A Bronx mosque that had sought a sound permit to amplify its morning call to prayer has quietly rescinded its application.
But the Jame Masjid mosque's revocation of the proposal didn't hush its neighbors, since the mosque plans to resubmit its request to play the undulating ribbon of Arabic invocation, or adhan, through a loudspeaker during four of five daily prayer times.
Residents called the plan, which was unveiled in October, an imposition on the daily lives of a diverse community. The idea of prayer booming through the streets also touched off cultural resentments.
"When in Rome do as the Romans do," said Gerri Lamb, who lives a quarter mile from the mosque. "If you're not in your own country, in your own culture, then you can't force me to be a part of it"...
The comment, made during a Community Board 9 hearing on the issue (though the proposal was off the table at the moment), seemed to sum up neighborhood tensions. The local advisory board had asked residents to avoid that type of commentary while testifying, but Lamb received uproarious applause.
Put some bricks through that frigggin loudspeaker. Buy an iPhone with an alarm. This isnt Saudi Arabia, and never will be.
"When in Rome do as the Romans do," said Gerri Lamb, who lives a quarter mile from the mosque. "If you're not in your own country, in your own culture, then you can't force me to be a part of it"...
Enough said!
How DARE they even THINK about it.
That was a GREAT comment by Gerri Lamb!
People in QUeens are too cowardly to do anything like this.
In Astoria, we nearly had a serious problem when the Mosque located at the corner of 21st Street and Newtown had members blocking the sidewalk.
When a female crossing guard told them that they could not force small children to walk in the street in the face of uncoming traffic, she was forced to call the local precinct and threaten them with arrest and possible deportation.
Thank God no one's child was killed or the Mosque would have burned.
ok. Then all churches and synagogues should have loudspeakers placed outside their buildings too.
This is what diversity and PC crap is doing to our nation. WAKE UP AMERICA!!! THIS IS BULL#@#%!
I wouldn't want loudspeakers calling people to prayer in my neighborhood but I think it's important to keep two things in mind in regards to this particular story.
1. Christian churches have loudspeakers that pump out bell sounds multiple times per day. Should churches have to stop playing their bell sounds?
2. There are plenty of Muslims that are American citizens. It's not ok to automatically assume someone is foreign-born because they're not Jewish or Christian.
Christian churches play music. That is not imposing their beliefs on anyone. It signals the start of services or the time. They do not blast their prayers and services out on the street.
Church bells have been silenced for exactly that reason. When I was a child, Immaculate Conception, used to chime the bells in the traditional manner, but it stopped decades ago due to noise complaints.
Religious institutes are exempt from noise requirements with regards to the bells. If they silenced them, it was because the nearby residents asked them to, not because the city made them.
Now if this was Queens, they would have photos of the iman next to crumbling Bowne House with a diverse crowd of schools kids and developers (read asians) along with Hell-en Marhsell and Terri-ble Osborne crowing about Dive-rsity.
You know, I kinda always liked those church bells. Small town feel...
If these Musselmen want to really upset their neighbors have them blast the Mister Softee jingle from the minaret.
I am not a religious person - to me the Church bells do not have any religious significance - they announce the time in my neighorhood tolling on the hour - they will also play a tune or two on occasion - I like it.
What I do NOT like though is the Catholics taking to the streets a few times during the year to parade the body of Christ or whatever for a few miles through the neighborhood.
I was born and raised a Protestant, and I am third generation American. ANY OVERT DISPLAY of religious fevor is OBJECTIONABLE to me. Growing up I NEVER SAW my Catholic friends - also 2nd or 3rd generation Americans do this - this seems to be the THING for newly arrived immigrants.
I overlook it since certainly there could be FAR WORSE things to concern myself with. I am very thankful that I live in a nice neighborhood - BUT since we're talking . . . . . .
These people need to assimilate to our American culture. If not, they need to go back home to their countries where everyone is forced to hear this religious chanting on a daily basis. No one asked them to come here. If they don't like the US, they are free to go home. They need to stop cramming Islam down our throats. No other religion does this.
Babs said:
"What I do NOT like though is the Catholics taking to the streets a few times during the year to parade the body of Christ or whatever for a few miles through the neighborhood."
- - -
So, do you join the gays and lesbians in their parades around the streets mocking what the Catholics do?
Or, do you object to the mockery of the gays and lesbians?
The Catholics are simply making a public demonstration of their own beliefs, neither mocking anyone or compelling anyone to convert.
The gays and lesbians are promoting their agenda while attacking the religious beliefs of others.
Who do you choose? Why?
Since we're talking.
The Catholics don't parade through the streets five times a day every day.
Even the Shiites in Jamaica whip their backs to a bloody pulp once a year.
Babs belief system seems entirely UN-American to me.
The Pilgrims came to this country to freely practice their religion because of the very same stupidity and prejudiced that BABS is not engaged in.
No Barb you are not entitled to ban religion or religious displays in this country, where did you come up with that irrational though?
That does not mean we need to put up with any religion blasting and religious speech over loudspeakers.
For Babs to use the debate of this topic to attack the Catholic church which is not involved in this topic is indicative of their hatred toward Catholics.
By the way I don't even remotely believe that they are practicing Protestants, that's a load o crap.
Let them have the Catholics to scapegoat. If they tried that nonsense on the Muslims, there would be a second crucifixtion.
Why would anyone hate Catholics?
I sincerely doubt I am talking to other 2nd or 3rd generation Americans here.
I don't care if someone wants to worship their garden gnome - I just DON'T like it when I'M involved i.e. the Catholics in my neighborhood who take to the streets a few times a year are offensive to me. I was born and raised Protestant - I AM more spiritual and go to Church rarely but on occasion. Some of the older residents go every week whatever - that's their business. Personally I believe anyone who is TOO religious - is NUTS and more often than not - a hypocrite.
I'm offered a history lesson I see from the village idiot . . . . . let me impart some words of wisdom on you . . . . although Americans are tolerate of ALL religions, we - as a society - have no tolerance for DOGMA and hypocrisy.
A PUBLIC religious display in the form of loudspeakers for mosques, garbage can burnings in Williamsburg or Catholic parades is primitive to me.
The Puritan/Pilgrims were also firmly against religious holidays and overt displays of religion of any kind - i.e. NO XMas displays NO presents, etc. It's funny that you used the Pilgrims for your pro overt religious practices manifesto here.
Do you all have a some sort of a disease that makes you stupid?
I NEVER said that I hate Catholics!
Catholicism is a grim and lurid religion: a perversion of Christianity founded on the notion of guilt and original sin.
Taxpayer - wrong forum for a discussion on the gay community.
Also - Catholics that I know - grew up with - went to school with - did NOT nor do NOT march in the street several times a year.
Some still go to the same church that they went to when they were kids - that does NOT make them less holy - less Christian - than ones that DO march in the street.
MARCHING in the streets has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH being a Christian.
Babs is going to hell. Her soul can't be saved, even if she attended her church..... = (
One of the genuis anonymouses stated (or one poster with several handpuppets):
"No Barb you are not entitled to ban religion or religious displays in this country, where did you come up with that irrational though?"
so you support the loudspeaker I take it?
"Babs is going to hell. Her soul can't be saved, even if she attended her church..... = ("
BUT you're NOT going of course - racist, perverted, miserable human being that you are -
Catholicism is a grim and lurid religion: a perversion of Christianity founded on the notion of guilt and original sin.
So, I take it Catholicism isn't your cup of tea? Nonetheless, we leave fanaticism in the past where it belongs.
The Spanish Inquisition was several hundred years ago, but some of the new guys are still living in the Crusades.
Catholicism is a grim and lurid religion: a perversion of Christianity founded on the notion of guilt and original sin.
So, I take it Catholicism isn't your cup of tea? Nonetheless, we leave fanaticism in the past where it belongs.
The Spanish Inquisition was several hundred years ago, but some of the new guys are still living in the Crusades.
What a horrible souless, mean attack against Roman Catholics for no apparent reason..And BTW most of our CHurch Bells have been silenced, so turn off the loudspeaker.
"Catholicism is a grim and lurid religion: a perversion of Christianity founded on the notion of guilt and original sin."
who cares - you sound like you take religion a tad too seriously.
ALL religions are SUPPOSED to be about doing GOOD towards others - that it.
Screaming, shouting - kneeling, praying, etc. wearing a sheet over your head or a potholder covering your bald spot does NOT make a holy person -
Volunteering at a hospital or baking a cake for a neighbor, etc. IS what its all about.
Anyone wanna buy a used lion?
Irish Catholics don't march through the streets with suffering Jesus figures. Nor do German Catholics with madonnas with knives in their bosoms. It's the Italian Catholic that revels in these displays. It's the societa and associazione which holds these manifestations. These aren't just religious celebrations but have an ethnic component to them as well.
The comment, made during a Community Board 9 hearing on the issue (though the proposal was off the table at the moment), seemed to sum up neighborhood tensions. The local advisory board had asked residents to avoid that type of commentary while testifying, but Lamb received uproarious applause.
I guess the PC cowards of the local advisory board were afraid that a fatwa would be declared on the "infidels" of the neighborhood. Ooh, I'm scared!
Hey guess what? To parade through the streets, these societies need to apply for permits. The permits are approved or rejected by the community board. If you don't like it, complain to them. And they will tell you to go get laid and then to get a life.
LOL... Since out government is bombing Islamic nations I guess the least we could do is let them play some Allah stuff over the speakers. Some1 yelling some stuff in Arabic won't really kill ne1... it is not a bunker bomb for pete's sake!
How long before we find out this mosque is funneling money to some terrorist organization.
Give it time, shit always floats to the surface.
"Since out government is bombing Islamic nations the least we can do"
Since they blew up the USS Cole and then flew a bunch of planes into buildings the least we can do is tell them to shove it.
we cannot go to the middle east and force or speak on our beliefs, so why the hell do we allow this to continue here! take down the speakers and if they don' like get the fxxk out!!!!
too many liberal ways of thinking and no other religion EVER imposed on anyone. if we continue to allow to be crapped on, will end up looking like england, with the damands and protest from those bastards. the only time i saw any leader speak up and back to the mosque groups was from australia, he said we are a christian country and if you don't like it, LEAVE.
Hey guess what Anonymous - I KNOW you need a permit.
I have NO intention of raining on someone's parade - it bothers me, but in my community I would currently be of the minority on this issue. Hopefully the next generation of these immigrants will be a little hipper.
People with low intelligence are more easily drawn toward religions, which gives answers that are certain, while people with a high intelligence are more skeptical.
So my community has grown dumber over the years - it could be worse.
Dear Babs-
Your an idiot and a bigot.
First off you are so hyped up on hating the Catholic Religion that you attacked them here on a post that has nothing to do with them, then you respond to almost every post with more hatred of Catholics.
Second you're an idiot. I pointed out that the Pilgrims came here to freely practice their religion, which is an historical fact. You then respond to this fact with some oddball statement on the type of worship they engage in. Listen, moron they came here to freely practice their religion. What part of freely practicing ones religion is hard to comprehend?
Does that mean I support loudspeakers? OMG do you even read?
Read a book someday. It won't kill you.
Linda - I am sorry to have to tell you this - but, we are not a Christian country.
You don't acknowledge the existence of Jews or Buddhists . . . . ? . . . also, there are as MANY NONRELIGIOUS people in the United States as there are Christians and Jews.
Hate to break it to you, but your stats are WAY off..
ADULT Pop. 2004 Est.
Christianity 151,225,000
Nonreligious/Secular 38,865,604
Judaism 3,995,371
Islam 1,558,068
Wiki -
"More recent studies show that the overall percentage of Americans identifying themselves as Christians is sliding. Christianity in the United States has become more polarized with the numbers of evangelical Christians increased which, according to the studies, also contributed to the increasing numbers of Americans who are rejecting religion completely.[10] Around half of American adults leave the faith tradition of their upbringing to either switch allegiances or abandon religious affiliation altogether.[11]"
People are not trusting of organized religion and/or churches as they once were. They may still maintain their faith of course - just not attend a house of worship - and/or parade through the neighborhood.
Is that clearer now?
The vast majority of religious people never paraded through the neighborhood. Your point makes no sense whatsoever.
People with low intelligence are more easily drawn toward religions, which gives answers that are certain, while people with a high intelligence are more skeptical.
This is why Babs is going to hell with her skeptical thinking. Maybe should get down on her knees and ask God for forgiveness for not accepting him. Babs you are only a soul in human form. I am not a racist, more like a realist. It is right to give Jesus and God praise. What I do in my church and in my life is not to be judge by someone who is skeptical but from God above. You are a loser on so many issues. I thought you were'nt comming back here, you racist bitch.
I wonder what frightens "Babs" more: ordinary people practicing the peaceful religion of love they believe in, or extreme fanatics who behead anyone who don't believe as they themselves do?
What frightens me is that "Babs" is clearly an extreme fanatic believer in hatred for others.
Would she kill for her beliefs? Or, would she die on behalf of her beliefs?
The loudspeakers on the mosque must be silenced. The bells on the churches - especially the Catholic churches anywhere near "Babs" must sound as often and as long as they like, to call out the Catholics to march and surround the neighborhood where "Babs" lives.
The bells, the marching and the prayers of all those Catholics just might produce a much needed exorcism.
How's the pea soup, "Babs"?
Oddly enough your last statement is correct - "the VAST majority of religious people never paraded through the neighborhood".
MANY of those of the Catholic religion - and mostly those that are immigrants - "walk the cross" through town from one church to another.
There is also Holy Communion - different now than it was when I was a kid - tables are dressed elaborately in white chiffon and lace OUTSIDE in driveways and adorned with floral displays - the priest walks with the worshipers to each driveway - says a pray - on to the next.
There is also some sort of candlelight parade ceremony OUTSIDE from the Greek Orthodox church.
Where do you live - under a rock?
No, I guess I just live in a better neighborhood than you. This topic is finished.
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