Mayor Michael Bloomberg is ordering a new, and possibly very painful round of budget cuts that could include layoffs. It's the seventh time Bloomberg has ordered budget cuts, so this latest round -- $1.75 billion worth – could be extra painful.
More fire houses may have to close, the size of the police force might shrink, and education programs might be cut – options all in the realm of possibility as Bloomberg ordered city agencies to tighten their belts…yet again.
The agencies have been asked to cut another $550 million in spending this year and $1.2 billion for the 2011 fiscal year that starts July 1. The hits to the big three agencies – fire, police, and education – are less than other city agencies, but with the city forced to cut its budget time and time again because of the financial crisis, none of the cuts will be easy.
Sources told CBS 2 there could be layoffs of city workers, the reduction of the size of the city work force through attrition, and the elimination of programs. But budget director Mark Page told commissioners: "We need to find ways to revise the services we provide and how we provide them, to achieve long term cost containment without impairing the quality of life we are able to provide to the people and businesses of New York City."
There is one ray of good news in this: officials said that, as of now, there will be no increase in taxes. Sources said the mayor believes people have reached the breaking point when it comes to taxation.
But the good news there will be no new taxes, says the mayor! More good news: we'll still have money to seize businesses at Willets Point and give sweetheart deals to developers!
Danke schön. Couldn't of done it without you. Wait til you zee vat I have planned for der next 4 yearz!!!
But don't cut welfare,or food stamps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The genius mayor of Wall St is at it again with the same old game plan.
And although I dont care for Rupert Murdoch usually I agree with what he said about governor Patterson. The governor cant even read braille and has no critical thinking to fathom that documents might be hidden from him which goes on in politics especially in NYC and D.C.
But he cries discrimination. Hes clueless and an embarrassment.
If you cant swim stay out of the water.
Still cooking the books.
So glad he was elected again!
He's a financial GENIUS!!
I hope all the losers that voted for him are feeling kinda stupid.
Fewer cops -- that means the 104 will only have one car instead of two cars in Ridgewood and no cars in Maspeth!
"More fire houses may have to close, the size of the police force might shrink ..."
- - -
But, hey, we're going to have wealthy tourists coming armed with ...
Weapons. To create chaos when the other terrorists are brought here for trial.
And, the Commissar told reporters that holding the terror trials here is fine with him. He says we have enough police to prevent trouble.
Well, maybe. If nobody cares that when they need the police to stop rapes, knifings, burglaries, and other minor stuff, we will be told that they're all in Manhattan guarding the Commissar.
Or, when fires are raging in Queens, a few firefighters will walk over from Manhattan carrying half empty extinguishers to save our homes.
And, as crapper points out, there will be tons of OUR money to hand to wealthy developer cronies to build hotels on what was formerly someone's family home.
Cop and firefighters? Screw them!
Terrorists? They're just like me and my wealthy cronies: predatory and love death (of others).
It is easy to blame the "lazy" cops for not showing up when you call 911 for your noisy neighbor, when the truth is that Bloomberg and Kelly have decimated their numbers, destroyed overall morale, and allowed experienced and quality cops to retire or go to greener pastures without any attempt to retain them. Precincts are barely able to turn out 2 or 3 cars per tour, and the transit and housing units are so empty that they are about to fold. The newer cops with any brains or work ethics will move on to other law enforcement agencies, and the few remaining veteran cops will be running for the doors when they hit their 20. If you think things are bad now, wait until you see what you are left with in the next 2-5 years!
I hope all the losers that voted for him are feeling kinda stupid.
uh ho, there is that nasty 'hope'
Write letters to the papers that supported him - ask pols in public that supported him.
Everyone was saying months ago this would happen - and all remained mute.
But don't cut welfare,or food stamps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Write letters to the papers that supported him - ask pols in public that supported him."
What's the point?
I have already. They WON'T print anything that makes Bloombucks look bad.
Bet the police department is happy it backed the mayor. Serves you right.
Everything is getting cut, except Bloomburg's staff salaries. Last year, everyone, including the City Council got raises. Why doesn't our beloved Mayor start by cutting salaries 10%? All city and state workers and politician salaries should be frozen until the city can get its finances in order. You have a better chance of seeing God than seeing that happen.
Bet the police department is happy it backed the mayor. Serves you right.
The unions backed him, and caught hell from their membership for it. They figured, correctly unfortunately, that Thompson didn't have a chance of winning, and felt that not siding with Bloomberg would be detremental to their interests. Don't you love how politics works? What they should have done is refuse to endorse ANYONE. The average cop on the street has no more love for Bloomberg than you or I do.
I have already. They WON'T print anything that makes Bloombucks look bad.
Hey primadonna, why don't you share your letters with us, if you really wrote them?
What's the point?
So the papers won't print it. Use another forum to call out Bloomy on a regular basis. Every Community Board has to have time for people to speak on whatever they want to speak about. It's public record and the opinions may be ignored but his little CAU rep will hear and take them back.
Even if the CAU rep reports anything at all to him, do you honestly think he'll listen?
ding dong... yes? are you one of the a0's who voted for bloombturd, well yes i am. well here's your pink slip, oh and property tax amendment and water bill. oh you can't afford to pay that's ok bloomasswipe will domain on your property (wink wink) at fair value market price (hopefully) you'll get lucky and the ass will pay you over, like the h.s in maspeth and then you can run for the hills. NYC SUCKS!
Do you stupid new yorkers notice why he ran for third term spend a hundred million on his campaign and barly beat bill?. New world order anyone. Hes soon going to be the richest man in america and your helping him by making yourself more poor. And hes going to run for mayor until hes dead.
My newest on it is on that dishonest informercial aka the new Bloomberg bio. Do not buy the book, rent it from the library.
I have done so many YouTubes on the firehouses and I still can't believe he closed them after Sept. 11 which is mind numbing and than pushes a reckless tsunami of community crushing development and closes more firehouses.
Thanks Queen's Crap.
Let's not forget the real reason Bloomberg hates Serf is defense of the same firehouse Serf defended from Dinkins.
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