Ladies and gentlemen, the Western Queens Republican dog-and-pony show only rolls into town during the rare months leading up to few-and-far-between competitive elections. Don't miss out on the free smoke detectors! (Be forewarned that they may go off during the meeting as these 2 try to blow smoke up your ass.)
How many thousands of taxpayer dollars did it cost to mail out color fliers for this event from Albany and City Hall to district residents and take out ads in the newspapers?
The official campaign slogan for the Como-Maltese November ticket: "Quick, look busy!"
Gee, can anyone ever remember Serf Maltese putting on a town meeting in his 18-plus years as our State Senator? What happened you ask? He finally has a serious challenger after Albert Baldeo shocked everyone and almost knocked off the asleep-at-the-wheel Maltese two years ago. Maltese finally had to get off his ass and actually appear like he's doing something.
What a great time to hold a serious town meeting, in the middle of summer. Look for this traveling comedy show to go to other neighborhoods as this 75-year old has been tries to fool us for another term.
Will Melinda and Paris Hilton going to be there? No? I'm not going., I want substance.
Leave Maltese alone, without his birthday greetings and other unnecessary mailings the post office would have an even bigger deficit.
I'm not sure what you are complaining about here. They shouldn't have a community meeting?
Best Headline in a long time.
Should we bring money in case Maltese is selling some of his wife's plates to raise campaign funds? Also, some money to pay off Como's DOB fines?
"I'm not sure what you are complaining about here. They shouldn't have a community meeting?"
There's another confused voter. Doesn't know the difference between a campaign event and a Town Meeting.
Hey, commenter: When did this ignorant, lazy politician ever show up before in 18 years to learn the needs and concerns of the electorate. When was the last time he walked among the voters, chatting and getting to know what people think?
Dump this moron and his lackey Como.
Elect Addabbo or Baldeo. Make them all compete for your vote and then dump Maltese and Como anyway, just to demonstrate that you're the boss.
What have Maltese or Como done for you? How is your life better with them, instead of either Addabbo or Baldeo?
Take care of your own self-interest now, dump the dummies.
But you must be a registered voter, and, here's a big surprise for some: you must actually vote. Both are simple, easy steps.
You have 96 days.
Anybody gonna count how many photos the snap?
ever try calling maltese's office with a problem? i rest my case.
"I'm not sure what you are complaining about here. They shouldn't have a community meeting?"
Hey genius Maltese staffer, after you're finished wiping the Senator's butt take a look in the mirror and ask yourself what really are Maltese's priorities. If you're honest your list will be: Maltese, Maltese and Maltese, in that order. Of course Como's is food, Como and Como.
After totally neglecting his constituency and the Queens GOP for over a decade Maltese is now worried about self preservation, his reelection. So what should he do? Call a town meeting and pretend he is concerned and outraged over the state of the community.
Nice going Senator. Too little too late.
Maltese has done nothing for years; just read in the Queens Chronicle that Baldeo sees his mission as serving immigrants; so I'll go with Addabbo this year.
Does Maltese have Parkinson's Disease? He had an awful lot of visible tremors last night. He had them exactly one year ago when he deigned to buy lunch at a German (God forbid!) delicatessan on Eliot Avenue and I confronted him about his groundless firing of Elizabeth Lawlor, the best principal that Christ the King Regional High School ever had.
If he's physically infirm, he should be removed from office in Albany AND at CK, which he and Ognibene have continued to ruin throughout the years, including the Internet sale of pornography on the premises of the high school's former convent (an abomination if ever there were one).
"Fat" Tony and "senile" Serph....
ought to be quite a show!
Half the crowd left 20 minutes into the meeting last night because of inept planning. It was 150 degrees in the OLH auditorium. The organizers could have held it in the cafeteria, which as a great AC system.
The questions and answers were dumb and the moderators, clueless.
What a waste of time!
The worst meeting I ever attended.
The worst meeting I ever attended.
me too
Bet they still took lots of photos. Can't wait to see local coverage or should I say Press Release.
So bad couldn't even laugh at them. Depressing, depressing.
I agree, Elizabeth Lawlor was the best principal of Christ the King High School. Since Liz was removed the place has gone down the tubes.
Thanks Mr. Maltese. I hope we can pay you back at the polls in November by puling the lever for your opponent.
Elizabeth Lawlor for city council!
Even though Ms. Lawlor ran a tight ship we respected her because she genuinely cared about us. It's a shame what's going on there now.
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