All eyes on Queens Senate race
Instead of a national stage, this one plays out in a little corner of Queens, and the candidates squabble over water rates, property taxes, and remediating local school sites.
But the outcome of the state Senate race between Republican incumbent Frank Padavan and Democrat Jim Gennaro will have a huge impact on New York City's future That's because Republicans hold a slender two-vote lead in the state Senate, and Democrats, who have been gunning for years to take over the chamber, say this is their year, and are promising to end Albany's stranglehold on the city.
"Take out your wallet and look in it," said Gennaro, currently a city councilman from Fresh Meadows. "After the Senate changes, you'll have more money in it."
"The local little league will no longer have to scrape by," said Evan Stavisky, a Democratic consultant. "The nature of politics is that the party in the majority has a better chance to secure things for their district. Democratic districts will benefit, and all but one or two districts in the Senate will be Democratic."
Little leagues might also have enough cash on hand now since Stavisky political rabbi Brian McLaughlin is going to jail for stealing $90,000 from them.
Sorry, Jim, we know better and we're not buying your schpiel.
"The local little league will no longer have to scrape by," said Evan Stavisky, a Democratic consultant"
If Genarro is stupid enough to hire turd weasel Even Stavisky AND let him speak to papers on his behalf, then he's unfit for office.
I was on the fence on this once but Frank Padavan can rest assured he has my vote. Just say no to Staviskys and their pals.
Sounds like fat Evan will be the only one to have more money is his fat wallet.
And say hello to Padavan and Maltese's friends? Great logic.
Evan Stavisky's Parkside got 60,000 from Brian McLaughlin's Central Labor Council. Did any of that money go back to sticky fingers criminal Brain? He has admited he stold everything else including the Kitchen Sink.
Stavisky is a crime wave in government how can he still be running campaigns?
Giannoulis himself has enjoyed his own patronage perks. In 1998, he was appointed by former council leader Peter Vallone to the city's taxi commission. The following year, Giannoulis was listed as the intermediary for some $10,000 worth of contributions from taxi industry figures to Vallone's failed mayoral campaign.
Gennaro would be the worst thing that could happen to our neck of the woods. Jim is forever talking out of both sides of his mouth, he will fund little league and other non controversial items, have 25 pictures every time he walks in a room and then double cross his constituents if their needs don't coincide with his and contributors agenda. Case in point claim to be an ardent opponent of the Saint John's dorm while accepting campaign contributions from dozen of developers including the developer/ builder of the dorm! Commission a study about the Jamaica up zoning plan and vote against your own study's findings because developers have more $$$.Let's find ways of funding little league that don't involve dirty money or it could be the most expensive league in history!
Sounds like just about every other elected official in the city. It's a skill called tweeding.
According to that Citizens Union study, one of the City Council’s most prolific advertisers with public money is James Gennaro of Queens.
His spokeswoman, Lee Landor, emailed over this reaction to the report:
"We do not believe that our ads are excessive. Additionally, all of our ads provide our constituents with our district office information so that anyone who has questions or concerns can easily reach us. These ads make us even more accessible to our constituents and assist in making it known that we're here and available to them.
Gennaro on the taxpayer payroll all his life, thinks he is entitled to our money and government functions only for him and his friends.
He agreed to pay a $2,000 fine for asking a Council staff member to volunteer on his re-election campaign.
He acknowledge that I should have known that a District Office computer, printer and paper were used on non-City time for the non-City purpose of composing and printing a campaign letter.”
Bayside Times eported last thurs. that he took over 20k from a very large local developer, I hope one of the little league fields won't make for a good condo project, because the LL will lose.
I guess Councilman Gennaro will be sharing some of the money he gets from developers with the rest of his district members. Look at his contributors on Campaign Financial Discolsure - NYS Board of Elections. If it were not for real estate developers and trade unions he would have all of $50.00 for his Senate run. He sold us out on the St. John's University Henley Rd. Campus project by taking money from the Kamali Organization and H2H. What's next? Wise up voters - an educated voter is the last person on earth Councilman Gennaro wants to meet.
I think there was an articel that said Gennaro used his member items funds to pay his son in law 50,000 from a non profit
Why is that?
Is Jimmy "the gent" Gennaro going to open his wallet and share some of his developers' kick back money with me?
Jim Gennaro is a big contradiction!
1. Claims to be working on closing the community facilities loophole abuses while accepting thousands and thousands of dollars from developers.
2. Chairs the environmental protection committee and votes against congestion pricing
3. Commissions a study on the Jamaica up zoning; disregards the findings and his constituent’s wishes and votes to up zone.
The list goes on and on consistently voting against the best interest of the community.
As if that part of Queens isn't in enough trouble already - all it needs is Gennaro! The guy is a nitwit with a chip on his shoulder, and a hefty ego (Heaven only knows why) who likes to have his picture taken. He would be a disaster as a Senator.
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