Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Fix the curbs!
These photos show DOT prep for the repaving of 42nd Avenue (malls and curbs deterioration for forty years) and leaving the curb replacement undone.

The community has requested the curbs to be raised so that trucks and inconsiderate motorists would stop parking and destroying this green space from Francis Lewis Blvd. to Bell Blvd.
Department of Transportation,
The problem, for the most part, is caused by Sanitation trucks with plows during winter snowstorm clearing operations.The drivers won't raise them (Or turn them)
Councilman Halloran to the rescue!!!
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Welcome to reality.
What they'll do is repave the roads first then come back in 6 months to replace the curbs. ObamaStim at work.
Lest you forget, this is Queens, 'The Forgotten Borough'.
Halloran got three times more money for the district than Avella did last year.
Wow, this is really fascinating stuff.
... yawn...
Can't we just go back to bashing bicyclists?
Curb your councilman!
for twenty-three years the dept. of education,C.S.D.25 has sent 30 to 40 yellow school buses onto 42nd avenue carrying about 40 special education pupils to the P.S.130 Q entrance at 201 street. twice daily for 180 days per year.
the large buses can not negotiate the mall intersections when turning with out running into and over the curbs,eventually destroying them. if the large rock boulders were not placed there by the community,there would be dirt parking lots on the entire Avenue.
by raising the curbs it would eliminate this violation.
the circular curbs must be steel reinforced,similar to the center malls on 204 street north of 35th avenue,near our lady of the blessed sacrament church.
these buses should be parking on a school lot ,like american martyrs church school at bell blvd. at union tpke. why don't the educrats have any common sense.
motorist can not drive west bound on 42nd avenue when the buses are there.
I want to say one word to you. Just one word: bollards.
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