From the NY Times:
New York has far fewer illegal immigrants than California, Texas and Florida, and their ranks have been declining, according to a new analysis by the Center for Migration Studies’ International Migration Review.
The analysis by the academic journal estimated that New York was home to 750,000 of the nation’s 11.7 million unauthorized immigrants in 2010, compared with 2.9 million in California, 1.6 million in Texas and 1 million in Florida.
The influx of unauthorized immigrants peaked in 2000, the analysis said, and by 2009 New York was one of 29 states that recorded a net loss – 35,000 – in that population.
Meanwhile, Florida and several other southern states reported gains in their illegal immigrant population that year.
Generally, the decline reflected the impact of the recession on jobs.
Oh my, this is terrible! What ever will we do without our VIBRANT! DIVERSE! undocumented aliens??? Without them, we have no culture, no booming economy, no nothing! Everything we have is thanks to them! They saved this horrible racist country from itself, and now they are leaving us? What will our politicians do without their darling little slave laborers?
NYC's weather far is colder than California's.
You can't hang out on the beach and get drunk in NYC, without freezing your buns off.
Diablo, no dinero! Adios Nueva York.
I'll bet that Corona loses 18% of its basement dormitory population.
For every one that left the ones that stayed multiplied like rabbits !
Don't believe it. This is publicity for the new immigration 'reform'.
We could have 30% unemployment and families live in basements the way they did a century ago and ti STILL would be an improvement over their home country.
The tide is flowing in unabated.
to cold outside come back in spring when grass and weeds grow. Florida is good now have work and I can have drink play music and look chickas with nobody bother me.
Contrary to popular myth, NYC is not kind to undocumented aliens, especially for those individuals with criminal rap sheets. If an undocumented alien with a rap sheet is arrested here, the DAs in this city (except Bronx) immediately contact Immigration authorities in preparation for transfer to their custody. Eventually, he or she is deported to their country of origin.
Don't believe it. This is publicity for the new immigration 'reform'.
We could have 30% unemployment and families live in basements the way they did a century ago and ti STILL would be an improvement over their home country.
The tide is flowing in unabated.
Bingo! The media and the politicians both local and national, will run with this as if it is some cataclysmic disaster for America and NY. They will now demand and create "reforms" aimed to encourage illegals to stay here.
I love how the story from the NY Times features a picture of the backs of two very Mexican looking men, presumably on Roosevelt Avvenue. Did the Times CONFIRM that these two men were illegals, or did they just naturally make that assumption because, you know, they're Mexican. Imagine the hissy fit the NY Times libs would havve if you or I made that same assumption.
Actually, I took a NY Times photo from this article about day laborers to illustrate this post.
35,000 is a rounding error in measuring anything in New York state-wide populations. What's an "unauthorized immigrant", anyway? Is this what the New York Times style manual wants us to call them now?
The tide is flowing in unabated - this number is rising even more so as folks want in on on Presidents reform act. Our census is incapable of counting illegals vs the easier time it can count in Fla or Texas where the structures are single stories. More folks arrive in states that have a large Hispanic presence to easily blend in. Don't be fooled!
Hey Crappy, are you referring only to Latin Americans? What about Italians, Greeks, Canadians, Indians, Chinese & Koreans (go to Flushing and Chinatown), Afghans, Saudis, Pakistanis, etc... Some of which represent a threat to our national security and the Latinos doing all the dirty and hard work.
I would like to see a fresh off the boat Jewish Russian digging trenches or laying bricks.
I would like to see a fresh off the boat Jewish Russian digging trenches or laying bricks.
Really? Maybe not such a bad idea.
A century ago a tiny group of them were anarchists that targeted the rich capitalists with bombs.
THAT stopped immigration in its tracks. When something like that happens the door will slam so hard your teeth will rattle.
BTW, this is one of the reasons the Roosevelt blue collar left the Democratic Party. As the Democratic Party is more identified with immigrants it will weaken - indeed I can see blacks returning to the party of Lincoln.
Only the exploitative landlord or business agent want immigrants because they benefit..... oh yes Democratic politicians and those hanger ons that provide tweeding programs.
It just isn't worth it anymore. Border security is increasing. Coyote fees are much higher, as they want reimbursement for the times they're jailed by US border patrol. The incomes are also slowly are rising in Meso America (which is where the majority of illegal immigrants come from). The recently rejiggered work visas also lead to more legal temporary agricultural workers.
All this might change depending on immigration legislation and the US economy.
Hell Republicans love them to - cheap labor.
They have all come down here to Delaware where Joe Biden's peeps are embracing them for their courage, heart and work ethic!
Well, there's your answer, crappers. You want the immigrants out of NYC? Just keep the economy depressed.
Walk into Elmhurst Hospital and count the number of illegals (?) using the ER to treat a cold.
Then kiss my ass, and tell me again what's helped cause our economic woes!
Good leave.... The feds should set up a hotline to report illegals so they can be deported. For every 10 your report you get a 100 dollar tax break.
There is no work for them anymore
They have no choice but to go somewhere else...
coyote with van fee now $6000 dollar pay $2000 first and if no pay off rest when get here they kill you family back home. if cant find work must steal, sell sex or druga.
There is no work for them anymore
They have no choice but to go somewhere else...
sure, go to any construction site, any manufacturing facility, any farm, any restaurant .....
and you see no native whites except the overseer. Only in Walmart ....
I don't see less of em. Plus, if the "numbers" are declining it may due to the dream act or similar programs, where people who were undocumented last year are now here legally. Or maybe they have gotten smarter about being counted...
Just one thought about the generally intelligent post that includes:
A century ago a tiny group of them were anarchists that targeted the rich capitalists with bombs.
THAT stopped immigration in its tracks. When something like that happens the door will slam so hard your teeth will rattle.
Sept. 11 didn't do it.
Since the fed up police and courts in Suffolk county started busting and holding them in jail (as well the slumlords the house them) they been fleeing in hoards.
Crime is down double digits, even more @ 60% on the North Forks Southold where its still all Republican.
In Suffolk when the cops catch them DWI they immediately remove the license plates and hand them to the judge. (always no insurance & fake registration info) The cars are then sold or scrapped and the $$ goes to the jails and local PDs.
Joe said...
Since the fed up police and courts in Suffolk county started busting and holding them in jail (as well the slumlords the house them) they been fleeing in hoards.
Crime is down double digits, even more @ 60% on the North Forks Southold where its still all Republican.
In Suffolk when the cops catch them DWI they immediately remove the license plates and hand them to the judge. (always no insurance & fake registration info) The cars are then sold or scrapped and the $$ goes to the jails and local PDs.
That is exactly what happens when people are fed up with a problem that has been ignored for too long and has finally gotten out of hand. Let's hope our local and federal politicians wake up before it is too late.
Just one thought about the generally intelligent post that includes:
A century ago a tiny group of them were anarchists that targeted the rich capitalists with bombs.
THAT stopped immigration in its tracks. When something like that happens the door will slam so hard your teeth will rattle.
Sept. 11 didn't do it.
The anarchists threw bombs not once but many times and not only at regular people but at elites like Frick.
And Russia falling to Bolshevist terrorists is a little different than Afghanistan to Taliban terrorists.
Anonymous said...
Walk into Elmhurst Hospital and count the number of illegals (?) using the ER to treat a cold.
Lot's of horror stories at hospital across NYC that must take undocumented individuals for free all in front of you as you lay dying of a stroke holding your Medicare card in your hand for hours! in the mean time little Jose has a tooth ache and Momita has plenty of time to wait - all for free! It's why they are here illegally folks - it's economic only and soley!
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