Several complaints have been filed with the Department of Buildings by others over the years to no avail, and I have just filed another.
It is rather upsetting that an operation taking place right in front of public view like this cannot be shut-down immediately. His phone number is even listed.
Similar illegal hostels were recently shut-down in nearby Brooklyn; I would expect as much should happen Queens."
a Ridgewood neighbor
Guess what? A friend who lives nearby went by there and noticed 18-15 Stockholm Street looked suspicious, too. Why? European tourists standing out front with suitcases. Sure enough, the house next door is also being used as a hostel and is owned by Rodrigo G.
We wouldn't need government sponsored "affordable housing" if the government made sure apartments were rented out for their intended purpose. Bottom line is although this was assigned to "special operations", DOB Commissioner Robert LiMandri doesn't give a shit. - QC
Here in North Flushing it's common practice to rent out the basements and attics of houses only to have complaints turn into LS4's left on the front door with no actions taken by the DOB ! Flushing has turned into one big illegal Asian colony !
How hard would it be to set up an undercover operation to bust them?
They don't want to bust them.
Someone wants these people to provide a place for illegals because someone wants illegals to stay in NYC.
are you saying that these "someones" are clones to the Socialist government leaders in NORWAY ?
Jeezis, so a guy operating a hotel obviously catering to semiaffluent European tourists instantly devolves into a comments section about illegal immigrants. Gotta love the readership here.
Why are you concentrating on the readership instead of the content of the post? Are you saying it's ok for semi-affluent European tourists to take away affordable housing in Queens?
Many of these "semi-affluent European tourists" end up overstaying their tourist visas and become illegal themselves. Or do you not consider them to be illegal because they are semi-affluent and/or from Europe? The ass complaining about the readership should look at himself in the mirror.
To some, European tourists might be preferable to some of the more diverse locals.
I lived in Ridgewood for 2 years. It is a complete and utter wasteland, a shithole occupied by various scum of different ethnic persuasions, with illegal rooming houses rented to ex cons with relatives involved in violent transgender altercations. The cops came to my place several times after the scumbag landlord turned what had been an apt sharing situation into a rooming house with hispanic bottle gangs getting drunk into the night and insanely loud audio systems cranked to webster hall volume day and nite blaring regaeton.
I complained to the DOB resulting in an LS4 left at the door and an online report stating "entry denied by male at door". Thank god I got out of that disgusting cesspool of a neighborhood.
Maspeth is no better. Also filed complaints with DOB to no avail
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