Correction officers protested outside Rikers Island on Monday over what they described as dangerous working conditions.
AIR11 was over the scene around 2:45 p.m. as several hundred people gathered outside the jail complex holding signs.
A Correction Officers Benevolent Association spokesperson told PIX11 News the protest was not a walkout of on-duty guards. It was not immediately clear if inmates were left alone.
In a tweet on Monday, the Correction Officers Benevolent Association urged retired and off-duty city Department of Correction members and their families to join the protest.
“We’re calling on ALL retired and active, off-duty DOC Uniformed members and your families to meet COBA at the bridge on Monday, August 16th at 3PM. We’re joining forces with our union brothers and sisters from across NYC and we will make our voices heard!” the union tweeted.
The tweet also included a flyer that suggested members of the Correction Captains’ Association and Assistant Deputy Wardens Association would also join the protest.
“We need safer jails now. Enough is enough! City Hall has failed to protect us. Their reckless policies have put our lives in jeopardy,” the flyer read.
COBA filed a lawsuit against the New York City Department of Correction in Queens Supreme Court last month, calling conditions for officers at D.O.C. facilities nothing short of a human rights emergency requiring immediate attention.
The complaints include back-breaking triple shifts of 24 hours or more, with few breaks or access to food and water, shortages of PPE to protect against COVID-19, and increased violence against officers and within the inmate population.
Veteran nurse Paulette McGee has spent 20 years working at Rikers in what she described as an environment of constant fear.
“We are now faced with urine being thrown at us, knives held to our neck,” McGee said. “I was assaulted in 2018: punched so hard in my jaw I was knocked out straight on my back.”
Joseph Russo, who’s with he Assistant Deputy Wardens Union, said inmates get away with things all the time. He said they’re not afraid to commit crimes and acts of violence behind bars.
“Our hands are tied. We cannot defend ourselves,” Russo said. “We’re here because of conditions on Rikers are outrageous; this is a chaotic gangland controlled area.”
Mayoral hopeful Eric Adams hit the Hamptons over the weekend, where his political talks — and outfit — impressed East End insiders.
The candidate attended a Water Mill fundraiser — wearing a bright red blazer that would’ve made The Weeknd jealous — on Sunday at a private home. The bash was hosted by a group including Democratic backer businessman Dennis Mehiel and Republican billionaire John Catsimatidis, as well as Victoria Schneps and Todd Shapiro.
Two media owning oligarchs raising money for the news media's prematurely anointed predetermined mayor of NYC. This is some fucked up shit right here.
Don't worry, soon rikers will be shut down for more "tranquil rehabilitation centers" and they will be able to walk out free directly into a residential area only after serving A couple of days of their sentence. Because remember, bail is racist and the government wants to put new jails up right next door to someone's grandma. So tough it out for now because soon you all will be in a better place where prisoners will be "more at home" and the gangbanging attitudes will change into actual respectful behavior.
This is of course mayor dumbdumbs thoughts.
If the nurses don’t like their jobs, get another one.
If the nurses don’t like their jobs, get another one.
Quit! And let the chips fall.
"This is all Trump's fault" - Leftoids
Eric, why futilely hide the drink?
"If the nurses don’t like their jobs, get another one"
Or do a TikTok dance as more people die !
Funny, Trump never left his desk when there was something important to do for America. In particular NEVER went golfing.
"Concert in the Bronx"
Concert my ass, I motored over on the boat from City Island to check that out then biked over today to see everything from the Pelham bay park to Cedar Beach trashed with garbage and bottles.
That was the event Ace Frehley and us got culled for being "to white" and not "appropriate" for deBlasio & AOCs people. AKA: Welfare, ANIFTA and BLM brats.
Plenty of advertisements for this (and how to get tickets) in the Soundview, Fordham section of the Bronx, not one advertisement on City Island, Morris Park Pelham or Country Club.
Translation: Racist rally & socialist convention for inner city black people, most who are on sec 8 and don't even pay taxes to cover the cost of such an event.
Not one person sang or played an instrument, lots of political speaking and gangster culture. Not one guitar amplifier, musical instrument played, just DJ desk, overweight slobs yelling, Boo-DaBota BooDaBota gibberish with crotch grabbing for added effect. Through the binoculars I could see not one white person in attendance.
Laptops and podiums with a screen so the idiots could read all the socialist speeches written for them like "rent paying cancelled permanently" "free universal income and food stamps forever"
Once the dates were secured and the PR done the original talent was dropped and these concerts were morphed into political black people rally's!!
deBlasio wont step foot on City Island, they curse and boo him bad. I don't see AOC here either, and its her district.
So liberals in the Hamptons are actually the ones who elect NYC's Mayor? I always had a sneaking suspicion that that was the case. Fuckin' scumbags...
Eric did lose weight and looks damm better now ! Just saying Fat...
“The bash was hosted by a group including Democratic backer businessman Dennis Mehiel and Republican billionaire John Catsimatidis, as well as Victoria Schneps and Todd Shapiro”.
That should tell you that the wealthy money party is one big political party where there are no differences. They select the candidates for the masses to consume while that candidate does their bidding screwing the unwashed masses.
So liberals in the Hamptons are actually the ones who elect NYC's Mayor?
Yes, it summer home to most your media people, entertainment industry, George Soros, the Cuomo's and most your high up politicians.
About every NBC producer, writer and SNL Cast member (That a fact)
All the media bosses, editors high ups from Manhattan have summer homes in that cesspool called "The Hamptons" The biggest den of radical liberals on the east coast aside Martha's Vineyard Island.
They all have illegals working for them from Cablevisions Dolan family horse stables to every wine vinyard, restaurant and hotel.
---Most your gated closed off beachfronts south of Montauk highway are owned by Manhattan media people. Shit they even chipped in with Steven Spielberg for some special fibre optic cable to put video, music and animation studios in the homes then avoid taxes by claiming the housing, guest houses, pools necessary for remote media production.
Every million dollar mixing board, computer, house tech and security written off, Multi Millionaires and Billionaires who pay no taxes. Even helicopters.
I had a house in Montauk, then Mattituck, helicopters buzzing like Vietnam said fuck this and got the fuck out. What happen is democrats started getting elected and destroyed & gentrified everything, $28,000 school taxes for all the illegal immigrant children.
Joe, and what's the lowdown with Vicki Schneps, the owner of th Queens Courier and other papers? Anyone notice that her recent Victoria's Secrets column revolves only around what's happening in The Hamptons? She's sucking up to her Dan's Paper upscale readers. Queens gives a damn, Vicki, about lobster bakes in the East End?
Thanks Joe very informative like always !
I spent many summers in Montauk (Hither Hills), 60's and 70's it was the best !
Montauk and even east Hampton 40 years ago were places that hard-working queens and Nassau hillbillies could visit for a bucolic week's family vacation of fishing and mini-golf. Now anything east of Riverhead is untouchable yuppie world. Fuck it.
@georgetheatheist said... "Dan's Paper upscale readers"
Taught me not to wear white after labor day !
I do enjoy your stories, even if they are completely fabricated. Keep up the good work.
"So liberals in the Hamptons are actually the ones who elect NYC's Mayor?"
Seems like there's more Righties there than Lefties.
ALAS, the entire scourge of parvenu-elitist, Hamptons sociopaths/psychopaths aren't even interesting enough to make me sick; they destructively propagate based on acquiring more of everything that was never earned, much less deserved, and just like a swarm of 'Monetary Locusts,' they destroy everything in their wake, with impunity.
I grew up summering in the Hamptons because my grandfather lived right next store to the relatives of Jackie Kennedy Onassis, her Aunt, Big Edie, and cousin, Little Edie Beale.
If I had known that East Hampton (and, the surrounding, once peaceful and inclusionary hamlets and burghs of the East End) would soon turn into a money laundering, Ponzi scheme (and openly practicing politically entrenched CRIME WAVE) for the new, Purple Uni-Party (signaling the end of humanism), during those idyllic seasons from 1963 to 1980, then I would have cherished the experience just a little more endearingly.
Over the past 20-plus years, it's become so obscenely decadent and littered with corruption, contempt, societal disregard and CLASS WARFARE against everything and everyone other than these voracious thieves' lives of arrogant, entitled, entrenched, all consuming private splendor, that I essentially am FORCED into hunkering down and staying indoors, and away far away from the never-endling loop of summertime 'Noise & Sight' pollutants, of whom a hustling, cheap, racist, profoundly unqualified outsider like Eric Adams is one of the biggest (and latest) sore thumbs of City Hall destruction.
Brace yourselves, NYC slaves to 'Taxation WITHOUT Representation': If the present, City Hall termite and his grand larcenous, money disappearing mayoral wife, Chirlane don't scare you enough into bolting from this mob ruling gangster town forthwith, then just wait until the NEXT ugly cockroach begins propagating his racist agenda by inundating, colonizing and INVADING the already broken mayor's office with an entirely Black government distressed outfit of soulless, minority (in reality, MAJORITY!) thieves and tyrannical henchmen——exactly like my 300% fake, racist Assemblyman, Khalil Andereson, who has padded his 'Black Friends & Family' state, taxpayer funded payroll with an entire lineup of public service impostors——one more frightful in their total incompetence than the other, followed by Anderson capriciously and arbitrarily blocking me from his public Twitter account (without reprimand and/or public censure), on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, for calling him a liar on public forum.
How did New York City become an infected cesspool of politically racsit automatons versus a zombified, brain damaged constituency?
What is a "Rightie" ?
How is any of this a surprise?
At George:
"revolves only around what's happening in The Hamptons"
Vicki is likely schmoozing for advertising money and working with a PR firm.
Dan and his paper are both a piece of shit and I am sure they are friends.
All it takes to get a good writ up in any of these papers is $$ BUY an advertisement and pay the PR people working the area.
You pay for the advertisement then the PR firm send out "complementary dinners" to its list of client celebrity's and you get as many of those willing to attend you "taste test" as long as you foot the dinner, limo and photographers cost.
That's where the paparazzi and PR firm pros make the real money because they sure don't make $$$ on editorial use.
The celebrity show's up in a paid for limo for photos & strobe flashes (to make sure everybody's watching) .
Then on to a corner table for some drinks, sea bugs & pastas for the photographer and like magic a great review with photos "the great new hotspot" appears in the paper.
Most this Hollywood garbage don't pay for a dinner all summer, they treat these press junkets as jobs.
Celebs and TV talent don't even own 1/2 the homes they live in, the real estate company's and corperations like NBC/Universal/General Electric do. The Celeb is handed the home pro-bono to live in X amount of time. Not if but WHEN the home goes on the market "Its suddenly Tina, Gwenn, Alec- Blah Blahs 10 million dollar pad" fetching a +30% premium. Same shit with record company's and TV & movie studios speculating in real estate. They are all partners in real estate sales.
Its really complex with the way it is done through all the different "indies" who work as buffers (so all can pretend)
Kind of like the older organized crime rackets of the 50's 60s.
Does anybody really believe some cooking channel chef or rap music star busted for child support, robbery, gun's or DWI in a rented automobile owns a 30 Million dollar mansion ?
Its all PR hype and bullshit to blow smoke for marketing, anything on a screen, billboard, text or photo on print media is all part of it.
Quote "Now anything east of Riverhead is untouchable yuppie world"
Yep, The worst!!
I remember the good days in Montauk, rent a weekend Condo on Fort Bond beach (Navy Road Port Royal) for $120, go to liars Saloon. All local fishermen talking about boat problems, "That Andy Warhol and all those god dam hippies from the city", fish, alternators.
A glass of good old Rheingold or Schlitz draft beer was $1 or full 8 Oz snifter of JD Kentucky Whiskey for $5
You can have a grand old shred for $25 including cab fare.
I would carry this small multimeter and Portasol soldering kit in my pocket.
Somebody always had a problem "battery not charging" etc. It was always corroded ring terminals on the alternators or regulators. Walk right from the bar and if you got them going (saving that fishing trip) you were KING and good for a 10 lb slab of tuna and your tab paid for and ride home to your rental or motel.
They would have races with cockroaches, crabs and or jumping beans.
No more, bye bye all kids, immigrants and yuppie shit.
I wont get into the traffic and 30 miles of 2-lane into 1 lane perpetually congested LA style bumper to bumper "sea of red taillights" Montauk highway to serve everything from the Shinnicock canal east.
If and WHEN you get a cab your always sharing it with some Wall street shit or North shore trust fund Irish kid who's likely to throw up on you.
The North fork is messed up to, it has the "low tier" Guatemalans, Mexicans, Hispanic gangs and local kids hooked on hard drugs robbing everything in sight.
At night when the tourists leave and the restaurants close Greenport becomes a very dark dangerous place, gunfights, murders, gangs & drug dealers circling in cars. I Now, I have walked in S Central LA at night, Bushwick in the 1980s but find Greenport and Riverhead far more scary and life threatening.
The shithead sheep migrating east to escape NYC problems aint seen nothin and can have it, NO THANKS !!
At George:
George, Its been over 4 years since I sold everything out in that corrupt shithole. Come to think of it I believe Dan sold his paper and they just keep him on as an Editor to keep the known name and stay stealth. Many in the Dan family are likely now merged in the Vicki Schneps family somehow.
Look into the actual owners, editors and PR clients
These journalist have some kind of agreement for stealth monopoly similar to TMZ (thirty mile zone)agreements in Los Angelos and now New York City has its version called "The Mayors List/Office of media and Entertainment".
If your operating to get the tax breaks you must oblige to other's on that Mayors list including catering company's to transportation
Originally intended for union wages, work zones rules and per diem rates, there is now something similar going on with news, entertainment, advertising and media.
Personally I'm to busy and had enough of all these bastards at a former workplace to give a shit about them. The "oh that cant happen" Sheeple with the "naa--your telling BS storys" will have to learn the hard way. I put in my time.
This is why NOTHING gets fixed or done in the boroughs outside of Manhattan.
Billionaires who live on Long Island cater to the politicians, fund their campaigns, bank accounts in exchange for more Condos, Defective buildings built for their rich friends, and given free passes to do what ever they want.
No wonder the City Council Members refuse to recognize the problems in NYC too. They are busy hanging out in the Hamptons kissing billionaires asses for money and protecting criminals from staying in prison.
Expect more Homelessness, Subway Attacks, Gang Violence, Violent Road Rage, Gang Shootings, Street Fights, Sex Assaults, more Drug Addicts taking over city parks, foreclosed homes, more Potholes, and more unnecessary bike lanes.
All being done by feckless politicians who cater to money and criminals so they can look good for the billionaires who pay them off.
You must watch a lot of tv. Try to get out more often.
You must watch a lot of tv. Try to get out more often.
What's the lowdown with Vicki Schneps, the owner of th Queens Courier and other papers?
One word MONOPOLY !!
Schneps, Dans Paper, Long Island Press, Quueens Tribune, Ridgewood Times, all your "XX" Times, Gay City News, Caribbean life and 40 or so other papers are all the same thing from the same people (Schneps media) from the same employees, same printing press to delivery. Including pod casts !!!
This was once called monopoly and 100% illegal. Its out of hand, everything we see and read is selected, bought, rigged edited from the same 1, 2 or 3 family's
Its been that way with TV and radio but now the last holdout is going the same way
For example: Now if the government or George Soros buys Schneps, the communists control 40+ news papers and govern everything we see, read, hear and speak in all those papers like the Taliban.
---Oh wait we already have that !!
This crap Is very real !!
Queens Crap still telling it like it is . . . and -Joe, you still are The Man. Thanks.
(This site is still s-o-o educational.)
Eric wears a yarmulke on Vicki's Hamptons column (p.55, upper right): Oy, Yoy, Yoy
You'll never see Curtis hob nobbing with the rich Hampton crowd and Curtis looks better in a red jacket too.
Quote: @Joe
"You must watch a lot of tv. Try to get out more often"
Why would I want to watch TV ?
Why would anybody want to watch todays TV?
Its all the same crap from the producers and corporations now. All the new movies are horrible. Tits & ass, people shooting at each other and annoying multicultural bullshit & gayness in the casting & writing. --ABSOLUTE GARBAGE !!!
I have a 55 inch LED TV and a over the air rooftop antenna, its good during storms to watch the only thing they cant really fuck with like weather related doom & gloom. Jimmy Fallon once and a wile when he has a good guest and plays the crazy games. That's about it.
I have the best thing for news, real news. Its called a radio frequency scanner, mine does all the PL codes, trunking and other things.
I also have a Collins R-390 receiver also on a rooftop antenna to listen all over the world.
That's all I need.
Iff ve nehm Ericele our liddle boychick, vood ve be racist?
I bet these "Soros"type people buy plenty of Hunter Biden’s “art work” !
@George. The little yarmulke fits his little head nicely.
Adams....another hack machine mayor!
So Adams, a Black man, is taking some White privileges.😂😂😂
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