New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo says he’s unsure if he will recommend jail time for former state Comptroller Alan Hevesi.
The disgraced Democrat pleaded guilty Oct. 7 to charges that he accepted free travel and campaign contributions from a financier seeking state pension fund investments.
Cuomo says his recommendation may depend partly on whether Hevesi fulfills a promise to cooperate with the probe.
I was voting for Cuomo but know I am rethinking because the Steve Rattner deal (mike's money manager and BF) , the attack ad against Palladino for Haggerty when Mike Bloomberg is erased and sanitized as in Saint Mike when he is Boss Mike, as in Boss Tweed. Happy Halloween and you have the option to vote for Dead People. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtKRFJOnPtk In my new tube I tell you about Tuesday term limits and take you to Halloween Costume Store where we talk voter options....
Hevesi probably has the dirt on Cuomo!
If Cuomo goes hard on him....Hevesi will rat him out and they both might wind up as cellmates.
Since Cuomo and Hevesi are asshole buddies, Paladino gets my vote!
Palladino is still a better choice than Cuomo. Birds of a feather flock together and I'm sure Hevesi has the goods on Cuomo. "I wont tell on you if you don't tell on me." Take out the trash on November 2 and vote for Palladino. I'm ready for a change. Albany can't get any worse than it already is.
Paladino will have my vote.
a vote for PALADINO for n.y.s.governor will ABSOLUTELY put the confessed criminal ,former nyc and disgraced nys comptroller HEVESI ,in jail.
why gamble on Cuomo 's MAYBE ,MIGHT,POSSIBLY, DEPEND PARTLY ,bulls--t?
I agree. If he had guts, he'd put Hevesi in jail. He won't because Hevesi knows too much about Cuomo. Cuomo was one of the organizers for Rangel's birthday party. I know Rangel is no angel. You are only as good as the company you keep. Palladino sounds good to me.
Cuomo also went AWOL in the non-debate over Obamacare. Attorneys General from 20 States are questioning the Constitutionality of forcing citizens to buy this insurance. Cuomo isn't one of them.
Fuck these assholes. I'm voting for Jimmy McMillan on the rent is too damn high party.
How can attorney's question the Constitutionality of buying insurance of any type when we are already required to buy car insurance?
Let this plan go through and it will change everyone's lives by making insurance more affordable for everyone.
On top of that, I don't care about possible allegations against Hevesi and Cuomo when I know that Paladino is an ignorant racist. Sending out hate mail and calling people racist names in this day and age is inexcusable and shows inescapably low intelligence.
Hmm, you think Paladino is a racist, therefore allegations against Cuomo and Hevesi don't matter? Now there's an intelligent voter.
P.S. You aren't required to have car insurance unless you own a car.
"Fuck these assholes. I'm voting for Jimmy McMillan on the rent is too damn high party."
So in other words you're voting for Cuomo.
"How can attorney's question the Constitutionality of buying insurance of any type when we are already required to buy car insurance?"
Owning a car is optional.
Also, automobile insurance is optional in many states. In those states, the cost of insurance tends to be lower. Soon as something gets made mandated by the government the price goes up.
do you know anything about palladino other than what hit pieces in the tabloids tell you? EVERYONE tells off-color jokes. this disqualifies you as a leader? how about if he truly had a plan to lower taxes? would you not vote for him?
he is a threat to the insiders, that is why all the papers endorse cuomo. do any of your dummies every ask yourself who owns the newspapers and why articles get written?
Cumo is a homo so Palladino gets my vote!
"How can attorney's question the Constitutionality of buying insurance of any type when we are already required to buy car insurance?"
Owning a car is optional.
Also, automobile insurance is optional in many states. In those states, the cost of insurance tends to be lower. Soon as something gets made mandated by the government the price goes up.
I would add that it's one thing that the States do it under the auspices of residual police powers, quite another when the Federal Government mandates this without any Constitutional basis for doing so. Read the 10th Amendment, folks. The Commerce Clause can cover a lot, but not this.
a.cuomo,c.schumer and a.weiner, dissed our U.S. wardead at the recent MEMORIAL DAY parade in Little Neck/Douglaston, by carrying their name signs. they were asked not to but did anyway.
a.cuomo and k. gillibrand worked for H.U.D when the phony loans were approved for NINJA mortgages for minoritis. SUBPRIME...SUBPRIME.....
these people are the problem...vote them out of government.....
All the career criminals (politicians) need to go. Clean house from the bottom up. It's time to vote out all the incumbents and give new people a chance to change things for the better.
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