Monday, November 26, 2007

C is for Crap

It sits on the horizon at the end of a quiet block of Matthews flats.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the much talked about C Condo.
You can see evidence of its fine craftsmanship streaking down the exterior walls.
As the sign says, this is contemporary Queens. And a great representation of it, I must admit, especially with the Corcoran name attached to it.
Look at the amazing detailing on the brick!
Who wouldn't want to buy here, especially after viewing this serene setting.


Anonymous said...

Jeez, haven't they been building this monstrosity for decades now?? I remember when they started some time around '90 or '91.

Last time I walked past there (around Sept), there was a giant plywood 'door' at the front entrance... charming.

Anonymous said...

maybe the scuff marks on the bricks are from neighboring residents chucking stones at it.

KG2V said...

As Crap goes, it's not as bad as some - hey, there is a little patch of greed, and there are no Fedders AC slides sticking out (Yes, I know - there are other AC vents, but you must admit, somewhat better than the fedders boxes.

The leaching mortar would worry me a bit. The "fancy" brick - hey, better than the beige stuff we see everywhere

That said, still Crap - just slightly less stinky crap

Anonymous said...

This property was mostly built when it suddenly stopped and left to rot for years. I gather that it was thoughly damanged by the elements and vandals before the latest opportunists bought it. It is quite amusing that it is marketed as an upscale property after all it sits on the steep LIRR embankment - the property must "dance" as each train roars by. It does have the cachet of the birdeye view of the Plastic Surgery Crap building on Grand Ave. featured in this blog a few days ago. I guess one can get closeup views from this property of Chinese breast augmentations without having to watch reality TV!

Anonymous said...

It's horrible but it is better than that puke colored stucco that some are covering their houses with in Middle Village and Glendale.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Old Astoria Village in a few years.

Anonymous said...

Nope. Looks like a prison today.

Anonymous said...

It has the appearance
of what used to be referred to as
low income "housing projects" !

Anonymous said...

looks like housing in some communist country , hey where's the breadline comrades???

Anonymous said...

is this the same Corcoran columnist who told Daily News readers to pave their yards? Or maybe it's a relative of hers?

Anonymous said...

i appreciate the greenery

Anonymous said...

Ive since worse stuff popping up in Queens. The inside of it is much better then the average outer boro condo.

Anonymous said...

The building has the runs. Truly a pile of crap.

Anonymous said...

I decided to see "c" for myself, so I took a drive out there today. Crapper is right about this one. Its dreadful. It has no landscaping, just 6 feet of lawn behind a railing. The rairoad is located exactly right behind the building (behind its parking lot).
A train actually passed while I was there. I can tell you, there is substantial noise. The building also looks considerably smaller in person than it does in the photos.
Its hard to describe, but it just has a very bad 1980's kind of look to it. Anyone buying here would have to be absolutely nuts.