While sitting around around doing nothing during hours he should be performing community service, disgraced ex-pol Andrew Stein is also on the city's dime.
The former City Council president, Manhattan borough president and state assemblyman is collecting a public pension of $61,060 based on his 25 years of public service, the Daily News has learned.
Despite Stein's guilty plea in March on a multi-million-dollar tax dodge, there's nothing the city can do about it.
Stein was caught lying to the feds about Ponzi schemer Kenneth Starr but was allowed to cop a plea on a misdemeanor tax charge.
He was sentenced to 500 hours of community service, but The News reported this week that he relaxes during much of the time that he's supposed to be working.
The News spent hours watching him at an East Harlem assisted living facility where he should be pitching in.
Instead, he largely chatted on the phone and read a thick book on World War II history.
Don't hate the player, hate the game!
is he really a FINKLESTEIN ?
So what?
So, how do you know how much he collects--what i mean is, is there a list somewhere where we can see how much these guys are collecting from us? How much do we give to Dd Koch? Claire Schulman? Is Donald Mannes collecting--hey, you never know in Queens. Seriously, this is public record? Would love to see. Jus' askin'.
Andy,call Shatner and find out where he gets his rugs..........
The extremes of community service: reading the latest book on the sofa or breaking rocks with a sledgehammer. You really want Cool Hand Stein breaking rocks?
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