It’s an old trope that politics makes for strange bedfellows, and right now there are none stranger than former mayor Ed Koch, a Democrat, and Republican candidate for Congress Bob Turner.
Koch endorsed Turner in a press conference that could only be described as somewhat surreal Monday morning.
With both men standing behind a podium and smiling, Koch proceeded to tell a room full of reporters that his endorsement of Turner was designed to send a message to the Obama Administration with regard to its stance on Israel.
“I am here this morning to suggest that the contested race in the Ninth Congressional District be turned into a referendum allowing the voters of this district, the largest Jewish district in the country, to register a protest against the positions of President Obama and the Republican leadership,” Koch said in a written statement.
Koch then listed a litany of reasons why he disagreed with Republicans in Washington.
How'm I doin'?
Glad to know that once the Queens pols suggested naming our bridge after him he thanked them by kicking them in the ass.
Just like Bloomberg did to them after their support for his 3rd term.
Do we see a pattern here?
They are so lucky, these pols, that they represent Queens where the locals get so goofy, glassy eyed and drooling when one of them walks into a room with ice cream money.
But, on second thought, only Queens residents would elect such losers in the first place.
"Koch proceeded to tell a room full of reporters that his endorsement of Turner was designed to send a message to the Obama Administration with regard to its stance on Israel."
So, the bottom line is it's all about Israel. Not Brooklyn or Queens, but Israel. Koch is a horses rump!
"Koch proceeded to tell a room full of reporters that his endorsement of Turner was designed to send a message to the Obama Administration with regard to its stance on Israel."
So, the bottom line is it's all about Israel. Not Brooklyn or Queens, but Israel. Koch is a horses rump!
Mayor Koch is right.
I cannot believe that New Yorkers continue to tolerate the Presidents
Middle East policy.
The seat will be eliminated in one year due to redistricting.
To elect a Republican over a Democrat who is Jewish in an overwelmingly Democatic district would send chills up the spines of the Democratic National Committee.
This singular action could change the foreign policy direction of the Presidential election.
I still don't understand how Bob Turner was chosen over Rory Lanceman...
Koch is not liked in the district. His influence is minimal.
Koch sucker!!!
Koch shows his thanks to Queens for having the Queensborough Bridge named after him by telling us that our representation doesn't count except for showing Obama that the administration's Israel policy is wrong.
To politicians Queens is just a place to drive through when going to Long Island or the airport.
You can always tell how power hungry these Democrat politicians are by how they stick around. Koch is about what? 96 years old already? He has still yet to retire. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton keep involving themselves into politics both national and international. Just wait until Obama leaves office and see the damage he's going to do once he sticks around.
Is Turner Jewish?
Koch is the same guy that endorsed Elizabeth Crowley. Thanks Ed for giving us the least qualified person on the city council.
Anon No. 6:
Turner is the Republican candidate. Lancman is a Democrat.
I'm glad Turner was chosen over Lanceman.
Lanceman is a career politician.
Time to clean house.
Oh* I mean!!! I don't understand how Weprin was chosen over Rory Lancman!!!
Though I'd understand how Bob Turner can be chosen over Weprin by the general public. Weprin's a bit media hungry.
Ed Koch,the nyc version of THE TROJAN HORSE .
I personally heard him call GOP, Richard Nixon, a Leut. in the U.S.Navy ,WWll, " a NAZI", at a temple town hall meeting in Queens, in the 1980's.
If Koch was disliked in the district, how do you explain the number of Democratic City Council members voting in favor of renaming the Queensboro Bridge in his honor.
This idea of his is growing legs.
Turner lives in Breezy Point, a community where no Jew was allowed to live for decades. Tells me all I need to know about him and his Bobby come lately act on issues involving Israel. I know what Dave Weprin's opinions were regarding Israel 20 years ago or 10 years ago. What were Bobby come lately's? He's just another political whore pandering for votes. As far a Koch goes, when I want to send a message to the President, I'll write him a letter or maybe not vote for his reelection. In this special election I'm voting for a representative who will represent me.
"If Koch was disliked in the district, how do you explain the number of Democratic City Council members voting in favor of renaming the Queensboro Bridge in his honor."
- -
They were bought off by Quinn with member items promises.
Gramps at it again said: "I personally heard him call GOP, Richard Nixon, a Leut. in the U.S.Navy ,WWll, " a NAZI""
Nixon was a scoundrel and demagogue. Having served honorably in the military doesn't absolve one of their misdeeds.
People like you are so easily led and deceived.
Koch's actions are self serving. That is, to keep himself close enough to the center of things that his calls get returned and his huge ego assuaged.
Obama's policies toward that blighted area of the world represent only a timid, tentative step toward balance.
Ed Koch,the nyc version of THE TROJAN HORSE
Really? I haven't needed Trojans for years...maybe decades.
How'm I doin'?
Memo to Koch: We have a hospital slated to close in the Rockaways and you care more about Israel? Are you insane?
You're free to make aliyah, Eddie. Don't let the door slam on your way out. And take those Ed Koch Bridge signs with you.
"Obama's policies toward that blighted area of the world represent only a timid, tentative step toward balance."
How little you know. (or refuse to accept)
Balance? Try being surrounded by neighbors that wish to destroy you.
"Turner lives in Breezy Point, a community where no Jew was allowed to live for decades. Tells me all I need to know about him . . ."
Really? I ask the esteemed members of the house again, is Turner Jewish?
So, the bottom line is it's all about Israel. Not Brooklyn or Queens, but Israel. Koch is a horses rump!
This is exactly why I disliked Koch as a Congressman and unfortunately as Mayor. He would do stuff that smacked of special interest in the name of Israel instead of taking care of business for NYC or NYS. I like the guy these days but hate money was ever spent on a bridge that he let run down be named after him and spend money to accomplish it.
Balance? Try being surrounded by neighbors that wish to destroy you.
Sure we can understand that. We live in western Queens and developers want to bulldoze us into oblivion.
Where are our politican advocates -Isreal has their lobby - our politicans just gleefully cheer on the bulldozers.
Bob Turner is Roman Catholic. Went to St. Thomas the Apostle in Woodhaven and St.John's University.
in 1981, then mayor koch, enabled chancellor macchiariola to close bayside/auburndale elementary schools P.S.130Q and P.S.177 Q.
the P.S.130 Q community protested till 1986 that it was being sacrificed because the politically connected in C.S.D. 26 were able to falsify Bd. of Ed. district data, to save 17 schools that had extremely low enrollments. lower than the two above.
after it was exposed that a land grab was the reason for closing P.S.130Q ,noone showed for the auction of the building .(U.N.School,St.Nicholas Greek church, Warner -Amex Cable ,now Time-Warner Cable ). the community alledged and prevailed that 21,000 sq.ft. of playground and park was being stolen by the nyc dept. of real estate.
the local pupils were bus/scattered to enlarge the district 26 schools that were three/quarters empty.
the school remained open for the 300 bused in pupils from main street (C.S.D. 25) and a special ed. program for 50 pupils ,to the present day.
koch and macchiarola and csd26/25 were wrong and the COMMUNITY WAS RIGHT. but they spent a fortune of your taxes for this theft and landgrab and disturbance of a local school community for ever.
these phony progressives are dangerous to their citizens ,when they controlo your taxes being wasted.
in 1981, P.S.130 had an enrollment of 406 pupils,(380 walked to the school).
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