Jared Kopeloff was skateboarding outside his Flushing co-op apartment building in October 2009 when he was clotheslined by a downed kite string.
The glass-encrusted wire ripped into the then-12-year-old's throat and left him scarred from ear to ear from a wound his lawyer said took 400 to 500 stitches to close. The boy also lost two lymph nodes in the accident.
Now his family is suing the city for allowing the kite fights to take place in nearby Flushing Meadows Park and the co-op complex for failing to remove the wire that was left hanging between two buildings after getting severed in a duel and drifting over to the complex.
Kite fighting is a popular pastime in South Asian countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Oh great. Another hazard. What's next?
"Kite fighting is a popular pastime in South Asian countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan."
The last time I checked, this was still the United States. Who am I kidding? "They" won!
You gotta be kidding me that; this poor kid got mauled by a glass-encrusted wire used to by kites flyers to battle each other? Ban this stuff - what could possibly be worse than this?
What a shame the people who bought this crap and cut the child's throat are skipping merrily down the lane liability free.
Alas, the connection between crime and punishment becomes ever more distant in America as the search for deeper pockets continues.
The further we go into the future the more laws there will be and you won't be able to do anything without violating some type of law. One incident with a kite and now you can't fly kites in Flushing Meadows park.... It'll be illegal to breath in the future.
One incident with a kite and now you can't fly kites in Flushing Meadows park
Moron...can't you read??? This is about kites with strings that present a danger! Did your parents have children who were not born brain dead?
I think Bloomberg was at the bottom of this. He's evil you know!
He's evil you know!
You're statement is true, even though it is coming from an asshole!
And when the kite fights are made "illegal" and you assholes call 911 for it, you'll just bitch that the police don't show up.
Yes, it's a shame that a child got hurt, but to waste time and money legislating something that isn't worth enforcing is ridiculous.
No such thing as accident anymore without someone paying dollars for it...Green is truly the way everything is going.
Yes, it's a shame that a child got hurt, but to waste time and money legislating something that isn't worth enforcing is ridiculous.
Until it happens to someone YOU know? Get lost!
Wow. Kite fights in FMC park, a pre-teen skateboarding outside his Flushing co-op, a "glass-encrusted kite WIRE" that "drifted" from the park over to the Flushing co-op and was hanging so tightly between buildings as to be able to "clothesline" the boy...
Sounds like somebody's trying to blame their misfortune on someone else.
Sounds like somebody's trying to blame their misfortune on someone else.
Such as your lack of intelligence having been dropped on your head as a baby?
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