Former Councilwoman Melinda Katz recently welcomed a second child into her life. Hunter Charles Katz was born nearly three months premature at Weill Cornell Medical Center on Feb. 24. The good news was tempered by the loss of Hunter’s twin.
“Most of my friends knew that I was pregnant with twins,” Katz said in a phone interview Tuesday. “It was a difficult pregnancy for a bunch of reasons. But in the end I gave birth to one beautiful little baby boy. The other one unfortunately did not survive.”
As for Hunter, you can attribute the name to ex-football player Fred Dryer for acting in one of Katz’s favorite TV shows – “Hunter,” which ran from 1984 to 1991.
Young Hunter was born at 3 lbs 3 oz, and as of Tuesday morning was up to 3 lbs, 14 oz., and expected to come home from the hospital in the next few days.
As Gatemouth put it: "New Litter for Katz Department: People we've already forgotten about are still reproducing. Is this timed to make us forget about the Hevesi sentencing?"
Maspeth Mom say....
Congratulations to Melinda on the birth of her beautiful son. I only hope that Hunter will provide happiness and console her on the loss of her other precious baby.
Since the babies aren't hers biologically, you have to wonder why she didn't just adopt. All that money gone to waste and it resulted in the death of one of the babies.
Maybe Alan's the father.
Who's the Mommy?
"Since the babies aren't hers biologically, you have to wonder why she didn't just adopt. All that money gone to waste and it resulted in the death of one of the babies."
Twisted and mean-spirited "logic".
"Since the babies aren't hers biologically, you have to wonder why she didn't just adopt."
I don't understand. Isn't she the Mom? was she impregnated by implanting sperms, or the old-fashion way?
How is this twisted and mean spirited logic? You have to physically give birth in order to be a mom? That's just stupid.
She had embryos from donor sperm AND donor eggs implanted inside her.
So many children out there without parents looking for homes, but MK needed to feel the kid kick inside her. Pretty selfish if you ask me.
"So many children out there without parents looking for homes, but MK needed to feel the kid kick inside her. Pretty selfish if you ask me."
No one asked you, that's the point. Some infertile people adopt, some go for the donor routine, some do both. You're being mean spirited because your blaming the demise of one of the twins on what you feel is her need to do it one way, as oppossed to the other. Even a "normal" pregnancy can end in a miscarriage. I don't like Melinda one bit and have never voted for her, but I wouldn't wish the loss of a child, even in utero, on anyone.
Who wished the loss of a child on her? She wouldn't have lost it if she adopted it. It's not hers biologically. What was the point of this? Then she has the nerve to bitch that IVF is not covered under many insurance plans? Go away.
Since the babies aren't hers biologically,..."
I'd suggest reading the whole article before commenting.
Like his brother, Hunter was conceived in vitro, and is a biological match for his brother; they share the same father donor, whose identity Katz has chosen to keep private.
I'd suggest doing more research before commenting. What you cited says nothing about the maternity of the child. Try this on for size:
"Having a baby is an important part of life," said Katz, who told ABCNews.com she saved her money and paid for the IVF herself. It took three failed tries, but the petite city counselor is now expecting a boy, with a donor egg and sperm, in June.
And then read the rest to gag some more. Melinda thinks insurance companies should be forced to pay for IVF. Never mind that it's expensive and technically not medical and would drive up costs for all those not electing to have it.
The genetic mother had her eggs harvested, fertilized in a dish, and from the living embryos, two of them made it to be implanted in Katz's uterus. This makes Katz what is called a "gestational mother". So she is involved in the birth of this child beyond mere financial payments. Nothing could have prevented her from using a donor uterus and adopting the children after they were born. I guess that can be considered as well.
If lips could talk...
Especially when you are 45 and the likelihood of carrying the pregnancy to term is diminished. Her first one was also born prematurely, her history made having a second one risky for both mother and children.
Use a turkey baster next time.
"Especially when you are 45 and the likelihood of carrying the pregnancy to term is diminished. Her first one was also born prematurely, her history made having a second one risky for both mother and children."
Why thank you Dr. Retardo.
Point 1: Melinda was carrying two children, and only gave birth to one. That sucks, and she has my sympathy.
Point 2: Health insurance companies should not be forced by law to cover these kinds of procedures. If they choose to, great, if not, do it on your own dime.
Point 3: Melinda's choice to have children this way is her business. She shouldn't make press releases out of it.
Point 4: Those commenting that her choice is somehow the cause of the demise of one of the twins are just sucky-ass juvenile butt wipes.
No, she made an informed choice. She knew the risks and consequences and she took them anyway. And if she doesn't want people commenting on this, she shouldn't be telling the world intimate details about her decisions.
"Having a baby is an important part of life," said Katz, who told ABCNews.com she saved her money and paid for the IVF herself.It took three failed tries, but the petite city counselor is now expecting a boy, with a donor egg and sperm, in June."
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One thing Katz is NOt is "petite:"
From Dictionary.com:
pe·tite /pəˈtit/ [puh-teet]
1. (of a woman) short and having a small, trim figure; diminutive.
There's a taint to this story.
Whether Katz has a baby or not, who gives a shit? The truth is that she a digusting person and even a worse elected official.
Maspeth Mom says....
I dont think they are being "mean spirited" - more like "Evil-hearted" if you cant find sympathy for a woman who carried a baby for 9 months and then lost it, I feel sorry for you. Either you are jealous, never had a baby or are just a plain miserable and cold hearted individual.
she didn't carry it for 9 months. she carried it for 6 because she wasn't supposed to be pregnant in the first place. that's what happens when you think you're smarter than God.
why did she need egg donor? i can see male sperm, due to she's gay..
"she didn't carry it for 9 months. she carried it for 6 because she wasn't supposed to be pregnant in the first place. that's what happens when you think you're smarter than God."
And that's the mean-spirited bullshit I was talking about. Thanks for proving me right.
And some day the little tot will grow up to be a real estate developer's lobbyist just like mom!
Cootchy, cootchy coo!
Methinks I smell a fouled diaper...phew!
How is it meansprited? She took a risk, and there were consequences. She's not a stupid woman, she knew what could have happened, and it did.
Methinks I smell a fouled diaper...phew!
Dinner is being served in the main dining room. If you're late, I'll put twice as much on your plate! Hearty appetite.
Maspeth Mom says....
Really... you think God punished her because she thought she was smarter than God? How so... by using medical technology that was available to her??? You are the consumate A-hole. Go to church and pray for forgiveness...from your loving God.
No, I didn't say God punished her. I said she played God and bad things happen when people try to do that. If she had adopted one of the hundreds of thousands of children in the country that were already born alive, the child would have a home, Melinda would still be a mom, and there would be no dead baby. Get it?
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