Many Sunnyside residents were awoken in the early hours of Monday morning by a low-flying police helicopter.
The helicopter was flying over 42nd and Queens Blvd at 2:00am as police were pursuing three teenagers who were tagging the building above Dunkin’ Donuts.
The police tracked them down and arrested them at 41stand Queens Blvd at 2:30 am. The three—Jeffery Sanchez, Jonathan Aramis and Aileen Mahmoodi- were all charged with criminal mischief; making graffiti; and possession of a graffiti instrument, police said.
I remmember catching a vandal marking up a brand new Freightliner back in 1984.We grabbed him in a headlock and drew a groucho marx moustache on him!
An incredible and unbelievable job, a super thank you for catching these criminals!
The real problem is the urban blight from that building that attracts this.
I know that block well - it was called the 'building from hell' by the locals - ill maintained, filled with illegals and had a fire several years ago.
In other words what the Bronx of the 70s is the Queens of today.
Loved the local newspaper editorial in the past week saying how Queens is such a great place.
A crock of shit - unless you are an absentee landlord or developer.
Dont pop the champagne just yet. If they were minors, they were probably turned over to their parents until their court date. If they are adults, they have probably already been released by some bleeding heart judge. They will be back on the roofs tonight.
Brassy Cathy Nolan has an office facing it. Are you surprised they took care of the problem?
The NYPD is WASTING there time on vandals who are graffittying (misspelling?) a ABANDONED building? WITH A HELICOPTER.
Good job NYPD. An abandoned building is getting tagged up on and you use helicopters to get them...
An abandoned building is getting tagged up on and you use helicopters to get them...
Are aerial spy blimps next?
Supposedly someone called and said there was a person on the roof. They cops thought it might be a suicide, hence why the helicopters came out. At least that's what I've heard.
did it ever cross your mind that these cops own that building? they might have a ghost owner fronting for them. like they do in Woodside apartment buildings.
"did it ever cross your mind that these cops own that building? they might have a ghost owner fronting for them. like they do in Woodside apartment buildings."
WHAT! brainless
NYPD waste of resources. Th building is not above Dunkin Donuts but the second building behind it. There are real criminals out there.
And graffiti is a real crime.
"And graffiti is a real crime."
More of a nuisance, compared to burglary, robbery, assault, rape, murder, etc.
Not when it encourages people to try the other things you mentioned.
"The NYPD is WASTING there time on vandals who are graffittying (misspelling?) a ABANDONED building? WITH A HELICOPTER."
If that's your neighborhood you still wouldn't appreciate graffitti.
Are you that stupid? I guess that was a dumb question on my part.
The helicopter does seem a little extreme. How much to operate this?
It may seem extreme, but Sunnyside/Woodside got bombed with tags in the last three weeks. If this is a different crew, I at least hope taggers now understand that we won't tolerate it and will move elsewhere.
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