city" policy and the victims are reluctant to cooperate with the police in any case. Neighbors who bother to call in their suspicions are ignored or fear retaliation. When you tolerate a little crime, you get bigger crime.
Free Lawyer +6 month monkey trial to give us $180 a day each for the rest of their lives to put them in prison ?
At taxpayer expense?
Screw that !!
Just throw them in the gas chamber or put a cattle bolt throught there heads & slit their throats.
These lifeforms are not human and should be treated like livestock or disease laden sewer rats.
Tie them to some poles in Ozone park or Broad channel so they disappear.
but bloomturd said give us your illegals they bring money into the city... yeah at our expense..
You spelled "xenophobe" wrong.
Thanks for the correction Liberal Pussy. Obviously a morning mistake for me. I can assure you that I actually DO know how to spell xenophobe, after seeing it used endlessly on this blog.
Execute the pieces of shit ASAP!!!! I'll do it for FREE!!!!!And leave their Useless bodies at the Border for all sick fucks to see and get the Message!!!!When it comes to Children I get so Damn Angry at the way our system works:( Children are PRICELESS, the most Precious Gift there could ever be and when you hurt one:( You do not Deserve to LIVE!!!!!!! And if Our government was doing their FUCKING JOB and SECURING THE DAMN BORDER would I even be writing this right now!!!!
Mendez's lawyer, Amanda Scioscia, said her client did not commit an "overt act" of violence -- she only failed to get medical attention for the tot.
The Sick Bitch Whore did commit a CRIME!!!! She Did nothing to Help that BABY!!!! Or those poor Girls she is GUILTY and by the way the pieces of Shit Do not Have the same Rights as we do:) THEY ARE FUCKING ILLEGAL PIECES OF SHIT!!!!!! I wish I could SCALP THAT BITCH!!!!!
Obama & Napalatano just dumped 200 back on the streets, now guess where they are headed ?.
Stinking bleeding heart Democrats
Uh, huh. Right. It's all their fault. Nothing like this happened before they took office. Nothing like this will happen when the next person takes office.
It's supposed to rain on Tuesday. In your mind, that will be the fault of Obama and the Democrats as well.
Liberal pussy delivering, "ignorant, Archie Bunker, zenpohobe" comment in 5...4...3...2....
You shitbag bastard. These people murder an innocent baby and you are calling people 'zenphobes' because they are commenting about the decline of our civilization?
What sick scumbag piece of shit are you? Did you ALSO vote for Bloomberg ALL THREE TIMES, you moron? Do you like living amongst illegal aliens walking around with guns and living 20 to house and raping our welfare system? Or are you one of those "privileged few" that got fat on Wall Street by destroying our economy and live in an ivory tower condo complete with illegal Mexican housekeeper on Park Avenue.
Just throw them in the gas chamber or put a cattle bolt throught there heads & slit their throats.
These lifeforms are not human and should be treated like livestock or disease laden sewer rats.
Tie them to some poles in Ozone park or Broad channel so they disappear.
Yup, typical QC reader brainstorming some good idea. I love Queens Crap's ability to point at problems but never offer a rational solution. Ever.
Rational solution: Border control. It not only keeps the country safe from terrorists, but also scum like this.
I 'm assuming the legal system will find them guilty, and the internal going ons within the prisoner mindset. Baby killers are at the bottom of the food chain!
Adios! You filthy varmit!!!!!!
Since the elected polititians can't or won't uphold the laws of the land, than maybe its time for the citizenry to arm themselves and act on the laws in place. If an individual enters the United States illegally, than that individual deserves to be deported. This way those who are here illegally will fear walking the streets with impunity.
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