Queens DA Richard Brown, who once prosecuted former City Councilman Dennis Gallagher on charges of sexually abusing a woman in his office, now finds himself joined with the former lawmaker again -- on election petitions for the Sept. 13 GOP primary.
The Queens Republican Party cross-endorsed Brown, a Democrat, in the GOP primary, putting his name on the same election form as Gallagher, who is running to keep his county committee seat in the 14th Election District.
Gallagher was accused of raping a woman in his campaign office in 2007. He pleaded guilty to a lesser misdemeanor sexual-abuse charge and resigned his council seat to avoid jail time. But he isn't barred from running for a party post.
In an ironic twist, the Queens GOP collected signatures for both Gallagher and Brown -- whom they've cross-endorsed in the past -- in a petition submitted last week to the local Board of Elections.
Gallagher faces a contested race in September in what is turning into an all-out civil war among Queens Republicans -- with the Democratic district attorney caught in the crossfire.
Since his departure from the council, Gallagher has been doing consulting work. He did not respond to a request for comment.
It's well known that Gallagher is "consulting" for Councilman Peter Koo!
How convenient.
That puts Dennis within penis' reach
of all those "massagee, massagee" parlors in Floo-shing.
Maybe Koo will even buy his perverted "consultant" a B.J. for a X-mas present.
All those shows is the Tammany Hall (which is what we should start to call the Democratic Machine Organization) has a thin gene pool - and that outside of lip service, they don't give two shit for us in the real world.
Violent Criminal
Yes, that should qualify him to run for office again.
Violent Criminal
Yes, that should qualify him to run for office again.
Richard Brown - too old to be in office, he's a dam vampire. let someone else do the job. Richard Brown is the reason why Queens County is full of corruption.
only the good die young.
Richard's got the nicest mouth I've ever come across!!!!
can we please get a tranny to run for queens DA? that will just solve all our problems, and make all our neighborhoods nice, then we can have tranny's walk along all our streets at night.
These crooked, perverted, pols only get elected and re-elected with the help of Queens' dimwitted voters.
Direct your complaints to the voting booth and kick them bums out!
Otherwise shut up and enjoy the reaming!
Dennis "Peanut" Gallagher thinks he's a regular Harry Reams!
How many micro millimeters is it Dennis?
both of these men need to be excluded from public service on the taxpayer's dime.
i will not vote for a sexual attacker or a D.A., who does not support the death penalty for two murderers of seven Wendy's employees, in Flushing in years past.the gop and the progressive/democrats need a house cleaning in Queens.
Sounds like Gallagher has all the qualifications to run. He's a liar, thief and has a criminal record. I though people with criminal records weren't allowed to run for public office. Can we get a rule check on that?
Brown didn't go after Mclaughlin, or Seminerio, or hevesi, or..........
Why not? didn't they violate also State laws?
Richard Brown - too old to be in office, he's a dam vampire. let someone else do the job. Richard Brown is the reason why Queens County is full of corruption.
only the good die young.
Umph, does Councilman Dan Halloran's decling to run as 25th District leader have anything to do with this?
The petition in question with Brown's name and Gallagher's name has a whole list of people on it under a Committee to fill Vacancies. Why is Councilman Dan Halloran listed? Don't know but maybe that answers the question of why he dropped out of the GOP race in his own district.
Halloran, why is anyone wasting their breath on him. He is in so much %$% with the Blizzard and now his campaign is being sued for unpaid bills, he exposed his former staff memeber to a lawsuit over a traffic agent.
Be real if Halloran had any brains he would stick his head in the sand and disappear.
Why would he waste his time to run for some GOP state seat? What is he afraid he will be out of a job soon. The Democrats have to be loving this.
who gives a "CRAP" about Halloran. The only thing he has in common with Gallagher is that he chases women, the difference is Halloran goes after the young ones and Gallagher the old ones.
Hey, maybe they can get together and make a sandwich!!
well now ,the hetero- electorate could be totally represented by the homo- pols? Would not that government BE SPECIAL?
Gay Marriage is now legal in NY!!
Didn't Gallagher's wife used to run a Day Care facility or something like that. Isn't he required to stay away from children, just not old ladies.
Gallagher "buddy" Halloran knows all about the "sex stuff". Love to see the divorce papers from Halloran's wife.
Come on Halloran declined to run because he was afraid to lose this second rate election. Supposedly he faced a serious challenger, someone who helped him win the Council race. And he did not even select the long standing woman who represented the District and supported him. What a weasel, he should Gallagher about Sex offender benefits.
Brown must be stroking over the Galagher issue!! Wait until he sees the fraud in the petitions collected by the GOP with his name on top. How stupid can the GOP be.
You ask how stupid the GOP can be!
They changed their mind on selecting a candidate for Governor three times, they nominated three time loser Tabone to run for Assembly and lost for the fourth time, taking down Padavan with him.
Stupid. The GOP gives a new meaning to stupid.
What do you expect from the GOP, they now qualify with the Democrats. Gallagher passed his secrets to Weiner so he could have a new friend. Halloran has a big mouth that could fit 100 shoes into and Tabone has a worse record that the Mets.
Hey don't insult the Mets by including that idoit Tabone as a comparison.
Violent Criminal
Add butt ugly and the list will be complete.
The issue in the article is about Gallagher. Why are people posting about Halloran and Tabone. These are two people trying to build the GOP and all the Haggerty's want to do is attack them.
The conversation should be about Gallagher and Haggerty. I'll bet Bart is happy about the Gay Marriage Bill.
Oh this must be someone from the Ragusa/Tabone GOP trying to smear Bart Haggerty again.
Such low lifes.
Halloran is a jerk because he allows Tabone and Ragusa to use him like a tool. Good luck trying to get re-elected. I really hope the DA launches an investigation into all this crap. Rumors are following in his district.
Drunken weasel
I had thought that this paper had been started because of PINKY. even though PINKY may have problems with his hunter gather instincts, and love the conquest, he after all is the person who got Maltese and Ognibenne elected all those times. And planned and carried out the takeover of the Republican party from Fran Werner-the fabled Fran and Indian Wars of 1995. The Maltese faction is split between those loyal to Phil, and those who are not.
As for the seat that Dennis is running for, it's an unpaid party position, not a paid elected official. Brown took the Republican line, even some say he paid for it (though the cost may be higher than he thought it might be) so he appears on all of the petitions that the county organization is running their candidate's on, some good, some bad, some horrible, some dead. And the petition process being what it seems to be, leads one to understand that not only are the Republican Organizational petitions fraudulent, but so are all of the Democratic ones too.
As for the Tabone comments, he has run and lost at least 6 times for State Assembly, He works for Red Apple supermarkets as an attorney, and has a private practice located at the Queens Republican Party Headquarters on Francis Lewis Blvd, along with a newly formed Charity, the North East Queens Community Action Network. The charity is something to watch because I feel that they will use it to run their political organization without the incursion of or inspection of both the Campaign Finance Board, and the Board of Elections. Their goal is to gather the types of member items that the North Flushing Senior center has gotten, but they garnered them with the help of the Parkside Group(its the best funded senior center in the state, $1,200,000. last year alone, which they haven't reported to charities and trusts)
One should not look at the cronies of the core group of the county organization, in doing so one would find a large group of un indicted co-conspirators, or persons who have run afoul of federal regulators, the IRS, the City, & State Police, The disiplanary committee of the Second Department, and of course the Justice Department. There are some decent people in their organization, dedicated and well meaning, but that is not the majority of it's controlling membership.
Brown will of course be re-elected, and depending on the outcome of the factional party fight, Tabone may become a NYC attorney level 3 in the DA's office, or a administrative staff analyst level 4 or an M-6 manager in The New York State Board of Elections in the City of New York.
And as for Dan, I feel that he removed his name, not because he felt he might lose, not because he looked at the petitions and felt there was something hinky about them, but because the fight for the seat was taking up too much time, time that he didn't have.
A waste of space and time reading this dribble.
Gallagher should've gone to jail for 35 years.
Didn't DG buy or night manage that private strip joint in Bellrose ?
I forgot the name its on Jerico just west and off the cross island before you get to the bad neighborhood
Gallagher is a convicted sex offender. The fact that Phil Ragusa and the Queens Republican Party hired this degenerate proves how desperate and corrupt they really are.
how did the republicans in queens collapse like this????
they could not protect frank padavan????? they have no one in albany.
when Maltese, Ognibene and seminerio were in alliance the queens republicans had viable conservative movement that helped rudy and pataki and 100's of operatives. now its all in shambles
by the way i heard vito lopez is very ill. when hes out of the loop i hate to say it expect marty golden to be out of office in the following cycle.
other then staten island their may not be not one republican in albany left from nyc. for the good of the city i hope all this fighting stops
a one party system is what they have in china and i think even in moscow they have multiple parties
"Anonymous said...
how did the republicans in queens collapse like this????"
It's not "collapse" -it is changing demographics, and it is a long standing trend.
The GOp can blame the extremists such as tea party types, but fact is that new arrivals in our City are not the sort that vote against their own interests.
Take a good look at the demos for conservative media:
It has risen since that was published.
THAT is the fire-in-the-basement for the gop.
Um, the average CNN viewer's age is 63. So what the hell does this prove? Yeah, immigrants looking for handouts definitely will not vote GOP. Thanks for enlightening us.
Yes this will always be a dem town. But avella and addabo seat could be republican. As well as the 26 and 38 assembly district and as well as the old pheffer seat. The fact is the queens gop made matters worse for themselves.
I wouldn't bet on any of them changing.
" Anonymous said...
Um, the average CNN viewer's age is 63. So what the hell does this prove?"
Well, um, it means that both message and messenger of the gop has failed to attract a significant number of young people and thus it's future viability is in question.
Look at those areas of your borough where the gop still has any chance of winning...Most are predominantly white and aging.
Got it now?
the Queens young unemployed (9.2 % unemployed, 16% underemployed) will not vote for more tax and spend democrats ,in 2012.
Obama's socialist gang is through and the Queens progressives will be hurt.
only Patriots need apply.
Last post sure does sound just like DG.
Anon No. 44:
He will be reelected, Gramps. Deal with it.
The repbulicans aren't dead, they are just a bunch of clowns at the circus. The current ring master is the idiot Tabone who will do anything to line his pockets. And it is all possible because he just spews such garabage that people just give up and say why bother. Seems like he is about to destroy another Republican elected official in Halloran.
Anyone paying attention, why did Halloran back out of running for a spot in the GOP organization. Something is up there and when the truth finally comes out it will be a Whopper, and not the kind we lover from Burger King.
The repbulicans aren't dead, they are just a bunch of clowns at the circus. The current ring master is the idiot Tabone who will do anything to line his pockets. And it is all possible because he just spews such garabage that people just give up and say why bother. Seems like he is about to destroy another Republican elected official in Halloran.Anyone paying attention, why did Halloran back out of running for a spot in the GOP organization. Something is up there and when the truth finally comes out it will be a Whopper, and not the kind we lover from Burger King."
WTF are you talking about Bart? You and your indicted brother have never, ever, done ANYTHING for the party. "Line his own pockets"? HAHAHAHAHA. If you knew how much Vince has spent out of his own pockets, you'd wet yourself. But then again, you'll wet yourself when anyone asks you a simple question, like they did two years ago: What are you prepared to do?
I closed a poll for Padavan the night he lost. When the night was over I wondered why the room was filled with Democrats from whitestone. I saw Halloran there but where was Ragusa and Tabone. What better and more important event did Ragusa have. The dem machine was shooting missiles at Uncle FRank and where was Tabone and his inner sanctum. Why vince. WHY?????????
I closed a poll for Padavan the night he lost. When the night was over I wondered why the room was filled with Democrats from whitestone. I saw Halloran there but where was Ragusa and Tabone. What better and more important event did Ragusa have. The dem machine was shooting missiles at Uncle FRank and where was Tabone and his inner sanctum. Why vince. WHY?????????
You might remember that Vince also ran a race that day? And you might not know it, but Padavan is a stand-offish man, an island unto himself, who may not have wanted anyone around to see him lose? BTW, how many times have you run for office? How much time, energy and money (your own?) have you spent?
I can't believe that Gallagher has the nerve to still be involved in politics or that anyone would hire him. Has he no shame? Go away Perv.
As usual, all vindictive blather here and no facts. It is Patrick Gallagher running for District Leader against Bart Haggerty not Dennis. Thats Dennis's son but still a bit of accuracy would be nice now and again.
While we are at this, yeah yeah Ragusa/Tabone make wads of cash, blah blah blah - but can anyone tell me what Bart and John Haggerty have done for the party in Queens? Which candidates they got elected? What they were doing with the more than $1 million they took from King Bloomy? And better still - I doubt that Dennis got $100K+ slush fund from King Bloomy to run a district leader race like Bart Haggerty did. Can anyone actually explain that?
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