Although the names may be amusing, many owners of smaller homes, especially in older communities dominated by more traditional architecture, find it anything but funny when one goes up in their neighborhood. With the proliferation of mammoth residences throughout the suburbs of New York City and beyond, some towns are trying to restrict the size and, sometimes, the look of new homes.
Living Larger, and Drawing Fire
Photo from NY Times
This hodge podge of "design" elements looks like a wanna-be "architect" was suddenly seized with a painful case of the cramps and didn't get to the toilet on time!
Whoa....he missed the bowl!
So there it sits on the floor of the neighborhood!
I can't make up my mind if this eclectic
"Mc Monster" is the result of one trip around the masonry supply yard or a nightmare in a pastry shop!
Maybe it's both.....stale and greasy whipped cream , concrete, bricks and balusters.....all kinds of mismatched ornamentation.... thrown together to be mixed in a giant food processor by a maniacal demon builder!
Even neighborhoods like Howard Beach or Malba (known for their architectural abortions) can't top this one!
I kind of like it - just a little too small for my tastes.
i don't see anything wrong with a brick home with columns. what makes it more crappy than a split level one family with aluminum siding? when you're paying close to or often over a million dollars for a home, you should expect larger homes to pop up.
I'm surprised that the owners of these mini-Taj Mahals weren't interviewed for the story.
To the next to last poster.....Even a million dollars doesn't buy good exhibited in this abortion!
You're obviously the "architect" ??? builder???owner??? or perhaps just someone who sits on his aesthetic senses!
yes, i guess if i don't agree with everything on this site, then i must be the developer or architect. naturally! good taste is obviously subjective. i would love the see a picture of the last poster's house so i could be treated to a true example of "good taste."
Its a gotta be Italian!
Oops...we struck a must be the owner who's defending his casa di cacinna!
Are we living in the United States? All of the calls to have the State and community decide what an owner of private property can do with his property has confused me.
Oh, here we go, one of those dyed in the wool Republicans who think they should be able to do whatever they want with a plot of land they own even if it destroys the community they live in.
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