"New York City must work to preserve its historic natural areas; these historic settings must receive much the same treatment as historical landmarks. The destruction or loss of any natural areas negatively impacts the quality of life for the surrounding communities bordering these green spaces. It flies in the face of what City Hall advocates for parks and preservation in PlaNYC.
Ridgewood Reservoir should be preserved as such and the monies (some $46 million) to destroy this green area's natural settings should be re-allocated to purchases to preserve other threatened historical natural areas which also include historical structures -- such as St. Saviour's, the Klein Farm, Iris Hill and the former Cornell Farm. What we destroy today cannot be restored tomorrow.
City Hall needs to take a hard look and re-evaluate what needs to be done to preserve natural areas before they cease to exist. This includes re-thinking any plans that threaten natural parks and historic settings such as Ridgewood Reservoir, St. Saviour's, the Klein Farm, Iris Hill and the former Cornell Farm."
Are ya listenin'.....
ya pint size Napoleon....
Mayor Doomberg ?
Yea, QCC is a bit like HDC. Its not for everyone only the select.
They are for eastern Queens. How about a park for the East River?
Iris Hill and the former Cornell Farm? I've never heard of these places?
Personally, I hope that Queens would turn the empty spaces to community gardens so that apartment dwellers can share the same joys of growing produce as homeowners with backyards.
I remember growing up in Riga, Latvia, where the city set aside huge swaths of land for garden plots, where city dwellers grew their food.
Here in Queens, I'm stuck in a crappy home, with a windowsill flower box as my only source of agriculture.
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