It has always amazed me how Mayor Mike couches every mandate with the “It’s better for you in the long run” rational. Like a benevolent father, he is always emptying out our pockets for our own good.
Bull-cocky. I don’t see the city in any less of a financial crisis as a result of his third term. In fact, a quick look shows that the “evil financial crisis” is still looming, unemployment rates are up; we’re still struggling to make ends meet; Con Edison’s rates are higher; water charges are higher; parking violations are higher; taxes on cigarettes are higher; real estate taxes are higher (even though real-estate prices are down); and sales tax on clothing will be reenacted.
To quote Elton John, “Livin’ in the city ain’t where it’s at.”
But Mayor Mike doesn’t want another term, so now term limits are OK.
To be fair, and on the flip side, thanks to Emperor Mike, our fat intake at restaurants has been curbed, our sidewalks are safer than ever before from second hand smoke, and we can sleep easy knowing that the mayor is on sodium patrol.
Not for nuthin’™ but I shudder to think what life would had been like had he not rescinded term limits from the get-go.
Impeach Mike Bloomberg.
Go to my YouTube channel Suzannahartist. See my newest tubes including how Mike plans to run city hall from the golf course for a 4th term via Christine Qunn who believes she is a shoe in, Mike's shoe in.
Thanks Queens Crap,
Suzannah B. Troy
"Bloomberg should make up his mind already"
To quote Elton John, “Livin’ in the city ain’t where it’s at.”
Bloomberg and Elton John mentioned in the same article?
Hmmm.......what could the subliminal message be here.......I wonder..........
Yes, maybe Bloomberg should "make up his mind already"!!
Quinn needs a shoe up her ass...
She's been going down on women (including her drag queen boss Mike) for too damn long.
Didn't you know that Bloomberg is a closet cross dresser?
Soak the small business owner for everything they got. Traffic & parking tickets. Fees & Fines galore. Huge bump in commerical real estate taxes.
That my friends is the Bloomberg way.
"A little turd in an expensive suit."
- Frank of Queens, The Greatest Caller Ever to Talk Radio
i really hate when the dick states to the media, i believe i speak for all new yorkers.. no moron you don't speak for me.. the turd should just go away he ruined this city crime is up!
How about the 19% tax for car rental. My car was hit and needed repairs and I had to get a rental. The guy at Enterprise said it went up 8% in one shot. They call it a luxury tax. Oh yeah having to rent a car after yours was in an accident is a luxury... Sure ok...
Sorry I think I got off topic. I saw the word taxes and I had a brain attack...
Well, people, you voted for him and most importantly, you did nothing to stop him or howl at those that supported him.
Learn anthing or do you have to be repeatedly kicked up the arse until it settles in your thick skulls?
I can't forget the person who posted on here before the lst Mayoral election saying "He's going to win, so let's all get behind him." How many people voted for Bloomberg with that type of (il)logic?
He's going to go for a fourth term, regardless of what's being said now. It could happen all over again.
I never voted for Mayor Moneybags. He did a fairly good job during his first term and that's it.
Everybody voted Moneybags for a third term believing that only a billionaire business man could lead new York city out of the recession and cure the city's financial problems.
Guess it didn't work. Third time wasn't the charm.
He overturned term limits so he could run for a third term. People should have voted him out just on that, but they all voted him in again. You get the government you deserve. Happy Now? If he doesn't run for a fourth term, he'll run for President. Be very, very afraid.
when the candidates are all duds ,who do you have left to vote for?
BTW, many of the stub meters only allow 12 minutes for $.50. be careful, they used to be 20 minutes per $.25/$.50.
Who did vote this guy? I don't know anyone who admits they did.
No one will say it here, even if they wanted to remain anonymous or use a fake name.
Have you noticed how Christine Quinn is ALWAYS standing behind Bloombag during his press videos and nodding in approval to EVERYTHING he utters?
I get the feeling there's something else going on behind Bloombag, conveniently OFF CAMERA, possibly a double headed blue jelly dong??????????????????????????????????????????????????
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