"Ecstasy Limo assault video. Thinking about using Ecstasy Limo? They routinely park illegally, block driveways, drive on sidewalks and block the driveway to the Chase bank on Metropolitan Avenue. Here is a video of one of the drivers assaulting my husband for videotaping his limo parked illegally. Assault occurred 3/25/11 at 8:40 pm Queens, NY."
Previously featured on Queens Crap Reserved Parking on Metro
Why hasn't the city closed this operation down yet?
Nice way to keep your composure.
If that guy would have came anywhere near me with that "who the fuck are you to tape my car" bullshit, he would have gotten one of those Mirko Crocop high kicks to the dome. After he was convulsing on the floor I would have stomped on his head a few times just to let him know not to play stupid in QUeens.
I have unlimited self control when it comes to words, but when people start touching me, my stuff or anything like that, they're asking for a good old fashioned NYC stomping.
Funny also, it's always the weak, short, out of shape, cool guys/pretend tough guys who act up.
Nice post.
I hope that dude who filmed that showed it to officer Bell. You know our do nothing community affairs cop. That driver should be arrested for assault.
Please tell me that since this video was taken the limo driver has been arrested.
This happened in the 104 Pct.
There's your answer.
What country does this lowlife come from? He probably sells ecstacy pills
from inside his limo.
They do the same thing at Trattoria Neo in Whitestone.
They close the whole street up for their parking and block the street. Don't you dare beep your horn when they are blocking the street having their conversation either.
Rocco, talk to your boys
What a jerk! Your husband really did a good job keeping himself calm in this scenario. What a shady guy, and what a really tacky limo.
How often does that stretch park there? And how is it that this illegal conversion house (from previous post) doesn't get resolved?
How horrible.
How often does that stretch park there? And how is it that this illegal conversion house (from previous post) doesn't get resolved?"
They park on the sidewalk in front of their house overnight or park it overnight in the out exit of the chase parking lot across the street. When they park in the chase lot you can't get out that exit now.
Its a real eyesore when they park it on the sidewalk in front of the houses. Gives you that "nice" Indian/Caribbean Ozone Park/Jamaica feel to the neighborhood.
This has been going on for about bit. Complaints have been made to Dizzy Lizzy Crawly's office but as usual she has done nothing.
The cameraman went no where near his doors but the POS owner thinks he's justified in hitting the cameraman by saying he tried to go in the car.Tape doesn't lie. File a police report for assault and maybe this guy will learn that this isn't his old country with its frontier justice.
I'd check out a lawyer as well.
Everyone should call the company and ask to have the driver fired !
A police report has been filed and a hearing is planned with the taxi and limo com for other various offenses the folks at ecstasy limo do every day. This will be a new and different report with them.
Oh yeah, they also demanded we pave over our front and park our car like that as well. They were furious when we would not comply.
More power and all my respect to the cameraman for keeping his composure. Part of the motto at my dojo is "refrain from violent behavior" Been living by it for 20 years now. In this case it would've gone out the window the moment the fat a-hole touched the camera.
I hope your husband is ok! I bet it was seriously tough to keep his cool and continue filming.
I hope something comes of the police report and TLC hearing works out. Kudos to you for doing something about this BS!
Thanks. We think it's important to protect ourselves and also act on behalf of everyone these nuts victimize.
The police just pulled up to ecstasy limo to have a chat with the "gentleman" in the video.
@Leswamp please let us know what happens!
Is the guy in the video just a driver? or the owner?
Well the limo guy was his usual rational self from what we saw. The cops were not impressed. They gave him some papers that made him even less jovial and once the police left, (after a prolonged time period while the guy went nutso) the limo guy paced back and forth between our two houses before finally making the wiser choice of skulking back to his own house.
He claims to be the owner of the limo company but he's not. One of his relatives is. He also claims to own all the houses on our block, etc. He says a lot of things. Very few of which make sense or are true.
Wow! Power to the people! I hope the hearing goes well... hopefully the driver gets deported & EL is out of business!
The guy is bad news. He's harassed people at their own weddings, extorted riders for extra money in the middle of no where, you name it. He's a nightmare. I just wanted people to know before they unsuspectingly put their kids in a car with this psycho for their proms.
O'Neill's in Maspeth is the same way.
oneills is even worse because the cops do nothing
Limo company is now threatening Leswamp with lawsuits by sending e-mails....to me.
He's harassed people at their own weddings, extorted riders for extra money in the middle of no where, you name it.
I think that is a typical limo company tactic. I once rented a limo and the guy wanted us to pay another hour before we left to go home cause he insisted there was no way we would make it in time and we had to pay for another hour. I told him to drive and when the time was up he could leave us off wherever we were, even if it was the highway. We made it back in time.
Limo sleazeballs got video pulled from youtube. Here are new links. Thanks!
I'm so sorry these morons are bothering you. Threatening a lawsuit against an anonymous blogger. Morons.
Oh and for the record, I have never encouraged violence against the people of ecstasy limo in any form. I have merely described actual events and made them known to the public.
Every Saturday on my way to the Home Depot I see this limos from that company being illegally parked in that area. Not a smart move.
I think someone should report him to New York State DOT department - the license plate is in the video.
A facebook regarding ecstasy limo's track record has emerged if people are interested. (And if it's appropriate to post here.) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ecstasy-limo-public-menace/135883783149975#!/pages/Ecstasy-limo-public-menace/135883783149975?sk=wall
My mistake, sorry. New ecstasy limo consumer warning facebook is here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ecstasy-limo-public-menace/135883783149975
Thanks for keeping us updated!
I wonder if the cops hit the driver with a desk appearance ticket.
My grandson told me what's going on in the neighborhood. I am the previous owner of this property, due to my cancer I now live in a nursing home. From time to time I come to the neighborhood to do some shopping. This property is a shared party driveway, I don't understand the fuss between two civilized people who cannot live in harmony and harrassing each other, for what? When we're trying to make the world a better place. If they cannot get along, they should see the Rabbi or Clergyman for some hope and direction. If someone can put so much thought and energy over a parking, one can wonder what they could have done for the society if they had put their mind in a postive direction. I can only wish both neighbors a safe and harmonious future.
That's a beautiful thought but in order for 2 parties to get along both have to participate. Multiple attempts at cooperation were made in the beginning but ecstasy limo wasn't willing or able to try.
This one won't get taken down.
The video can be found at multiple links on you tube under "ecstasy limo" There's assault videos and other things.
Ecstasy limo wants to hide their criminal activity so they keep working to have the videos taken down, luckily people keep putting them back up.
The whole neighborhood hates those people. They are just trash!
Ecstasy Limo's newest game is to file false police reports against their neighbors constantly. Muttagi Harun is a danger to the entire community.
Another working link.
What a disgusting little cheap scumbag. I'd sure like for him to pull the "tough guy" act on me.
Just commenting to keep this thread fresh.
The police are on the block constantly because of this limo guy. He's such an ass.
Newest assault video link.
The limo company keeps trying to hide "Joey's" criminal activity but here's the newest link.
Latest link to video of the ecstasy limo driver attacking the home owner.
Here is a message the homeowner's family received from some crazy person (Marc Ebanz) speaking for ecstasy limo. The guy seems to have very little grasp of English but threatens the family with the mafia, etc. A really class act.
"Marc Ebanz: I know the owners of this limo service company ecstasylimo. You said this.. 9 days after the limo driver was arrested and an order of protection filed against him... So here is what I Understand some one put a restraining order on the limo driver first. then he made up a false statement and put a Restraining order on your brother am I correct? Thats all they did? You got off easy with them. Anyway that said
I will speak to you from my personnel experience with these people. I lived in New York City for a while I know ectasylimo they where my client-ail I wont get into why. They are not just in Queens there in all the borrows of NYC. The owner is at very good standing with me he don't forget what he owes me and he is always fair and offers the best for what he does and gives. I got credit with him for some rental time I may use one day in NYC when I visit again. If I need a ride I got a couple free ones always and he knows me and will always come through the owner likes me allot. Now let me say this there assholls from hell to who ever there enemy's are. If you cross them your not going to like it. There a Family company and I will repeat a FAMILY COMPANY if you don't know what that means I feel sorry as hell for you. You must not be from NYC or are clueless or something. It means they have Jobs on the side and the limo service is just upfront work. They are so up NYPDs ass and the cops wont do nothing for you at all in any borrow so don't think its just the 104. Ectasy is NYPDs you scratch my back I scratch yours club. Take in mind you are screwed with these people and don't be surprised you get bigger retaliation soon. They know where you live who you are and no restraining order will work. I seen your video you started to film there limo most likely doing there side jobs as I mentioned and you screwed up there. I would of never did that if I was you but you did and now its not good. My advice to you is leave New York or try a other borrow. Because you wont win and even when you retreat now there going to still hit you. Welcome to New York City try being more street smart next time."
Muttaqi Harun is now fighting with 3 separate neighbors on the block.
Limo company still trying to hide criminal behavior. New link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geUWVxhTdS8
Newest link to the assault "Joey" does not want you to see.
Ecstasy limo driver "Joey" Harun's latest pack of lies was exposed in court and the homeowner was meritoriously acquitted of them.
Isn't filing a false police report a crime, "Joey?"
Another link to the video "Joey" keeps trying to hide.
It amazes me that the criminals at ecstasy limo can't figure out, this video of "Joey" assaulting a homeowner will NEVER go away.
Joey is the owner.
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