A wisecrack Mayor Bloomberg made last night about "inebriated Irish hanging out the windows" has some saying Hizzoner should kiss something other than The Blarney Stone, according to a report on the website Irish Central.
"In bizarre remarks delivered at a St. Patrick's Parade book launch at the American Irish Historical Society in New York, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he lived nearby and was used to seeing 'inebriated Irish hanging out the windows' at the Society which is on Fifth Avenue," writes Niall O'Dowd.
"Bloomberg's remarks drew some boos from an astonished crowd who had gathered along with Grand Marshal Mary Higgins Clark to celebrate the launch of the book entitled "Celebrating 250 Years of the New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade" by Irish American historian John Ridge,which recounts the 250 years history of the parade."
"Bloomberg's comments were made at the very start of his speech and he continued on in strange vein asking when the parade was being held and commenting it was good it was always on the same day so he wouldn't confuse it with Columbus Day."
I would love to see video of this. It sounds like a failed attempt at humor, although I did get a chuckle out of it.
I think this guy is in the early stages of dementia. He's totally out of touch with the common man and doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's convinced that he is the only person in NY that knows anything, and what is good for everybody. He insults people at whim and wonders why his popularity numbers are in the toilet. He should retire to Bermuda.
Hey, the next time you see your city councilman take their hand and give it a big shake.
He it there because they pissed on your wish for term limits.
Oh yes ... before we forget ....
they are there because you elected them with a 80% of the vote.
hey, can someone ask honest joe crowley about this while the cameras for ny1 are rolling?
they are there because you elected them with a 80% of the vote.
Ha! They thumb their noses at you and you give them a big hearty handshake for the efforts.
Mom, can I be a scumbag politican? Then I can do aaannnyyythhinng I want and no adult will criticise me.
Mom, can I be a scumbag politican?
Evan, is that you?
After spending over $90 million of his own money, Bloomberg squeaked to an unimpressive 51% of the vote victory. Although Thompson ran a very weak campaign, clearly the newspapers were backing Bloomberg and gave Thompson no coverage. Bloomberg also bought up most of the television time, so even what little time Thompson could afford to buy was often unavailable.
It is hard running against a billionaire, who is friends with the editors of the major publications . . . .
all the mayoralty candidates were flawed or bought by the unions....
Evan, is that you?
Yeah. I would've responded sooner but I was out buying new undies. The old ones had brown vertical stripes in the back. Bloomberg suggested green stripes. WTF?
Bloomberg is tone deaf.
(As with the "get thee to a Broadway show" remark after the Boxing Day snow storm.)
Bloomberg insulted the irish? HA! The irish consistently and like clock work (saint patricks day) insult themselves.
This is an outrage! Pass the beer.
Mike, just how were these inebriates "hanging out the windows"? Leaning forward from their waists? Hanging on with their fingertips? Face forward with their ankles stuck in the window? Did you call 911 for their safety? "See something. Say something."
Gee, wonder why I didn't see this story on any of the network newscasts; they certainly appear when anyone makes remarks about other nationalities.
Gee, I live so close to that building I could probably walk there in my shorts and not get busted.
I've never seen any drunks hanging out the windows..even on St Pat's day.
Sort of like saying: "I see Jew landlords running around collecting rent and nipping bagels".
I freakin' (ok, was going to use the f word here) hate that guy...can he resign now please (commenter on the Daily News site called him Mubarak Bloomberg).
(commenter on the Daily News site called him Mubarak Bloomberg)
Ahem! I'm ztanding right here.
Let 'em eat steak!!!
He's totally out of touch with the common man and doesn't care about anyone but himself.
I couldn't say the above better. He is incomprehensible, why is he our Mayor - I did not vote for him especially on the 3rd illegal term - he stole the office along with the other jack A - Quinn.
Maspeth Mom says..
Such an ass... I bet he gets offended when someone tells a joke at his expense.
FYI... Its not a joke when you offend people.
Maspeth Mom says..
Such an ass... I bet he gets offended when someone tells a joke at his expense.
FYI... Its not a joke when you offend people.
First it was his wealth has made him an aloof iceberg.
Now he's obviously gone senile!
Can NYC survive his remaining years in office?
Let's dump him now PDQ!
Maybe Mike should attend a beer blast at Bohemian Hall...pass a few disparaging remarks...and see if those "cheeky" Czechs will run him out of town.
Can't a man have a nice tall cool one on a holiday?
Bloom-turd's ultimate aim:
No smoking or drinking in NYC.
What a wuss this 5'7" pervert is!
A real Captain of Industry .
What an asshole.
why wouldnt he insult the Irish ? Look at how the Irish leaders Chritine Quinn and Paul O'Dwyer, apologized for him. Those two hacks take his mopney and then shit on the irish.,
Paul O'Dwyer has been dead for at least 20 years. I don't think that he's in a position to apologize for Bloomberg.
In the first 10 minutes of the first class of Political Science 101, the professor will tell you: no jokes about Jews and money, Blacks and watermelon, Irish and drunkenness, any jokes about homosexuality, etc.
You just don't go there. And Bloomberg deserves all the criticism not because he's biased against the Irish but because he's that tone deaf a politician to competently speak before an audience at a scheduled event.
I wouldn't take offense to his comment if the guy was an equal opportunity offender, but it seems that some groups are off limits while others are fair game.
Now go suck off the Imam of the Ground Zero Mosque you troll like turd!
Molly: Yoo-hoo, Mr. Bloomberg. Will you be marching in this year's parade?
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