When Brooklyn’s borough president, Marty Markowitz, took trips to Turkey and the Netherlands on official city business several years ago, he also accepted free travel expenses for his wife, Jamie Markowitz.
The city’s Conflicts of Interest Board deemed it an ethical violation and fined him $20,000, according to the findings released on Monday.
The travel covered two trips to Turkey, one in 2007 and another in 2009, and a trip to the Netherlands in 2009, which the board estimated were worth at least $11,000, though not substantially more in free travel expenses for Mrs. Markowitz. “By accepting travel expenses for his wife for each trip,” the board said in its findings, Mr. Markowitz “used his position as a public servant for private or personal advantage. Simply put, his wife was able to travel with him abroad — for free.”
This is the second ethics fine Mr. Markowitz has racked up this year. In February, the board docked him $2,000 for using his chief of staff as his lawyer at a 2009 real estate closing.
He thinks it's ok ,that he did nothing wrong...........
Nice that it's out there.
But Marty won't be kicked out of office for it.
These shady pols always skip with a just slap on the wrist.
Obama is no friend to the Great Jewish Nation
God Bless Israel and woe to the Democratic Party
The names were changed to protect the GUILTY.
Gosh, what a shame. Markowitz was always so bubbly.
But I guess all politicians that have been in the reigns for too long get too comfortable...and those that have been in too short of a time do nothing...
next time do what republican dan halloran did. take an all expenses paid trip from a far right wing organization...oops, in makowitz's case a far left wing organization.
the Turks really hasten to visit Brooklyn ?
This truly shows exactly what BP Marty Markowitz is :
A bottom feeder, a bum , a freeloader , whether it's a foreign country paying for him & his wife, or taxpayers here paying
for 3 chauffeurs .
what will it take to wipe that smirk off Marty's face?
Anonymous said...
what will it take to wipe that smirk off Marty's face?
A night with ME!!!
Gee, Id think you characters would like Mockowitz....After all he made fun of bike lanes.
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