The complaint that led to the DOB inspection was logged at 11:49AM yesterday: “CALLER STATES THAT NEW ZONING LAW HAS BEEN ESTABLISH YESTERDAY FOR CARROLL GARDEN AREA THEY ARE BUILDING UP TO 70 FT WHEN IN THISARE YOU ONLY ALLOW TO GO AS FAR AS 55 FEET PLEASE INSPECT.” An inspector found that only 20 percent of the foundation was complete and that the building was not vested under the old zoning. He issued a Stop Work Order, except for a railing to be placed around the excavation.
Congratulations, Carroll Gardens, and what your community made happen let no developer tear asunder.
We all now owe Carroll Gardens and community tuition for their vivid lesson in controlling their own neighborhood and future.
If more people were knowledgable about zoning laws and a little more proactive, there wouldn't be half the eyesores that there are.
If people like Dr. Kroessler, Eichenbaum & Co. had a real pair,
the Queens preservation community would be kicking ass instead of writing books, conducting tours and compiling a multitude of busy-work studies!
Maybe a good shot of vitamin B12
is needed to activate these
lethargic self absorbed egotists!
LOL. This building will obviously be vested. All it means is that the community will have to deal with a longer construction timespan
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