Renaming the Queensboro Bridge after former Mayor Ed Koch moved a step closer to reality Friday after a City Council hearing that nearly doubled as a pep rally.
The testimony - much of it delivered by Koch's former colleagues in city government - was punctuated by laughter and fond memories of the ex-mayor.
"Mayor Koch is bold, tough, effective, charming and he stands firm, each and every day," former Queens Borough President Claire Shulman said with a chuckle. "The same can be said for our bridge."
"He helped saved all the city's bridges, including this one," said Robert Tierney, chairman of the Landmarks Preservation Commission.
A vote on the proposal to christen the span as the Edward Koch-Queensboro Bridge will be held within weeks.
"Shaddup you feis. You do wat we say or you'll sleep wid da fishes." - The Powers that Be.
Here we go again, Koch suckers!
They should name a tunnel after him not a bridge.
I thought we were broke. I guess not if we have money for stupidity like this.
The council members are a bunch of ass kissing morons. That is for the ezception of Peter Vallone. Dizzy Lizzy, I am sure voted for it because her new gay lover Quinn wanted her to vote that way. Lizzy should grow some balls, instead of licking them ....
Lizzy should grow some balls, instead of licking them ....
Hey! I'm a pubic official.
So can we vote to change the name of the Brooklyn bridge now as well? I have the perfect name for it: Giuliani Bridge.
(Yes, I'm kidding, and no, I don't put it past these fucking assholes to do it)
I wish Tierney would pay more attention to saving 186 year old buildings, like the one in Cooper Square that is coming down, instead of renaming bridges.
Fuck Bloomberg
Fuck Koch
Fuck Quinn
Fuck Marshall
They all need to fucked in the ass WITHOUT lube!
I'll name MY ASS after The Koch Sucker. As I'm taking my next SHIT!
Anonymous said...
Fuck Bloomberg
Fuck Koch
Fuck Quinn
Fuck Marshall
They all need to fucked in the ass WITHOUT lube!
What about me? I'm bending over already. Anus the truth? The hole truth. If they ever go after me, they'll have a field day!
I guess Bloomberg and the City Council once again is not listening to their constituents and doing what they please.
They're just saying they want to honor former Mayor Koch as a cover - the ones they REALLY want to honor are the whacko trillionaire Libertarian Koch (pronounced "coke") Brothers - one of whom has had the former New York Theater named after himself, I believe.
"ones they REALLY want to honor are the whacko trillionaire Libertarian Koch (pronounced "coke") Brothers - one of whom has had the former New York Theater named after himself, I believe."
That would be the New York State Theater (where I sometimes worked).
The "Koch" brother are an insidious kind who have ingratiated themselves in normally Liberal company with their largess.
They are none-the-less the same cruds that have bankrolled the 'tea party" and that stump Palin.
I and several other I know canceled subscriptions and will not attend events at that edifice while it wears that name of shame.
You want to play with the right wing wackos?..see how well they'll back you.
Maspeth Mom says...
It cost over 2 million to rename the Triboro Bridge the RFK Bridge. No one calls it the "RFK Bridge". I didnt realize NYC had the money to waste on this nonsense, due to the fact that we are laying off teachers.Bloomberg needs a bitch slap. He is a colossal asshole and a hole in the head.
Maspeth Mom says...
On that note we ought to rename Rikers Island ....Guiliani Island since he put away alot of mutts and cleaned up this city of petty crime.
City for Sale by Jack Newfield
Interesting read - someone should buy one copy and send it to everyone on city council.
Then let the media know.
The crapification renaming of the Queensbough bridge.
We get letters from Halloran saying that Teachers are being laid off, and Firehouses are closing so there is is money. But, this is ok?????
James. P
We get letters from Halloran saying that Teachers are being laid off, and Firehouses are closing so there is is money. But, this is ok?????
See? It worked. It's taking your attention away from the money being funneled into developers' pockets. It's a WIN WIN!!! YAY!
Thank you ew-3.
The Ed Koch Queens/Mid-Town Tunnel.
There you go, Vallone, that's you're bargaining chip. Have some fun and run with it.
How can I vote "NO" ?
I'm glad we've forgotten Dinkins in this mix.
We get letters from Halloran saying that Teachers are being laid off, and Firehouses are closing so there is is money. But, this is ok?????
See? It worked. It's taking your attention away from the money being funneled into developers' pockets. It's a WIN WIN!!! YAY!
Sad part is,its true.
I'm really sick of this renaming of bridges, roads, et al shit. There is no public demand for it.
In the case of Koch, couldn't they at least wait until he died before forcing this nonsense upon us?
In the case of Koch, couldn't they at least wait until he died before forcing this nonsense upon us?
He's still living?
I do believe in ghosts!
I do believe in ghosts!
I do!
I do!
I ain't lyin'.
I have been reading the comment from the public. They don't like it. Another case of the pols saying "The public be damned."
How about the Robert F. Koch Bridge?
How about the Robert F. Koch Bridge?
Only if you promise to jump off that bridge!
in 2007 DAVID H. KOCH donated $25,000,000.00 to M.I.T.,his alma mater. the M.I.T.Biology Building is in his name.
recently,D.H.Koch donated a $100 million grant for the new M.I.T.INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH.
would you refuse treatment there if you were sadly diagnosed with cancer? if you did ,would you not be considered "whacko"
D.H.KOCH gave $100 million(over ten years) to the Lincoln Center for Performing Arts to renovate, and for a operating/maintenance endowment .this was to make sure you LIMOUSINE LIBERALS could still enjoy the BALLET AND OPERA.
i believe he recently was honored by the Hospital for Special Surgery, with his name on a pavillon.
if he supports the patriots in the U.S.TEA PARTY,he is welcome. millions of the American electorate can not be wrong. they rejected 63 liberal/progressive/democrat/rino's from government in 2010.
a document of the most corrupt n.y.c.government officials,during the ED.KOCH ADMINISTRATIONS, in n.y.c. history.
MANES,FREIDMAN,LEFFLER,HEVESI, ETC,ETC,ETC. all the liberal/democrats.
"MANES,FREIDMAN,LEFFLER,HEVESI, ETC,ETC,ETC. all the liberal/democrats."
Penny-ante shit compared to what the gop has done to our environment, consumer and banking regulations.
No matter how desperately you try to spin it, the republicans are the -real- enemies of the working/middle class.
Pandering to dopes like you is merely a necessary (for now) nuisance...their goal is a corporate oligarchy.
Opportunity to them means: the opportunity to make the rich richer.
Koch should not be honored. By the end of his third term everyone was sick of him (will history repeat?). He ignored the outer boroughs, turning them over to crooks like Manes;the schools were deprived (ruining a generation;and for those who criticize excess pensions, it was his admin. that signed off on all of that!Edward I. Koch is a cranky, self-centered jackass.
To the anon who posted:
"in 2007 DAVID H. KOCH donated $25,000,000.00 to M.I.T.,his alma mater. the M.I.T.Biology Building is in his name."
You should be ASHAMED of yourself, sir, for shilling for those disgusting ANARCHISTS who want to destroy this country's environment as well as our civil society - all under the guise of being "philanthropists".
Yeah, "philanthropists" like the Medicis - lets all go back to the lawless anarchy of 1500's Italy.
Do the people of Queens get to vote on this? Of course not. It's totally ridiculous to rename this bridge and then how many millions will that cost to change the signs? The Triborough will always be just that and so will the Queensborough Bridge. Let them try renaming the Williamsburg, Manhattan or Brooklyn Bridge and see how that goes over!
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