From CBS 2:
Will the Empire State Building remain a stand-alone act? That question will be the focus of a City Council hearing Monday.
Council members will look into a proposal to build a 67-story, 1,200-foot office tower at 15 Penn Plaza, less than three blocks from the landmark skyscraper.
The Empire State Building’s landlord said the project will ruin its view and destroy the Manhattan skyline.
If the proposal passes the City Council, it would then go to Mayor Bloomberg for approval.
Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer said the building would create jobs, office space and would give “people a sense that we are building again in New York City.”
But New Yorkers, who see the Empire State Building every day, have some thoughts of their own. “The Empire State Building is a landmark. We want to be able to see it wherever we are,” said resident Beverly Coleman.

“people a sense that we are building again in New York City.”
Who is he kidding? When have we NOT been building in NYC during the reign of Bloomberg?
This is a disgrace, but par for the course lately.
Do we really need another out of character building in new York city?
Of course Mayor Moneybags will give the final approval. There is no more land to build on so build on top of existing sites.
People need to understand that it's all about the money. Bloomberg wants development because his developer friends reap the benefits. He doesn't care about this city, only the money. Wait until he runs for a fourth term. Every day that he is in office, our city goes down a notch.
What new jobs ?
Some fortune 500 company will import or hire people straight from India and give them barricks in Queens, Woodside etc.
I see exactly what the mayor is up to
1200 feet and 67 floors makes no sense, sounds like somebody is building a monument to themselves.
Its an in-efficent box and waste of space that should not meet approvel.
Where is Obama, Gore and the green gang on this...not a peep from these people
Are people *REALLY* complaining about a tall building in midtown manhattan???
See what happens when you diss Mother Teresa? Mr. Malkin wouldn't honor her by lighting the Empire State Building in blue and white on her birthday. Now he's crying because someone wants to build something bigger than his building and upstage it. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Amanda the people's Burden, they worst city planner in NYC 's history - never met a developer she did not want to aid and abet, ditto for a corrupt city council that gets kick backs from developers....
Really too stupid to understand you can't supersize on old NY's dilapidated infrastructures....
Really frightening and it may be time for a revolution...
Shhhh........... Listen up. Here's the plan. First you get a whole bunch of bed bugs...
67 more empty floors with no companies renting for 3 or more years on the market. The developers are getting ANTSY and then...
QUICK! Change the building codes again. Turn them into LUXURY CRAP CONDOS for the 700,000 new Wall Street millionaires made from the bail outs from our taxes!
Now that's helping the economy! Reaganomics trickle down effect a la Bloomberg and Quinn!
You guys are nuts, and batshit-crazy Suzy B. is perhaps the worst of the lot.
This is MIDTOWN we're talking about!!! How would a tall building be out of character or somehow an anomaly or part of some unreasonable imaginary scheme by our pols? This is a real estate market operating as such, and towers belong in midtown. Unless, of course, you want them in YOUR neighborhood!?!?
Yep they then cry "Hardship" its planned just like all the proposed senior assisted living structures and church converts
The way I understand it NO COMPANY will lease above 70 floors post 911Only microwave antennas &transmitters.
This was a big issue with the so called "freedom tower".
Re: "This is MIDTOWN!"
Why can't they just build as of right? Why should we be expected to just roll over and give them what they want just because they ask for it? You know taxpayers will end up bailing them out if they build and don't sell out the building.
GOOD....let 'em surround it with towering monoliths!
Get to know how Queens feels!
Sadly, the Vornado tower will not have a public rooftop like its timeless crosstown rival.
This is MIDTOWN we're talking about!!! How would a tall building be out of character or somehow an anomaly or part of some unreasonable imaginary scheme by our pols? This is a real estate market operating as such, and towers belong in midtown.
Sure, but there is a limit as to how much midtown can handle. We do not want three week traffic jams like in China.
Get Real.
If you build it, I will cum!
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