Officials eliminated the plan to build a station at 10th Avenue and 41st Street when they were unable to obtain the $450 million to complete the project.
The Bloomberg administration said a station is not necessary since the neighborhood is already developed.
Advocates for the station do not think that is an excuse to stop construction.
"Is that the only reason we build subway stations now, to spur development? How about to serve the people that are already in a neighborhood? I just don't buy that logic at all," said Andrew Albert of the NYC Transit Riders Council.
Tenth Avenue Subway Station Scrapped
Well the Upper East Side is developed too, which is why it needs a second subway line now. DUH!
Well if taxpayer money weren't being used for unneccesary development projects such as new stadiums (stadii?) then perhaps the subway project would have had a chance. Oh and by the way, how much of our tax dollars were spent by the city to promote the Willets Point project thus far? Is fixing and maintaining now off the table in NYC?
Perhaps, as previously suggested by other posters, a federal examination of the books could find other money that could have been used but ended up in some of Bloomie's friends' pockets.
I know. I could hear the criticism now. Bloomie has friends??!?!
Hudson Yards, Brooklyn Center, 2nd Av subway,Penn Station, Fulton St
Subway hub, WTC site, Coney Island, ---- all failed projects under Bloomberg--- they will never happen in our lifetime. Don't let all these bogus groundbreaking ceremonies fool you!!!! They are all hype with no substance! Our city government is a black hole and cannot deliver on its promises..
I voted against the 2nd Avenue subway line on the Upper East Side because it was an unnecessary waste of taxpayer dollars serving affluent residents only but creating nothing in tax-generating development, yet somehow the idiots in this city voted to fund that boondoggle.
Bloomberg thinks New York City begins at the Hudson and ends at the East river, yet voters keep re-electing him. What's more, our city politicians are now moving to overturn a voter-approved term limits on city council members.
WAKE UP, residents ... its time to clean house starting with City Hall!
wow! even more miles for Chinamen to sit on the number 7 subway train openly picking their noses and sitting with huge newspapers, to make more space for themselves.
40% of the ridership uses the Lexington line. It is always packed.
It also serves communities in the Bronx and Brooklyn.
I don't know about you, but I have the feeling that stuff in this city is getting out of contorl.
Lets put a subway stop right in front of Bloomie's townhouse to disturb
his peace and ruin his quality of life just like the over development he supports is destroying ours!
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