
Police in Queens continue to investigate the fatal shooting of a city man.
Laseam Hogan, 27, was found by police Friday afternoon on a sidewalk at 71st Avenue and Kissena Boulevard in Flushing.
They say Hogan had gotten into an argument with another man, who pulled a gun and opened fire.
Hogan was shot once in the head, once in the torso, and twice in the leg.
He was pronounced dead at the hospital.
Residents say the neighborhood has been getting more dangerous.
What a shame. I hear he was just starting to "turn his life around".
Every one is always turning their life around:( Flushing is a FUCKING CESS POOL:(
No doubt ebonic gangsa sh*t.
Let them all kill each other then go mop up, this guy likley was no angel and got what was coming to him.
Just wait till the Mexican Salvadorian and Asian gangs start having a 3 way go over drug and prostution turf in this upcoming multicultural cesspool called Queens.
You live by the sword you die by the sword. How many people want to bet that instead of walking away he talked back?
Hogan's family says he leaves behind two children.
Can't wait until I start paying for their welfare checks. Oh wait they probably already are on welfare.
All you assholes with the negative comments, obviously have no value for life..He was a good person, and did not get what he deserved unless You desreve to get killed for being good..so if you dont know a person..just keep your mouth shut. he got into a simple argument and was killed because the gunman had to prove a point. instead of bashing the gunman, you bash the victim. Yall will all burn in hell, you heartless soles...
LaTosha, just have compassion for these commenters.
Ya know how miserable they must be to write mean-spirited shit about some poor guy who just got murdered? I mean, these people fuckin hate themselves!
All we know from the post is that a fellow human being, who happens to be black and 27-yrs-old, was murdered. That's enough for them to talk shit about the victim. Do you think that's even remotely sane?
Take solace in the fact that these fuckers represent a very small minority of Queens. They're lonely and mad at the world. Wish them well.
This is sad to see people judging a young man, when he was the one that got killed. And YES he really was trying to turn his life around. I knew this man personally as a neighbor in my building, a childhood friend, and watched him grow into a man. It makes me tear up just writing this because the passion this man had with his music and simply in life, many ppl wish they could have. I pray for the ppl with ignorant comments. R.I.P. my brother Laseam Hogan
True, men used to settle arguments with their fists. This is cold blooded murder.
Yall will all burn in hell, you heartless soles
Am I supposed to have a heart in my feet? That doesn't sound like a good place to have one.
No one deserves to die.. and show some compassion for the family.. sad that this is how bloomberg claims crime is down.
T tought der sole vas der filet mit der fish. Vas ist los?
Ach Scheisse. I pushed der wrong button. Hahr-hahr.
Today's lesson, children: don't argue with someone with a gun, walk away from it.
"Am I supposed to have a heart in my feet? That doesn't sound like a good place to have one."
Poor, pathetic, ignorant atheist.
Atheist. What a pathetic concept. What will you be when you meet your Maker?
Pomonok was once once of the city' safest projects, but lately, it's starting to appear like another ghetto. The taxpayers own these apartments, and it's time we took control by expelling the riffraff.
Celebrates another lowlife Yankees fan death, DOA, just like the Yankees are headed next week, lol.
I'm sure the murder victim's family will appreciate your expression of sympathy, bub.
I would feel sorry for his children, but he probably wasn't taking care of them anyway.
What you are witnessing is end product of fatherless households, welfare dependency & feminism. The Black Community as a whole has been tricked over the last 4-500yrs to think backwards about EVERYTHING. Think about it. Look at how young black people conduct themselves. Go to the hood. Many kids are either gay, locked up, in a gang, selling drugs, selling pussy & killing one another. You look at the parents & the upbringing & you see why. Being on a losing team sucks..
the police station is on Parson's Blvd, not that far away. Pomonok was, at one time, the jewel in the Queens NYCHA crown. yes, things are getting bad.
Do we have a Black NYCH Commissioner to blame? want to weigh in on another murder of one of the tenants while on your watch, John B. Rhea?
Where were you and the NYCHA Board when this went down? You were safe living in your white neighborhood, that's where.
that's really a shame that another young person's life was snuffed out needlessly.
I"m so sorry for his family and loved ones.
God Rest His Soul.
Anonymous said...
What you are witnessing is end product of fatherless households, welfare dependency & feminism. The Black Community as a whole has been tricked over the last 4-500yrs to think backwards about EVERYTHING. Think about it. Look at how young black people conduct themselves. Go to the hood. Many kids are either gay, locked up, in a gang, selling drugs, selling pussy & killing one another. You look at the parents & the upbringing & you see why. Being on a losing team sucks..
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Slow down tough guy:( Your saying Black people as a whole? Well thats BULLSHIT!!!! It's not just Black people !!! It's White,Spanish ,Asian and every other nationality doing the same Bullshit!!! Flushing is a Cess Pool!!!! And there are many single parent families of every damn color that are busting their backsides and taking care of their kids:) WITHOUT WELFARE!!! On my block the only crime I've seen lately is MIDDLE AGED WHITE MEN GOING TO SEE THE HOOKERS NEXT DOOR!!!! No Black Men going in there!!!!
The Black Community as a whole has been tricked over the last 4-500yrs to think backwards about EVERYTHING.
Where were you and the NYCHA Board when this went down? You were safe living in your white neighborhood, that's where.
A black guy that probably didn't take care of kids, was probably on welfare, and was too proud to back down from an argument got killed and somehow this is whitey's fault.
cherokeesista said...
Every one is always turning their life around:( Flushing is a FUCKING CESS POOL:(
Saturday, October 16, 2010
LaTosha----> I in no way meant that this mans life didn't matter because it did ;~)
actually his father was in his life....so he wasn't a fatherless child...his father actually started an organization to stop violence against black men...which is probably the reason he walked away....I'm sure he knew his killers and that's why they shot him so many times to ensure he wouldn't survive...
This is too sad, too young to go at 27, people its time we stopped the violence & move out of Queens!! NYC is over, let the hounds have it!!
I am disgusted by the nasty things people said here on this blog. You nasty a$$$holes do not have any respect for the man who was killed. Or for his family. You are low lifes. Talking $hit about someone you don't know. Keep on doing what you're doing and you'll suffer because you are nasty MISERABLE and IGNORANT. I am ashamed of all of your skanky a$$$es. Someone lost their son, someone lost their father, and you should be ASHAMED to speak the way you do. Bunch of sniveling a$$ hole$
damn that is sad i also knew him went to school together and his mom lives in my building. no he was no angel but he did start to turn his life around. know one really dont know what really happen but i hate when people start talking shit about him and dont really know him like that i knew him over 10 years. but it has to stopp somewhere....
Let's see what DOCS says... http://nysdocslookup.docs.state.ny.us/GCA00P00/WIQ3/WINQ130 - Laseam Hogan: criminal possession of a weapon, incarcerated 2006. Looks like he was released about a year ago - October 2009. His parole was to end in 2014.
Valentino's pizza is on Kissena right off of 71st Avenue, I get lunch there all the time. The area is not that bad during the day, you have orthodox Jews all over the area, north and west is Queens College and north and east is Electchester. Of course, you have the housing projects there as well.
I feel sorry for the guy. Queens Crap has a good eye for the problems caused by politicians and the people who own the politicians, but turns a blind eye on the problems with the Pomonok houses, that the people in the projects brought all their misery on themselves. I disagree, the politicians and the people who own the politicians are responsible for a lot of the misery that goes on there as well...
Noone deserves to die like that! Not even trouble making tough guys. Let he who has no sins throw the first stone. R.I.P. 27yr old, black man, father of two, son (only child) & friend.
WOW, can't understand how some people can be so detestable towards another human being.
If someone was to walk up to each & everyone of you and just SHOT you down, wouldn't your blood run, wouldn't you feel pain, wouldn't you pray to GOD to spare your life.
With your sadistic attitude towards your fellow man, don't worry, when it's your time, you'll get exactly what GOD deems suitable for you. Then your fellow man will spit on your name.
why are yall up here saying hateful shit about laseem.. let that man R.I.P..if he was alive you wouldnt be talking shit, stop fronting.. leave that man be! respect his family and friends revial yourself hater. BKLYN....
if he was alive you wouldnt be talking shit, stop fronting
This is exactly the kind of attitude that got him killed in the first place. If he was really turning his life around wouldn't he walk away from people talking shit to him?
This guy probably assaulted people/robbed/threatened people and got away with it. Karma caught up with this hood rat.
To all the folks that made negative comments on the killing of Lasean Hogan. Well I personally knew the brother. And he was definitely a good person. Everyone has debates from time to time, but did it warrant the brother having his life took away? I have no idea what's going on as far as his family financial situation. It just puzzle me how you folks go from someone loosing their life to welfare. Wow! Any, I would like to thank Latosha for her comment and I hope many good things come your way for the future. Folks, that could of been anyone of us or a family member.
Laseam Hogan Is My GodBrother ... He Grew Up With Both Parents In His Life ... His Father Is A Great Man That Created An Organization Called " B.A.K.E (Brothers Against Killing Each-Other) " Because He Wants To Change The Neighborhood ..... Laseam Was Heavily Respected In The Queens For Being An Artist Who Spoke About StreetLife In His Music..... People Go Through Things In Life And Sure He Wasnt An Angel..... But Who Is???????? Yes He Served Time In Jail And Came Home
Wanting To Change His Life ... As Far As This Incident I Know The True Story Because His Comrades Knew What Went Down ..For You People Who Have These Outrageous Statements He Walked Away And Was Shot In The Back ... For People Who Believe In " Karma " Like Me Knows That Karma Comes Back The Same Way Its Giving ... Well My Brother Had NEVER Done Anything Like This .. He Didn't Even Like Gunz ... He Believed In An Old Fashion Fist Fight ... He Was Good At In Our Younger Days But He Gave Up On It Because It Was Pointless In The New Life He Wanted To Live ... My Objective In This Message Is To Prove He Was Killed Out Of Fear .... And Y'all Say He Deserved It ? Like Wheres Your Compassion !?? How Do Sleep At Night Knowing Your Spreading Hate .. My Brother Has Passed On And Honestly We Should Be More Worried The Actual Character Of The People
With These Super Outlandish And Negative Comments Y'all Are Probably The Same Ppl Who Become Our Leaders , Politicians , Teachers , And Parents Who Instill This Hate Inside Of Children Who Are Made To Change This World !!!! Pure Ignorance Is Only Going To Keep Us In The Same Positions We Are In.... I Say We Because I Still Have Love For You And Your Misguided Comments.... I Am A Rap Artist That Not Spread Violence In My Music Even Though Im From A Housing Projects In New York City .... I Am Going To Make A Difference And Be Voice In My Generation That's Speaks Out Against Violence..At The End Of The Day Love And Positivity Is What We Need......
you know what? put urself in his parents place. if that was ur child how would u feel? suppose ur child shot cold blooded in street unable to defend himself or to tell the true story asshole know one will ever know . unless you down with that shit . what up with that .BKLYN BABIES
Oh matter of fact karma is going to catch ur ass, if it hasnt already. BKLYN BABIES BIOUTCH...,
To all the pepople that made negative comments about Laseam Hogan i know him personally and im digusted of what people are saying about him. you guys should be ashamed of yourselves for bashing this man like this. This senseless tragedy left a lot of broken hearts. Where is your compassion? What about his mother his father his family his kids?They are affected as well nad ya'll up here talking about someone you dont know or probably do kno cuz laseam was lovable person and people loved him but its too bad some people didnt they smiled in his face and turn around killed him. you all will rot in hell for being so fucking evil. nobody deserves for their lives to taken. Im glad they caught that bastard and may he to rot hell!!!
So lovable that he had to carry around a gun to intimidate people. Sorry, he may have been good for the last year but that doesn't make up for the last 26 years of being a thug.
no no no let stop talking about Laseam lets talk about murderer they found the suspect in Allentown what about that !! BKLYN BABIES..........
I knew of him as well. I actually had a run in with him. I dealt with his dameanor first hand. And personally I seen the negitivity that he was struggliing with. I struggle with my own as well. I used to be in the streets and I decided to change. Although I didn't like laseams "tough guy" persona, he was still a young black man, father, son, and a friend to a lot of people. He did not deserve to die like that. No body should judge the dead! He is gone. May god bless his soul and provide his mother and children with comfort!
Laseem was a good dude he didn't deserve to die like that. In the truth is he truly did walk away. And that's when malcolm thompson shot him as he turned to put his jacket back on. Laseem was a very big guy he didn't need a gun to scare no body and his last name is well respected.he wasn't a angel but he wasn't bad. He really did change his life around he was promoting parties I went to 1. So fuck who ever the ass hole is talking down on my friend I grew up with him in baisley pjs. R. I. P u had the church packed today and a lot of tears fell for him.
Unreal how ppl talk bad about a person they hardly even know. He DID turn his life around. He was a cousin I never even got to know well b/c some dumb ass wanted to take his life over nothing. Nobody is perfect ppl fuck up. How dare you judge him! But it is all good b/c when your number is called we shall see where you end up. I wish I got to know him better RIP.
In the eye of the family LASEAM will always be a good son/father/friend/etc. but in the fatcs of life he was a THUG (NO QUESTIONS) and those of you that say he was turning his life around (STOP ASS KISSING AND SAY IT LIKE IT IS. HE SOLD DRUGS TO YOUNG KIDS)He just came out of JAIL not to while ago; He may have been on probation so he had to make it seem like he was doing something... U PPL are pathetic SAY IT LIKE IT IS, stop that gheto mentality "we always gotta look out for the hood yo" thats whats preventing the hood/neighborhood/collective from evolving.. How is it possible that generation after generation after generatiosn still dependent on WELFARE... oh yea hint i came from a 3rd world country so talk to the hand LOL.. GET OFF UR ASSES AND GET TO WORK. There are no excuses, specially if you were born in this country.. I will say this.. For those that live in the hood.. Have you not realized that your generations are nothing but $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and are putting food in other peoples table except your own.. Think on it.. If you need me to elavorate i will. peace..
HE WAS A THUGS.. WHEN YOU COME TO TERMS WITH THAT then you may have some closure.
Please people need to stop with the nonsense. Laseam Hogan was a really great friend, boyfriend, father, son, grandson and he was also loyal to anyone who knew him. Laseam will give you the shirt off his back, he looked out for anyone he could. I can't stand all the stupid talk about him being a thug and incarcerated so fucking what that was the past. no he's not perfect he may have done things in his past oh fucking well. Laseam has never killed anybody he didn't deserve to be murdered by Malcolm Thompson or anyone else. Who the hell do Malcolm Thompson think he is who gave him the right to say if Laseam lives of dies. I am disguted with all this bullshit talk about he got what was coming to him. I wanna know how do these peopl live with themselves knowing they feel this way about another human being y'all have a lot of fucking nerve to fix ya'll faces and let the ignorance flow out y'all mouth please stop with the ignorance it makes you look and sound stupied. Everyone wants to be so negative what happen to the positive people in this world?? People should wake up beacuse this could have been you ar one of your children, Instead of going against each other and need to get with each other so that these sensless crimes can stop.People get your shit together and stop being so negative. R.I.P La love ya!!!
I am so disgusted by what is being said about this young man La..No he was no Angel, and Yes he had a criminal record but he was still someones child. His mother is grieving forget everyone else involved think of her. I am truley sorry that the young youth today cant resolve their issues in life without a gun violence. these kids today choose sides they wanna be hard they want to be down, they want to be so live, they want to rep their flags..and the old saying goes "if you live by the gun you die by the gun"...where are the community outreach programs the OG's in the hood that can talk to these young men..these boys growing up today are raised by the streets not their fathers..some of them dont know who their fathers are..Its just so sad. may god bless this young man mother and his children regardless if he took care of them or not they didnt deserve to loose him in this manner..Im sure "THEY" the nay sayers are speculating what really happened that day but the truth be told their are 3 sides 2 every story. only GOD knows what really happend and the parties involved let the police do their job thats what us tax payers pay them to do.to the family my heart and prayers goes out to you. GOD Bless
Did he have a job
Ok do we know for a fact that Malcom Thompson actuley did this crime he is being accused of...what if he is innocent, then we ruin his life because we think he did it...because "they" said he did..it would be wrong 2 implicate him for a murder if he's not guilty...now if their are facts and it has been proven that he is guilty then..I can agree...with the charges but I think the police detectives needs 2 continue with their search...I've been a victim arrested and was accused of doing wrong..I cried innocent for years until the real person was caught..the police had their suspect and stopped searching meanwhile the real guilty party was out free...I'm just saying...everything isn't as clean clutt as it seams..their are families that are hurting and people lives are lost...my prayers go out 2 the mothers of our youth...
None of your damn business, do it matter if he had a job or not. Laseam wasn't out here stealing and killing. He mad sure his kids was well taking care of and he was in their lives. He had his kids all the time....stop sweating him and let him rest.
To respond...No he didn't have a job...he sold drugs right in his own community...he sold drugs to children, mothers, fathers ,friends to people he knew people...yea he took care of his kids...that's what a father is suppose to do..and as much money a drug dealer makes today I'm sure they were all well taken care of...he was in a gang so does this sound like an innocent man...he has many skeltons in his closet and making kids young men sell his drugs for him is one of them!..if u want to talk facts speak the fukkn truth..there was a young girl who was under his set....well we know what a girls gotta do 2 get in the gang today they all had a turn...he was 27 yrs old the adult everyone under him was as young as 14 yrs old do you really think this guy was some saint...he terrified people in his neighborhood...yea he threw parties, tried 2 become a rap artist took care of his kids and all his side bitches so he turned his life around...yea ok..I knew him just like many others did..I watched him grow up and seen the man he became...no he didn't deserve to die nobody does but when a person fears for his/her life what do you think will happen..they are going to sit down and talk about it over dinner...come on..stop it....the white politics got u all caged in the PJ's so the niggas and hood buggas can all kill themselves...we have to be learn from this...violence selling drugs, prostituting young girls in your gang is not the way 2 go...the life is yours...noone else while you have it make something good happen..be positive..change the way black people are looked at...if we act like a dog they are gonna treat us as such...the pct right on the corner do u really think then crackers give a fuckk about you, me or our mothers, children NO..we need to work together to make a change.stay
For all you people who are so miserable in life that they can sit here and judge another human without knowing anything about them, you deserve to suffer the same fate.How would you feel if that was a relative of yours and you happened to stumble upon these comment. Ill let you know how you feel because that happens to be my cousin. You want revenge you want to find every single person who made those comments and beat the crap out of them. And for the pathetic lowlife who made the welfare comment, if only you knew how wrong you are. He lived a decent hard working honest life. I hope one day reality and karme come to visit you negative people and I kope they come in the worst way.
Wow, really? After reading each and everyone's post about my homie La negativity is the most. I knew him for a very long time & I too could have been welcoming him to the after life. One week before his murder I was held at gun point in my own home & survived. Im not bragging about me living im just stating the facts of when you do try to get things right in your life the devil will come for you in any shape or form. Hearing the news about La did indeed hurt as well as the rest of my highschool buddies Dancer, June, CJ, & Red R.I.P We can never change the past but we can change our future & it starts by out weighing negative human beings in every race. Sad to hear about it after my events & my prayers go out to all his family & friends. I pray for you negative individuals all across the globe that some some day you will wake up & realize the issues to be resolved in your life. R.I.P La i will always remember the good ol'dayz back in Baisley & chillin hard on the Ave!!! Jamaica Ave that is!!! M.O.B
shittt im mad late, i juzz found bout it, and i went to junior high wit malcolm, the dude was known to get wild and no1 really ever fukked wit him but dammm cant really believe a kid yu sat in class across the desk from yu was ever to be murderer, but dam shit happens smh
"Execution in Flushing Bland Houses" My son was shot in the head on Halloween in the Elevator in the Bland. My son was only 21 yrs old. I buried him on his 22nd birthday...My son was all I had and loved. I'm a single hard working mom..Do they think before they shoot to kill? He was MY CHILD! This was nothing that could not have been able to be talked out...but no...its the Gang BS, The shooter will never live a decent life...he will go to hell...This battle I leave up to the LORD...justice will be served. How foolish was this murder? My only child..a good kid....my intire world was taken in a sec. from me.
To you all who swear Laseem Hogan was a good guy, needless to say and dont mind busting ur bubbles the reason why he was killed is bcuz u c he had recently killed someone, I guess he thought he had gotten away w/it but u c KARMA was peeping around the corner that fateful day n october,2010. and when he least expected POW-POW-POW-POW he got what his very hand dealt out REDRUM...so u c i say FUCK HIM!!!An eye for an eye .
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