I was in a pizza shop last week eating lunch when a fellow came up to me and asked me if I spoke Spanish. I replied that I did not. He then handed me this flier and in English told me he was representing a drug and alcohol treatment program and asked if I would donate money to the cause in return for a T-shirt bearing the logo of the place. Now, soliciting inside eating establishments was the first shady sign. The second shady sign was the fact that this alleged drug treatment center is in Corona and the pizza shop I was dining in was in Manhattan. So when I got home, I looked up the address and phone number.

The address belongs to a residence and the phone is connected to something called "Jovenes 24 Hrs AD Inc." which appears nowhere on the flier.
Draw your own conclusions.
Thats a lot of garbage in front of that place what ever it is.
which means that there are a lot of residents living there. I say at least 12 people...
check nyc.gov
$2500. in fines not paid,$2130. in fines paid.
second address of owner is 147-20 hillside ave. jamaica ,queens
Send the flyer to the AG's office.
Note the house next to it has a for sale sign!
if you google the name ,it states the two hispanic men's names directing . and that it is a drug and alcohol rehab. venture for spanish immigrants. 1-4 employees?
Jóvenes 24 Hrs. A.D. Inc (J24) is a community-based nonprofit organization committed to helping the underprivileged, minority, immigrant and indigent population of New York who suffer from the disease of alcoholism and substance abuse recover from the disease and gain the skills they need to lead full and productive lives.
40% of reported income comes from fees/dues/income
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