New York City is unleashing its latest financial hell on cash-strapped business owners, desperately stepping up fines and announcing a flurry of new fees to raise funds.
In order not to hike taxes with its latest budget, the Bloomberg administration budget office is projected to raise almost $900 million in fees and fines, with most of that coming from recession-weary city businesses struggling to bounce back from three years of pain.
Look into the new well done article on bloomberg with ex employees revealing what they think of the man who cant take criticism. I always thought bloomie was a lot like right wing media monopoly man Berlusconi and Murdoch. Turns out the little mayor is neighbors with Berlusconi's vacation home get away in Bermuda also.
This is unraveling quite like Watergate also.
No wonder I now see traffic agents ticketing trucks making deliveries in Manhattan- at 3 AND 4 IN THE MORNING!
You get more bang for the buck from a Walmart, more buck for the bang from little guys.
steve behar would spnd the money the right way and give the voters of bay terrace what they need. steve behar for cb11 president
He's driving them all out !
My plumbing supply guy in Bushwick is fed up. The business has been in his family 70 years. The city now wants to steal his supply yard and parking area.
I don't understand this crazy bastard Bloomberg.
Where are all these people he's inviting here, building towers & barracks for gonna work if every business is forced to close shop ?
Check out the new parking meter trial program in Ridgewood.
They are like ATM machines, you have to walk to them, buy a printout then run back to your car and display it in the window. Hopefully before a traffic agent whacks you.
It's not a trial, they are called muni-meters and are fairly common around the city now.
So far they have been pretty good about looking to see if someone is paying at the meter before writing a ticket.
Um, no they haven't. There are constantly complaints about the ticket writer banging out a ticket while the person is at the machine. I caught one doing it myself a couple of months ago.
I caught a meter Maid/Skank sitting in wait by NY Booth Memorial Hospital a couple of weeks ago. She was sitting in her car eating a super large bag of Lay's, swilling Pepsi out of a 2liter bottle and attempting to read a Soap Opera magazine. Every ten minutes she'd waddle out of her car (which was parked at a fire hydrant) and issue tickets to the offenders. She nailed one car three times during my wait. Turns out the woman who owned the thrice summoned auto had just lost her father to cancer. When she complained to the skank she was told to get a letter from the doctor and submit it with the tickets. No condolence was offered to the woman.
I kind of lucked out.
I had parked by Joe & Johns pizza and saw a sign "metered parking" but no meters ?
Looking around confused I then noticed a traffic agent walking to my truck.
It was pretty funny he was from Bangladesh and could hardly speak English "no no no you must be putting the money in the meter and put ticket on dashboard"
He then came over and pointed to this "box" and showed me and how it worked.
GET THIS: Some of these new parking meters feature writing in Braille on them. WTF blind people can now drive in Bloomberg City ?
"Some of these new parking meters feature writing in Braille on them."
NYCLU, ACLU, Americans with Disabilities Act, etc.
It's like the DMV giving driving tests in about 18 languages but traffic signs are all in English.
I wonder if Steve Behar is getting a little tired of whoever is running all of these little items about him.
interstate highway signs will be Spanish and English Obama is going to sign the paper for all the new drivers.
Anonymous said...
I wonder if Steve Behar is getting a little tired of whoever is running all of these little items about him.
You mean this isn't about you? How sad. :-(
"Bloomberg raising money on backs of small businesses"
And their fronts as well!!! It's good to be Queen er King.
The only way we will ever get rid of this guy is if someone drives a stake through his heart --- that's if he has a heart.
The only way we will ever get rid of this guy is if someone drives a stake through his heart --- that's if he has a heart.
Of course I have a heart. I keep it in a jar in my private library. So there!
PS I love steak! Just try to beat my meat.
Steak? They have cows in Bermuda or do you fly in your own ?
I once had to tell a meter bitch in downtown Bayside to stop being so eager; I had just parked my car on 42nd Ave. and was walking to the muni meter ticket dispenser when this bitch approached my car. She backed off and actually didn't argue with me. Muni meters are a scam; $0.25 for 20 minutes, and of course you need to spend more than you need since the city employs these meter vampires and they pounce the second your time is up. I understand there is a 5 min. grace period, but I doubt it's being enforced. Bloomberg has turned NYC into a fascism-fest.
These Republican billionaire motherfuckers need to get a life.
Raise taxes on these billionaires bastards before this country is as good as a Banana Republic in the 1800's.
Heading there fast.
Raise taxes on these billionaires bastards before this country is as good as a Banana Republic in the 1800's.
Oh yeah? Ya can't beat my banana either! Tax this!!!
I just want to make one correction. My real estate taxes went from 16,200 to 18,600 for 6 months. The city did not raise the rate but did say the value of my property increased. So I have increased taxes of over 4000.00 for this year. It seems like an increase to me but if the city says they didn't raise taxes I guess I must be the stupid one. You know what really made me mad the stupid son of a bitch reporter from NY 1 asking how did they do it? Balance the budget and didn't have any layoff. It's not a miracle you fool they raised revenue by taxes and fines, Dumb Ass! The only sorce they have.
Well, I voted for the other guy - apparently NY didn't think someone Jewish could screw them over.
Sarah ---Forget about accurate reporting of any NYC government topic by NY-1. They are owned by the Mayors buddies Time Warner Cable.
99% chance the reporter from NY 1 who asked "how did they do it" was hand selected and planted by the mayors press secretary.
She control's all the press conference questions.
The TV news and press is all BULLSH*T the Billionaire mayor controls them all !!
Anon No. 13:
Just the opposite. I feel sympathy for Steve Behar. Someone is goofing on him.
Nice try. For something like that to happen, legislation to require that has to be passed in the House and Senate. Did that take place yet?
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